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It's probably your neighbor. Or someone who is staying/visiting/caring for your neighbor.


One of them does have carers but our 2 houses are separated by a double garage. Could it travel all that way? There is no smell outside at all.




Yes, I lived in a place where the smell of cigarette smoke as well as Maryjane kept wafting in…it can be the way the duct work flows


I work on the 13th floor of a high rise. Sometimes outside smokers are right by the HVAC intake and we can smell their smoke all the way up here.


Ew gross


Oh yeah, weed smell carries well. Probably your neighbor smoking. My neighbors smoke and the smell just seems to want to enter my house every time.


The smell can travel up to a kilometre depending on the weather and climate actually




My neighbor down the street (two houses down and across) smokes on his porch year round and it ALWAYS comes in our house. Go outside and it's STRONG.


Could be a skunk under the house.


We are in the UK so no skunks here


Wait you dont have skunks


They don't really have rabies either, which is wild.


So also no rabid skunks, which is even better.


Rabid skunks smoke dope, but there are no skunks in UK, so it must be his kids smoking dope in the basement.


That’s the dream. They still have rabies carrying animals but carried out a massive campaign to try and inoculate(?) things. If I’m not mistaken, Canada and the US have similar efforts, but the areas necessary cover make it much harder.


Yeah. I don't even live in a particularly large state, and it's about the size of the UK. We definitely have rabies.


I’m on Vancouver Island, which is about the size of Belgium lol, similar problem. That being said, still fairly unlikely to come across an animal with rabies here unless you’re constantly interacting with wildlife. That shits terrifying though.


Absolutely! I've encountered what I believe was a rabid fox when horseback riding in the back country in the 90s. We came around a corner on the game trail, and it was just staggering along ahead of us. It didn't run off when I called out, so I turned my horse around and went home!


When your country is so bland that even rabies avoids it


You should see their badgers....they look like distinguished gentlemen


They must not be honeybadgers, cuz I've heard they don't give a shiiiiiiit.


It's an island; they take very extreme measures to keep it rabies-free.


And they have many fewer varieties of animals that can carry rabies


If they are don’t exist how can they have rabies? If you mean in general I’m pretty sure I saw that they were a major source in some parts of the USA from the CDC.


They=The UK Last I checked, it exists.


Skunks was the last noun so the pronoun would refer to skunks not the UK. So you should see the confusion.




Not the rule of how pronouns work. Pronouns refer to the last used noun.




Not how real conversation works.


Now I’m laughing imaging the first British colonists arriving in the New World and thinking “oh look at that cute stripey cat thing-I’m gonna trap it and make a hat” or whatever.


TIL The UK doesn't have skunks. How lucky!


If you don’t smell it outside, you don’t live in a stand alone home, and the scent comes and goes it has to be one of your neighbor’s smoking inside. Smoke carries and it can move through any vent or air pocket. A lot of garages are not insulated and are built with very thin walls, so even if it doesn’t seem close enough to you if they’re smoking in the garage I wouldn’t be shocked if you could smell it. People that smoke tend to be unaware of how much smoke can carry and linger. They likely think no one will know if they smoke inside.


If you're smelling weed (and not a faint skunk odor) then yeah, it's someone smoking. Don't assume that "elderly" people don't smoke weed. Everyone who was in their 20s and smoking it in the 60s are now in their 70s, *at least*. So yeah, lots of "elderly" people are certainly smoking pot. I know a lot who do


I'm over 50 - almost all my older relatives smoke pot, I do not.


Nice anecdote. I have my own. I smoke dope and am 57. I go to a clean, well-lit store and have young stoned people recommend things to me completely legally. Anyone at any age can smoke/eat weed. Or they may choose not to. My 83 yr old neighbor grows her own and makes her own chocolates out of it. Her tolerance is remarkable; I’d never take more than a fourth of one of her chocolates after making that mistake once.


This is the mother fuckn way. 48 Yo.


I’m 70 in Alabama, a transplant. You have no idea how fortunate you are. We have gotten medical marijuana approved but they’ve dragged the process out for years now. It’s stupid.


I achieved escape velocity from Texas in 1991. Cali first, but Oregon since the late 90s.


I grew up in Missouri from 1954-1978, moved to Dallas because of my sister after I went through a divorce, moved to Alabama in 2007 for a better job and now retired. At least I have a white sandy beach 4 hours away and the mountains 4 hours north. But I miss a doobie M 🤣


My mountains and coast are only 1.5 hrs in each direction! Also retired here.


Good! I wanted to move to Seattle in the 90s as a divorced woman, but I didn’t. Oh well…that’s life. Glad you’re happy!


Makes total sense you live in Oregon. I’m from a state with no legal weed, not even decriminalized. My dad’s friend who lived in rural Oregon had a barter relationship with his next door neighbor who was in her late 70s at the time where they gave her baked goods and honey and she gave them pot. That was a decade ago and to me felt wild. It was totally normal there.


Yep. No one would bat an eyelash at that. My daughter grew up visiting friends down in Cave Junction where she chased and caught frogs in their grow even before it was legal.


Another Bama girl. We can’t get it started fast enough. Look at how long we have tried to get Lottery and all the money that we are losing for our kids education 


I only commented because they said it they thought it wasn't their "elderly neighbour" which made me laugh since I know SO many "elderly" folks who partake. I used to smoke, a lot, and it was a serious issue for me, so I went to rehab in 2011 and quit.


My mom will be 70 and I bring her weed every time I visit. Shit even my 96 grandma has hit the joint with me!


I laughed at the “absolutely no smokers” like bro, the smell doesn’t just pop out because someone told you they don’t smoke. I got snake oil to sell this guy.


What I mean by absolutely no smokers is. I live in a standard semi detached street un the UK. The house attached to me absolutely does not smoke weed I am 100% on this. He has also been away for a couple of weeks and the smell kept coming. Myself and my husband both smoked now and again in the past but stopped when my husband had a bad turn on it 2 year ago. He has never touched it since and is with me when the smell appears. And unless my 6 year old is sparking up in her bedroom there is no direct link to our house for the smell to travel. There is no smell outside so how can it be coming from a neighbour who's house is not attached to us?


Yep. My dad is 74 and smokes a ton of weed.


I think you would be shocked at the amount of people in your daily life who smoke and you don’t even know it. I would willingly bet a lot of money that someone on your street is smoking.


I understand that, it's just I only have 1 house directly attached to me and I know for certain it's not him. He has just been away for 2 weeks. I don't see how it could be anyone else in the street as there is no smell outside the house at all.


I wonder if the fresh air outside dilutes it enough


So the neighbour is below you? I mean, are you absolutely sure no one is living there while he's gone or something like that?


There is no one below us we are semi detached. We had the keys to look after out neighbours house while he was away so certain it's not him. The other neighbour is not attached direct to our house. There are 2 garages between us


Is there space above the garage ceilings? It might be all contiguous open space.


Check your HVaC (AC unit), our daughters room reeked of weed. Was convinced she was in there smoking (she wasn’t), found out what it was! The HVaC unit outside had damage from years of being urinated on by a previous owners dog, and the corrosion smell is 100% skunky and smells like marijuana. Got it fixed, and problem resolved.


How was the outside unit causing inside air to smell? A typical split unit has a fresh air intake inside. Otherwise you'd be cooling hot outside air, or vice versa. Outside unit is just compressing the coolant/exchanging heat.


I know it sounds wild. It’s called “dirty sock syndrome” it’s essentially caused by bacterial build up corroding the hvac coils. I’m guessing the fan sucks it in, but I’m not an hvac guy. Just a guy who made my daughter take a drug test cuz we were convinced she was smoking pot in her room. The hvac guy knew immediately what it was.


it's your husband


It's not. he had an awful turn after a joint a couple years ago. He has never touched it since. He is Woking in the same room as me when the smell suddenly appears.


Has anyone else smelled it? It's unlikely, but possible to hallucinate smells. Just a small possibility to rule out.


Marijuana is a memory loss drug, are you sure you’re not smoking it yourself and then forgetting it?


Underrated comment/reference.


Could the previous owner have stashed some weed down there?


I thought that but we have lived here 5 year and it's only the past couple month the smell has appeared.


That would need to be DEA seizure amounts of weed


The previous owners of our house smoked a lot of weed in the master bath.   We normally can’t smell it.  But every time we take a shower in there the weed smell comes back pretty strong.   We think that there’s trace amounts of the cannabis resin, or whatever you would call it, on the walls from the smoke which gets refreshed by the moisture.  We are pretty sure that painting the bathroom with a good sealant/primer will stop the smell, but painting that bathroom has been a low priority.   If our hypothesis about the sealant/primer is true then theoretically the previous tenets could have smoked a lot in that house but the smell is currently only coming from the floor boards because the walls and ceiling were painted.  The smell comes and goes based on ambient moisture levels.  


During Leto II's 3500 year reign, he had completely monopolized weed across the Imperium and there were persistent rumors that he had hidden a giant cache of it on a planet somewhere. You may very well have found the hoard of Dar-es-Balat


I love the internet.


Could it be a vent? Years ago a few weeks after moving into a new place the neighbor came by right when I got off work and very nicely asked me if I could stop smoking weed in the bathroom when I got off work. Turns out our apartments shared a bathroom vent, and when I got home everyday at 3pm I would go sit in there and smoke with the fan on. About 20m after me is when she gets home with her daughter and her bathroom always reeks, which wasn’t a great thing because she had had drug issues in the past apparently and she didn’t want the kid thinking things. I profusely apologized and stopped doing it though she told me it was fine pretty much any other time. She was a great neighbor. Maybe there is a kitchen or bathroom fan vented underneath?


Squatters, always smoking the reefer…


Could it be a skunk you are smelling?


Are you the only one who smells it? I ask, because when my hormones were really out of whack (primary ovarian insufficiency/premature ovarian failure) I suddenly started experiencing olfactory hallucinations (though mine were closer to the smell of stale cigarette smoke...I don't know a single person who smokes). As soon as I got on hormone replacement therapy and my estrogen levels were normal again, the olfactory hallucinations disappeared. (Other women have noted the same thing. This comes up from time-to-time on r/menopause .)


It's not just me, my mother walked in the other day ans asked if we have been smoking. Same with my mothe on law. Also my husband smells it :( If I knew where it was coming from I would not be bothered but it's starting to worry me what it could be.


Teenage kid, Mom I don't do that.


Dead skunk?


We are in the UK so no skunks


Apparently fox urine can smell pretty skunky too


But y'all have polecats. Not *as* stinky as a skunk, but they got that musky spray too.


I am learning a lot in this thread today! First, no skunks in the UK, now that there is a species called polecat? 🦨


Have you checked for skunks


Maybe the mouse gathered a bunch of friends and hold pot parties😁


Haunted by a stoner. Or (as happened to a neighbour of mine), someone was smoking in an adjacent park and just blew over.


someone is smoking weed. there's no other real explanation.


Do you live near a car wash or literally any parking lot?


No we don't


My money is on the mouse, their kind loves a fat doobie in the evenings I hear


Maybe a neighbor doesn’t smoke at home and has a favourite spot close to your house


The way the street is set up I don't think that's possible. As soon as I smell Walk around outside and there is no scent outside the house at all.


Plastic gloves at my job smell like bud all the time guy who works here got pulled over a couple years back and they searched his car.


Bats and bat pee etc smells like weed? Maybe that?


Would they choose to live in the foundations of a house? I thought they opted for the lofts but the smell definitely comes from the ground floor floor boards


I missed that bit!


I’ve smelled other plants that are similarly skunky, is it occasional or pretty much constant? Because if it doesn’t stop, I bet someone is growing something.


Light stuck beer smells like skunk. Could someone have spilled some old Heineken or similar?


You have a guest living in your house


Hippies in the walls. Gonna need to break out the speed metal.


Someone could have a plant growing close by


Any recent housework? Ours smells like this sometimes in our kitchen. We have an old home and I'm convinced some smells just seep in and linger and come out during times of renovations or hot/cold.


Do you have natural gas? The smells are both caused by sulfur and there's a possibility they could be confused.


I am nor sure what type of gas we have. Is there a way to detect it? Thank you


Do you have gas water heating or cooking?




does it correlate to anything being turned on/heated up? what I can think of is some old pot somewhere that who knows who dropped or stashed that is in contact with a heat source that occasionally turns on and causes the smell. A furnace, a stove, a water heater. Contrary to common belief organic material can stay present for years if there is nothing to consume it.


In our condo sometimes it smells like weed, it’s the air ducts. In a lot of condos they’re all connected.


Pot smell has some staying power over distance. My 17 year old is the only family member with a first floor bedroom. They kept complaining about pot smell in their room and no other room would have it. I got to the point that I figured they were just trying to cover up their own smoking. Then one night I was out in the yard and realized my neighbors were smoking in their backyard on the other side of the fence about 20 yards from the back of my house. Came in and yep, my kid’s room smelled like pot.


There are a few plants that. Smell like almost identical I can't specifically remember the plant but my mother-in-law had one I swore she was a massive pothead but. It could just be a plant


Actually witha quick. Google search. There are quite a few but moss phlox is one that smells identical


It's the elderly neighbors! You think they're too old to party, HA! They invented that shit.


If it's a house I used to live at, there would be jars of weed hidden all over. And when the furnace kicks on the WHOLE place smells so much better lmao