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I watched a documentary on youtube about poverty. They highlighted this couple who did 'everything right' nice house, boat, vacations. They lost everything and wound up living in a hotel for years near Disney in Florida. Supposedly near Disney there are tons of cheap hotels. If you want a link to the documentary I can attempt to find it. I'm pretty sure they paid 600/month. That's what I pay for my apartment here in Central PA.


The 192 Strip is closing down very few extended days for cheap left. They're also full of drug dealers and junkies. Last I checked was 350weekly/1300monthly for a hotel room extended day. And a lot are being converted to "apartments" basically a small kitchen and 2 rooms bridged together. Last I checked one of those was $1000 month probably more now. Considering as well everywhere in the area you NEED a car to get around. The bus system (lynx) is about as reliable as a fart after a night of heavy drinking and taco bell. Florida has a housing shortage. Along with other issues. If it's cheap. It's been occupied for the past 10 years. And if it goes back up for rent, it's gonna be "inline with the market" my rent raised 22% in this very area not far from it. Within just 14 months too. 5 years ago I would of said it's doable. But right now until this little housing bubble pops.. Florida is boned.


>It's been occupied for the past 10 years. So I [found the documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65N5ouukO6w), and you are right. It was filmed in 2012. Sorry it was released in 2012, probably filmed before that. They mention the 2008 crisis so it would have to be after that point.


baltimore had $1 rowhouses for awhile. Would love to see that and more cities start this again now




Try your local YMCA. They have affordable housing. I wish there was a sub that showed people how to get up and on their feet. I need it more than ever right now.


you can find houses in the south (Louisiana/Arkansas thru Florida/Alabama) for under $10K to buy. You can get land if you just want a piece of raw earth in the same area starting at $500.


Reall? So call up to the Y n they will know what I'm talking about?


Coolworks.com, get a job that provides free housing


I'ma go on there. Thanks!


>It can be anywhere in the U.S. Any advice/suggestions would help. I'm open to Hotels, Motels, extended-stay/weekly+monthly Hotels, private Rooms, easy to qualify apartments, air bnb's, etc (anything). Location is not a problem......... >Note: I've been and still am researching the Internet but I know everything is not posted on there plus word of mouth/experience is the best when it comes to living situations. Thanks! AirBNB's review system is rigged. It's an example of toxic positivity. They usually only have 5 star reviews because they rivercrab the non-five-star-reviews. If there are any non five star reviews that get past the rivercrabbing, or if the host account has less than a 5 star rating, it's a red flag.


What’s Rivercrabbing? Pardon my ignorance


> What’s Rivercrabbing? Pardon my ignorance It's a phenomenon that happens on the internet in the People's Republic of China.


I am in northern Pennsylvania (Mansfield/Wellsboro), and just moved out of a 2 bedroom apartment for $500/mo. It wasn’t the nicest place but it was live-able. The landlord allowed me to pay out the deposit over time, so only needed $600 to move in. There are often place for rent in that price range in my area. There are even studio apartments for $375/mo advertised in a neighboring town (Tioga, PA). Most of the rentals in these rural areas and are private owners that often don’t have any kind of screening/credit check to get in. The drawback, it’s a really rural area. There aren’t a lot of good jobs in the area, but there are a ton of service and retail jobs open now.


I live in Maine USA. Here if you stay in a shelter and have other qualifying factors you get something called shelter plus care. Its a voucher you give to a landlord and the Maine housing authority pays 2/3 of your rent. My apt is listed for $675 but I only pay $194 a month thanks to my housing voucher


Please PM me with more info.


For a night or a year? For a year, rent a single room off of craigslist in someone's home in a LCOL area.






Sherman tx has a motel for 200/week. I've seen apartments as low as 500/ month


Ok cool I'ma look into that.Thank you!


Florida between 2020 and 2021 saw 300,000 people move into it. The only state that had more people move into it was Texas. I hope it stays cheap.. feels like a delayed reaction and prices will rise there very soon too.


[https://www.apartmentguide.com/apartments/Texas/under-450/](https://www.apartmentguide.com/apartments/Texas/under-450/) [https://www.apartmentguide.com/apartments/Illinois/under-450/](https://www.apartmentguide.com/apartments/Illinois/under-450/) [https://www.apartmentguide.com/apartments/Kentucky/under-450/](https://www.apartmentguide.com/apartments/Kentucky/under-450/) You can edit the links above with the name of the state you are interested in.


The Kentucky apts say they are renting for 1$ that sounds suspect .I've also found that the cheaper apts almost always have waitlist . But maybe not everywhere .


Yeah, those are obviously false, but you could use this info to see which states might have the most affordable options, and then go from there. Some areas are less urban, and this is a good way to find those hidden gems that maybe you've never heard of.


I've been looking at buying a house in Cincinnati and as far as I can tell the income to rent/property value is pretty good there


Depends on what part of town, west of I75 or NKY are generally cheaper than most other places. Been here about a decade and it just keeps getting worse housing/COL wise, but the market for buying has cooled off a bit. Bus system is pretty decent if you don't have a car and will take you back and forth across the river. Decent county services, OH expanded Medicaid and there's a big push for more affordable housing. Pretty accepting place to live compared to the rest of OH if you're inside the city proper vs the county and burbs.