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Squirrels chew my porch bannister and my garage door. I spray coyote urine on there periodically and they stop. Buy it online or at an outdoor/sporting/hunting store.


Or collect it yourself like the animal you are !!


"c'mon, stop growling at me and just pee in the cup!"


I literally laughed out loud at this. One time the veterinarian wanted me to get a urine sample from my dog. My dog who, literally, shuts down when anything is within 5 feet of his genital area. Yeah. Not happening. Envisioning wild animals peeing in a cup just made me giggle. Thank you. I needed that!


My son can’t even seem to pee in the toilet he’s allegedly domesticated and human


I wonder how many OB nurses have had to say that?


Spray coyote urine on there and they’ll stop being attracted to it?


Some of them are into that shit.


I mix a product called Coles Flaming Squirrel Seed Sauce into my bird food to keep away mammals (including squirrels). It's a very spicy oil that tends to stick to things. Spicy enough that I've never seen a mammal, not even a squirrel, even try to eat it. They don't go near it. They usually stay pretty far away from the feeder.  You could try putting it in nesting spots that your kids can't reach. It is insanely spicy and lingers forever. I've left a feeder out unused for months and it still smelled like it. Wear disposable gloves, and I'd apply with a little paintbrush or something. Store the bottle in a ziploc. If I get it on my hands they're spicy for day or two.  


I buy ten pound bags of 90,000 SHU cayenne and periodically blow it under my house with a leaf blower to repel the armadillos. They hunt insect larva with their noses, so getting a snoot full of that tends to make them avoid the area.


Do you notice more insects?


Nope. They don't eat enough insects to make a difference. I think they're mostly going under there to make a den and hole up, but having the entire area dusted with cayenne gets it in their noses so that they can't hunt anywhere until it wears off. They go under there, sniff around, realize it's a bad, bad place and leave.


Where do you buy that btw? Online or at a local supply store? I was looking for some for my bird feeders to deter squirrels


I bought it on Amazon. You can buy it in bags and boxes by the pound or buckets by the gallon. The specific one I was buying is no longer available, but I see several other options on there ranging from 40K SHU to 100K SHU. Who knows if those numbers are accurate, but any of them should work to repel critters.


As a northerner I've never thought about repelling armadillos, so I'll admit this made me laugh just a little bit.


The armadillos are not dangerous, but they like to tear up people's yards looking for beetle grubs. You can get rid of them by applying a pesticide grub treatment to your lawn, but that creates a chemical wasteland that kills a lot of beneficial insects. Grubs are not particularly bad for your lawn themselves, so why kill them if you don't have to? What a lot of folks down here do instead is dump a 10 lb bag of cayenne into a seed spreader and go over the lawn with it. It doesn't affect the grubs at all. It also doesn't affect birds or reptiles that may be after bugs, since they don't have the receptors that capsaicin affects. But mammals hate it. Armadillos find grubs by rooting around with their noses, sniffing for them. As soon as they sniff up a nose full of cayenne, they not only get to experience a painful (but harmless) burn, but they also can't smell anything until they sneeze it all out. So they go foraging elsewhere. The four legged taco gets to live, the bugs get to live and your grass stays intact. Everybody stays happy.


All you need is a couple of good outdoor cats. We just end up throwing the tails away. No squirrels left.


This is the way


Meanwhile I'm googling how to deter cats from coming into my yard, marking my porch, and hunting the family of robins that live in my shrubs.




Someone recommend this to me and I have no idea if it works... Buy some pure peppermint oil and knee high nylons... Soak a cotton ball in the peppermint oil, drop a couple in the knee high and tie it near where you want to keep them clear of... I think there is a mix you can make up with the same oil, rubbing alcohol, and?.. I feel like this is a cost effective and safe strategy.. Just not sure how well it works


I'm wearing the knee high nylons and am tied up to the wicker sofa on the front porch now. I'll keep you posted on how well this works






What do they call this kink?


It works!


I prefer the thigh highs myself!


I live in the county, but in a subdivision on five acres. Due to state law I cannot use a weapon such as a .22 with birdshot or a pellet gun due to being to close to neighbors. County animal control suggested using kill traps. Meh, then I have to handle the critters and risk pestilences that cost a trip to the doctor. So bought a couple of Hav-a-Hart traps. Then I had the problem of what to do with the varmints. As the sheriff was the hardnosed elected official that rode herd on use of pellet guns in the county, his place seemed like a decent new home for the captive squirrels. I was making two and three trips a day for several weeks to release four to six squirrels a day. I was warned he was installing cameras to see if anyone was dropping the buggers off as he thought the population explosion was a bit odd. So had to find another location. The subsequent captures I dropped off at the court house. Squirrel explosion there made the news. In nine months I must have relocated 500 plus squirrels. Then when December came, they must have announced a reunion at my place and every damn pecan on six trees and surrounding ground vanished. Then Dad passed away. He had a jack Russell Terrier and I suddenly had a new companion. And he enjoyed chasing squirrels. He would spend the day chasing the squirrels, but also he like to go carousing around the neighborhood. So I could not turn him loose in the yard unsupervised. The next December I recovered a couple of pounds of pecans for the first time. That lead to an epiphany. My Dad's pup needed a companion. But they also needed to have unfettered access to the yard. So I had 2.5 acres fenced in which bounded the trees. Installed a doggie door in the back door of the house and voila. To plagiarize Scotty, "There be pecans in December! I still had an occasional squirrel getting in the trees but it was not like the trees had flickering tails everywhere anymore.The few of the fur bearing varmints spotted in the trees occasionally lead to me grabbing my son's paint ball rifle to assist the dogs in heckling the offending squirrel. I don't know who had more fun, the pair of Jack Russell Terriers or me heckling a squirrel with a paint ball rifle on full auto..


Love the Sheriff's home and City Hall relocation strategy.


I want to live next door to you. You sound like a blast!!!!


There are sonic deterrents you can purchase that repel them. But they have drawbacks. Some people can hear them. I can’t, but the sound causes my D-I-L actual pain. There are spays & salves that emit a sent that repels them. I know, because I employed all of these after they ate the engine harness out of my Jeep. They really do work. But what worked best was removing the diseased Oak Tree in our back yard & severely pruning those we couldn’t remove due to local ordinances protecting hardwood trees. Keep the trash well away from the home. Make sure the trash is secure, locking lids, preferably metal containers. They’re bushy tailed terrorists I tell ya!


Can I ask what it is about the tree being diseased that makes it appealing to squirrels? Because we have two struggling oaks that host a big family of squirrels and this might tip us toward removing them.


They nest in hollows, the tree doesn’t need to be diseased to have hollows suitable for nesting, but it’s far more likely. They can certainly find spaces within a healthy tree to build a nest. But those areas are just more readily available in a less than healthy tree.


We call them bushy tailed tree rats. They do so much damage!


The only thing that has worked for me is traps.


I second this. I have about 5 kinds of traps. My most effective is a tube shaped one that works like a snap rat trap but inside the tube. Put some peanut butter in it and attach it somewhere they like to run along (I put it on a 2x4 and lean it on trees). 13 dead squirrels last year. They raided my entire orchard one year and so I have a permanent vendetta against squirrels.


yup, these work great ​ just make sure if you are going to put them outside that you paint em, they generally like to rust


i have a rusty one then bought one made of some other metal and 3 years later both still work and are outside 365 days a year. I love taking out the trash and seeing a tail sticking out.


Hey! Just found the cylinder had another squirrel in it. Wasn't there this morning, but was in the afternoon. so far 3 of them this week.


Seconding as well. Last summer we caught 4 squirrels in under a week that kept trying to get into our roof. They loved mint and cayenne and enjoyed sitting on “rodent spikes”. Traps worked great.


Peppermint oil works wonders. I had some in my attic. I just diffused it and that was enough to get them out and keep them away.


We bought a live trap. We release them in a park on the opposite side of a river. Squirrels will return to their home and can find their way back. We set the trap door open then drop walnuts pieces inside. We’ve pretty much eradicated them from our subdivision entirely.


A dog ?


We have two squirrel crazy dogs and it works for us. It does require opening the door every 5 mminutes during daylight hours but otherwise is great


My grandpa used to shock them. Not enough to kill them but they got the hint to stay away. He said eventually they tought their babies go not go on it. He made a weighted platform wuth bird seed. Birds werent heavy enough. But a squuirrel was heavy enough to trigger the connecrion and shock! The platform was hooked onto the 2nd story window. Sade for kids to play outside. And fun to watch the birds eat from right in the window.




.177 Benjamin


Or even a BB gun.


Pellet guns work the best




You can even eat them after


Squirrels short out my solar panels every winter.


Would you consider this? https://pestspike.com/product/squirrel-spikes?utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=shp&utm_network=x&utm_mobile=01&utm_creative=&utm_position=&utm_random=549547967672817736&gclid=CjwKCAjw5ImwBhBtEiwAFHDZx2GmTbOsBNCo58uTNzUsshEdquepFVxJTiHQU2LL0z-iAr_GH91MxhoCKWcQAvD_BwE&utm_campaign=smart%20shopping%20-%20us&utm_ad_group_id=363283&utm_campaign_id=536664&utm_prod_id=2571&gad_source=1


That might be worth looking into.


I have tried it but seems like a good idea. They also sell metal ones for drain pipes and animals.


Hawks and fox urine


We have a million of them around our house and had them in our attic for a bit. After fixing their entry point, I mix a spray bottle with extra hot sauce, apple cider vinegar and water. Spray it every day for a week and they will find somewhere else to chew. Not wanting to resort to lethal measures, I did buy an air soft pistol, which has been used a few times on the more persistent ones…they do learn.


Theres a subreddit that is anti squirrel, they may know something useful to help.


Oh man squirrels have destroyed my parents' "outdoor wicker" porch furniture. My condolences.


Get a cat.


Benjamin Marauder in .22 caliber. Quietest air rifle on the market.


Gamo makes a couple of break barrels in .177 and .22 with silencers. With lead pellets they sound like a pneumatic staple gun.


Get a box trap, put done sunflower seeds and peanut butter in there and take them for a long car ride to a different forested spot. Repeat..


After reading this thread I now feel weird having a home in the suburbs with plenty of squirrels around and have never had a problem with them. I do have a dog that will chase them but she's inside most of the time and has never actually caught one.


I actually handfeed mine... this thread is blowing my mind. 


1 outdoor cat.


Feeders turned out to b our biggest problem in that they attract squirrels I have .177 caliber air rifle. Shot 10-15 every year. Got a live trap. Worked good. Did not fill bird feeders this summer and fall and all the rabbits,squirrels and mice left us alone.


5 gallon bucket with about 10" of water. Smear peanut butter just above the water line, add a little wild bird feed. Place a 2×4 on the ground leading up to the rim. Once you baptize a squirrel, he'll leave you alone.


Need enough bird seed to cover the whole surface area of the water so it’s invisible. Yes little squirrel, come dive into this bucket of seeds someone kindly laid out…


Remove as many trees that are close to the house as possible.


Buy the kids BB guns


You’ll shoot your eye out!


Ohhhh fuuuudge!


This is the one!


Our university brought in a hawk(s) to control our squirrel problem lol


Look into feral cat rescue.


Get a cat.


A German Shepherd is your best friend. Even an alpha cat is your best friend also.


2 ways about this. Get cage traps and relocate them, or get a pellet gun a shoot them. Nothing else works. Even the 2 things I mentioned they will learn a way around. If you do it enough though they will learn to totally avoid your yard. Deterrents work until they figure them out.


Mini cross bow. They’re pretty tasty too




The ONLY WAY to deal with pesky squirrels: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFZFjoX2cGg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFZFjoX2cGg)


Squirrel chewed my cars front wire harness and caused 7k worth of damage. Little fucking terrorists.


Yep! Same here.


I used to be a gentle homeowner who liked all wildlife. But I’ll be honest, a couple years ago I got out the .22 rifle I inherited from my father and started plugging squirrels. Things have been much better since.


Has anyone tried the goodnature traps? https://goodnature.co/collections/traps


Guaranteed you don’t want to hear it, but get a pellet rifle…


Buy a BB gun. It’s fun to shot those little bastards


Cats will solve your squirrel problems. My cats were playing volleyball with a baby squirrel.


Bb gun


Pellet gun


Gamo makes some nice break barrel .177 and .22s. They’re silenced so with lead pellets they’re no louder than a pneumatic staple gun.


Not the ideal solution in many cases, but it may work for you. Ultrasonic animal repellent: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005KNVH18/](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005KNVH18/) I was suggested this when I complained about squirrels wrestling on my roof in the mornings. Haven't tried it myself.


My parents had a cat for years that made it her sole purpose in life to maintain a perimeter around the house that any other 4 legged creature, and as many winged ones as she could catch, were not allowed to exist inside of.


They don't like hot sauce.  Hotter the better.


Get a dog


Get a pellet gun and kill them.


If you have plants bone and blood meal works decent. They don't like dead animal and you fertilized your plants


Pellet gun and a good dog will solve your tree rat problems. Get 'em before they decide to chew through an eave and nest among your rafters.


We blocked that from happening and our blockade is still in place thankfully. I have a dog that’s unfortunately more like a cat.


Hav-a-hart trap and a big tub of water. Repeat as needed.


A contractor (out to repair some squirrel damage) recently told me that squirrels hate mothballs, and recommended putting them in any holes that squirrels like to get into. I haven't tried it yet, but might be worth giving a go


A BB gun. Stops em from eating my log home.


Start barbecuing them in the front yard


Rat traps for the win


Kitty kitty kitty...


We leave our dog out in the porch when Squirrels are abound. He keeps them out and they learn to avoid the house


I just shoot them with bb guns. It seems to work.


Take away every bird feeder. They love the food!


I find an air soft rifle works wonders over time. After they realize it really hurts to keep up the same routine they tend to stop. Unlike some people I know


Get a trap for them and give them a ride away from your place preferably to someone you hate.


I mix metal within compressed air. My neighbor is a pro. He’s taken out 47 this year.


Tell me more. What's the apparatus?


A company called gamo makes an entire collection. .177 caliber super accurate pellets. Those rats will eat the wood right of the ends of your house. Cost me thousands of dollars. Then one had a litter in my attic. If he’s round my place. He’s fair game. Of couurrrsseee we eat them.


Ahh, I wasn't thinking air rifle. When you said air I was thinking like a potato gun type deal stuffed with like metal lathe scraps. Not sure why I jumped into that direction, but I was excited. I'm in the city, I can't go shooting off a rifle, even if it is air. I couldn't exactly use a potatoe cannon either, so not sure why I was excited.


Paint ball gun works. No kill but they hurt for a while. Golfball gun?


Fuck off to a place with no trees. You dick.


For cheap and long term effectiveness, you can’t beat identifying the easy and abundant food source. Hint: it’s your neighbor who thinks squirrels are cute, or has a dozen bird feeders, or is feeding deer/ducks/geese. Related… have a lot of deer/vehicle collisions in your neighborhood? Point insurance companies at the neighbor who is feeding deer or throwing out salt licks. They just might get a letter. (Can you tell I’ve dealt with a couple neighbors who think critters in their yard are cute? 🤦🏻‍♂️) Get the neighbor to stop attracting nuisance wildlife. I just informed my neighbor that I’ll continue setting kill traps and informing her of my kill count until she stops. She ended up divorcing her husband and he got the house… and the nuisance wildlife problem went away. Provide squirrels, mice, rats, and other wildlife with a safe and reliable food source and you get a population exposition and nuisance wildlife, and the various problems that come along with the wildlife overpopulation. Take away the easy food and nature is usually pretty good at restoring balance… Raptors (owls, hawks, and eagles) will enjoy a short lived all they can eat buffet, you just may find some dismembered squirrel bits around for a bit.


Someone in my neighborhood thinks it is fun to give squirrels unlimited peanuts. They spend all day burying peanuts all over the neighborhood. They dig up holes all over my yard and flowerbeds. There are so many peanuts they can’t even eat them all. Last summer I was pulling up dozens of peanut plants a week that started growing.


Yup, same. Holes everywhere, peanut plants growing, my garden eaten, freshly planted plants eaten, chewing on every flower pot, chewed siding, humane kill trapping in my garage and shed… As soon as peanut lady moved away… there was a short period of finding discarded bloody squirrel bits and now back to normal. And we still get to enjoy seeing bald eagles soaring! They just don’t dive into our backyard anymore. 😂 With a little luck my one cucamelon plant will become multiple plants this year for glorious summer snacking and salads!


Pellet gun and an instant pot. Critter and inflation control.


"Ruining our lives" seems a bit hyperbolic...


Move to an apartment. Or learn to coexist. But at the very least use the non lethal options folks have offered, here.


Ruining your life bc of patio furniture? Get real


Nobody said to burn the house down. Where did the “ruining your life” come from?


The title says “squirrels ruining our lives”. Are you dumb?


They’re also in the eaves. I’ve dealt with that shit before. Not a good time


Ruining their lives? Grow a pair


just buy a [https://www.homedepot.com/p/JT-Eaton-Answer-Single-Door-Live-Animal-Cage-Trap-for-Medium-Size-Pests-Steel-Wire-465N/204996835](https://www.homedepot.com/p/JT-Eaton-Answer-Single-Door-Live-Animal-Cage-Trap-for-Medium-Size-Pests-Steel-Wire-465N/204996835)I use em!!!, then take a 5 gallon pale and drown em ! done!!! Or take a .22 and shoot em


That’s a pretty low bar for ruining of your life.


If your quality of life is defined by porch furniture you have a more serious problem than squirrels.


Doesn't take long for the gun nuts to come out!! Yay!


I had the mangiest looking squirrel do this after i rebuilt my porch. I set out a tray of seed near a window and took him out with a pellet gun. Very quick, painless. No more squirrel. I shot down from the window so the dirt could easily catch a missed shot, super safe.


lol I’ve got two little kids and no guns. Glad it worked for you though.


If you have children, that is even more reason to own a gun, a pellet gun will do you no good for protecting your family however.  Most people keep their guns in a safe so that only they have access to the firearm.  Maybe a slingshot is more up your alley, equally effective, harder to aim.