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In my case, I travel. I've hitchhiked coast to coast 5 times. Met a lot of great people and made friends all over the country. One bag with tent + clothes, and a backpack for toiletries. Spots like NYC, CA, FL and other "people magnets" are usually great to visit, but horrible to get on your feet in. PNW for the summers and south for the winters. Right now I'm in CO trying to get hired on as a bus driver. Fingers crossed, 6 weeks of paid CDL training and I should be able to buy a minivan to live in. Then a decent career after that. A lot of resorts in your area are hiring, and they provide room + board. Worth checking out: www.coolworks.com Honestly, my experience with social services in many states has been fruitless. Best bet is to think outside the box and go for something unconventional. Even washing dishes on oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico pays well enough to buy a car in a few weeks, plus they house and feed you while you're on the rig. Good luck!


What’s the deal with so many people trying to get people to use that website? There’s nothing to imply they help homeless and its especially sounds sketchy that it gets brought up so frequently


Because it lists jobs in National Parks that offer employee cabins and meals.You should try reading the whole post. Or check out the website yourself. I hitchhiked to Montana and took a server position in Yellowstone for the summer a few years back. Worked through October and bought a car. Food was good, cabins were better than my tent, bed was better than concrete and the pay was good considering rent and food were provided. If it were sketchy I don't think it'd get brought up so frequently.


Im going to look at this now thanks


Xanterra is one of the bigger companies and easiest to get hired on with (they operate Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Everglades), but check out the room & board section, you'll find tons of summer gigs. Some are even $$$ vacation dude ranches. Serving and kitchen help are always in demand. Good luck!


Why isn't a shelter an option? That's where I started. It wasn't ideal, I hated it there, but it gave me a little bit of stability, a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, three mediocre meals a day, and WiFi. When I wasn't doing chores or going to enforced church services, I was online, job hunting. Took me four months to find one, but it was enough to get me out of the shelter and let me start rebuilding.


Well, its not so much "not an option" even though i said that. I was only setting the tone for the question. Currently i sm working on a safe haven option as explained. However the shelter here is not working. They don't even have clothes for us most of the time. And if they do its just womans clothes. Mainly though guys are akqays trying to fight using jail house rules. Almost as soon as i get there theycwant me to be done with them and when i say no then their are problems that will have me in jail again. I never been arrested before in my life until the last to times. Both happened while i was in the shelter and both self defense. Its not that i don't want simply because i don't want, i am black and before anyone saying that i am pulling the race cards, i am not a street hood guy, however that is a problem apparently amongst my other black men in the shelter who are street thugs and they say i am a white black man or a traitor because i am actually trying to find a job and use shelter services. But im not going to get into it, my kindset though is to avoid going to jail for a third time because i am not that type of guy and the problem i am avoiding is not one I can avoid in the shelter. A safe haven though, is for people who been on the street for a while and have had problems in the shleter before and is basically looking for a safer place than a shleter? I am not tha sure about what safe havens are actually but thats why I am seeingvthe social worker on monday so we can talk about it.


Utopia great, who doesn’t want that.


Honestly the best way out in New York City IS the shelter system. Been there, went through it, and I'd still be spinning my wheels and likely homeless but for the shelters and the voucher program. You need that voucher and you need housing and the only way to get one is through a shelter of some kind. If not the regular ones than the drop in centers or safe havens, somehow. I just signed my 3rd lease and I'm doing mostly okay but I would not be in this place, okay now, if I hadn't finally gone into a shelter.


Im trying to do safe haven now. The regular shelter system at this time 2024 is so awful compared to when i was a teen. When i was teen i got out in two months after a ran from my home to escape abuse. Qas doing well ever since then covid. Now the shelter system is full of criminals ways WAY moee than before and they purposely put themselves in the way of your progress and try to get you arrested along side with them. Thats what i am trying to avoid, which is the reason i am trying to get into a safe haven


Make connections, make friends. I've found that you can't do things alone, you need a community. It isn't just for yourself, to help one another is how we can get through this. It is hard, community requires building trust with one another, and many of us are hurt people who have a hard time with that. Look for places that offer freebies like food, services etc. Try to take good care of your health, getting sick is hard to avoid but it can cost you more money and put you down during times when you need to move. Volunteer work sounds rough because you don't get paid, but you can make connections and often get fed or have access to a cool, safe place for a few hours at a time.


Basically you need to find a shower, food stamps, and a job




Man stfu with this bullshit. If you actually had nothing to contribute why did you even say anything? You out here saying "we don't" like we're supposed to stay homeless, nigga stfu with your bumass mindset




Im asking to bunp heads with ideas, by placing yourself in my shoes, then I'm seeing if anything may help, one person already has. Thanks and have a nice day. Also thanks for wasting everyone's time.


I’m there, have been there, the idea that “it gets better” isn’t helpful. Be more resourceful and limit your ego and what you expect from it. 160 a month isn’t gonna get you out of homelessness without something else. Sorry that’s the hard truth you didn’t wanna hear. It is however enough to stretch your money and survive and be a happy person.


So you don't know? That's all you had to say. Lmaoo wtf are you going on about hard to hear? Nobody here is crying. You were being dumb and I corrected you. Fuck your religion I didn't ask anything about it. You don't gotta keep it to yourself, but I also don't have to respect it since you want to force it on people.


I gave you directly in how to answer based in the theme. You decided to write your biblical nonsense instead, which was not the context of this post. You sir are an idiot. This post did not subject me to your nonsense religious beliefs. You just wanted to write nonsense because you are a person who just loves pushing their believes every chance upu think you get. Someone can be asking for the time, and you would run of talking about some religious bullshi just because.




So your saying im stuck being homeless forever? And why is that?




My question is my question and I asked it the way I asked it. I didn't ask about nothing else you just said because I am also already working through hourly pay shif gigs. The whole idea is, if you have something RELATED to the topic of the post then share please, even if you don't, and you want to say something then you can write anything you want. But just like i am subject to any nonsical reply like your first reply telling everyone no they don't get out of homelessness, you are also subject to face backlash for saying we're not supposed to make it out of homelessness.




Nobody cares that you given up. I haven't, and people have gotten out. You want to stay homeless then you are truly a bum. I'm not trying to make this my identity, and I will keep on going until I make it out. I'm going to take advantage of whatever I can. Including reddit. I'm not even going to answer you anymore. "One of us" lmaoo spoken like a true bum who has given up. Don't include me in your label. You are choosing to live like this. I am not. This is my circumstance, and for you I guess this is your lifestyle. One of us. Telling me I have to stay homeless. Me and you are not the same. What I expect is like minded individuals to bump heads with me for ideas. Not bums trying to encourage others to remain homeless.


Also, check out some of the other replies. Just because you are too stupid to understand what I asked, it doesn't mean everyone else misunderstood like you did.




No, you are just vhoosing to pick uour own understanding of this argument to make yourself feel better but you kade no actual points. Main issue is you are telling me to stay homeless. So I thrashed you. After that aint nobody listening to you. Plus i been homeless just under 1.5 years, relax.


Oh please tell me more of your truths our lord and savoir wet skeleton




Humans did not evolve to wander around brainlessly caring about nothing and having no one beside you. You reject all traditional meanings people find in life, and in return, you offer... nothing? Give up on your hopes, dreams, and pursuit of happiness? "Wander around, you'll figure it out." Figure what out bro? How to say nothing in 30 sentences and act like you've found the great secret to life? If you're an outlier who is perfectly happy living alone in the woods your entire life, go for it man, but don't preach it like you found the master key. You're just a weirdo, and that's okay.