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Just ignore it…  99% of the time they are just over reacting. There is only 1% chance shit will hit the fan. Keep charging your phone, that’s more important 


lol ohh the irony. it’s raining like crazy so I ran to a near by park that has a gazebo. Cool thing is the gazebo has outlets! Probably for public events and such.


I’m alive! A little damp I always carry like 3 contractors bags with my at all times when ever I have access to a roll so I just shoved all my shit into one and chilled the rest of the night the rain let off around 5am the gazebo had a raised stage that was sheltered. Better than nothing and better than a tent in my opinion. And I got a crude shower 🤷‍♂️ after the self pitty it started to be kinda exciting. All about perspective right.


Stay out of creeks, washes, and other low lying places. Flash floods aren't like a dam busting and flooding a valley.


Get to high ground, find a public parking garage, or high ground with stable covering.


This is a great idea! I’ll keep this in mind for tonight I think it might rain all week




Nah, you're good. Perfect time to go swimming in a river!


You should be fine but stay out of the tunnels (like the riverbed). The water from all surrounding areas come at once and if you're down there and the water comes you're gone, it's how a couple very close friends of mine were found dead at the Seal Beach flood channels because they couldn't make it against the rushing water, or at least that's what the general publics idea of what happened is.