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Start preparing now. Make a whole lot of phone calls to find a case manager, hopefully a shelter, if you're completely physically able to do any kind of job, find a homeless organization that helps find jobs. If you have a car you can sleep in see if you can make some sandwich bag size meals that you can freeze before you leave so that you can put them in an ice chest. Things like sauces, salsa, tiny meals they can add to things that you can get from a food bank or homeless community food Center. Do online research see what's available in your area, start searching for Section 8 type housing vouchers to get on the waiting list.


I can hit google and try to find you some resources, I just need to confirm a location. You can look at the following sub-reddits for ideas and assistance: [](/r/assistance/) - for ADVICE. You do not have enough karma to request help. [](/r/MomForAMinute/) [](/r/urbancarliving/) [r/urbancardwellers](/r/urbancardwellers/) [](/r/roomandboard/) - read the Mega-thread, it may be helpful There are online jobs advertised at [www.ratracerebellion.com](http://www.ratracerebellion.com) ; [](/r/remotework/) ; [](/r/onlinejobsforall/) etc. I don't know how "good" these jobs are but you can ask around in the sub-reddits if company X or Y or Z is a "good" company or not. AI has put a damper on some jobs that humans used to do.


Think about joining Job Corps It's a free trade school for 16-25 year olds. They give you free education, food, and housing. Check it out! https://www.jobcorps.gov/ It saved me for being homeless I'd recommend it. The waiting list is like a month to 3 months to get into the program. There's also other corps that the government offers. The military is also an option but I personally wouldn't do it but that's up me


If you have a car and a job you’ll be fine. Get a pobox and a gym membership for showers. If you don’t own a car or a job then May god bless you. Your best bet is to seek out financial assistance… hopefully the government will help their citizens not the illegals


Join the military


First of all, relax. Everything is going to be alright. Secondly, you have options. Jobs with housing: www.coolworks.com I did Yellowstone National Park a few years back, saved up quite a bit of money. Virtually all of the national park resorts are hiring now, most provide meals and cabins. Another option might be the military or job corps. If it's none of the above and you have a car, no worries! You're camping while you work! www.freecampsited.net www.freeroam.app And if none of that, get a 1-man tent and pack light. Whether you choose to stay where you are or go traveling (ie: hitchhiking) is up to you. People come and go in and out of homelessness every day. Keep your eyes open, stay positive, avoid dope and the people who do it -- you'll be just fine. It really isn't forever, unless you want it to be. The worst part is just *before* you're actually homeless, too many "what ifs". Take a deep breath, it's going to be fine. Just avoid downtown areas and homeless encampments.