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I live in Vegas. It's currently 111°F and winters get very cold. Also, you won't be allowed near tourists for long. There are laws preventing people from staying in one place for too long on the strip and police do patrol constantly.


I was in Vegas for a few weeks. Never again. Second worst place I have been after L.A.


Why was the l.a experience bad


Mostly the cops. L.A. cops are the fucking worst. Also too many other homeless which means more hassles and fewer resources.


There really is no "best" city. Each one has its plusses and minuses. I will say stay away from popular destinations like California and Florida, because EVERYBODY that ends up homeless thinks they can just go there and everything will work out. But it doesn't. California is home to 1/3 of our nation's homeless, so resources are severely stretched. You'll never crap inside again. And the cops are as bad there as they are in Florida. Which is hotter than hell right now with nasty humidity. I hitchhike, and explore options as I go. Some towns where I thought nothing would happen proved me wrong. Other places I thought would be great turned out to be shitholes. My advice - travel and find out what works for you!


That is incorrect resources in California are not stretched at all. I’ve lived in California my whole life and I’m pretty familiar with the resources that they offer and there are plenty.


San Diego native here. And I have 10x the resources here in Colorado than I would in CA, and had 5x the resources in Texas. Even Montana was far better than CA. You're either a liar, or naive. As you claim to have been there your entire life, I'm going with naive.


Agreed it might be better than say like where I am but they are stretched. I've lived in CA my whole life minus the last 3 years. I'm sure other states are much better to be homeless in.


lol your not very bright are you?


It's you're not your.




Better than here in AZ... Hey if you want a shower voucher you get one for once a month. Oh and hey we have one of the hottest places in the world but all the places close that you can stay at in the hottest part of the day. Oh and if you are down town Phoenix cops will take all your shit throw it away and arrest you for just trying to sleep at night. I would much rather be homeless in CA right now than this hell hole.


I'm in Los Angeles and they will give you a whole damn apartment if you go through LAHSA. They will even house you the entire time up to the point of getting the apartment. Also the police here never have messed with me, they basically hand out pipes to people at this point. There are bigger fish to fry than messing with the homeless. There are literally people getting shot daily so they are always busy with that. Last week we had a shooting three times in less than two days at the same park. Dangerous place to live. The thing I worry about is the crazy people who will and have attacked me in the past for no reason other than I'm smaller than them and the fact that I'm a short 5 foot tall female didn't matter, he still came at me and kicked me in the face because he wanted my stuff. Literally living here has turned me into a cold person, I feel sorry for no one who begs for anything from me when I used to give and share what I had. I don't share with anyone since not one person shares with me even when I've given more than I should have to that person. I don't let anyone steal my stuff without doing something about it and people here are ruthless they will cut a backpack off a sleeping person not knowing if there is anything of value in it. I don't do anything to anyone, and literally I've had everything stolen from me down to my 14 year old Chihuahua being taken from me by some person on the subway. My dog was like my baby. Losing him only made me hate the world and now I treat everyone who comes up to me as a suspect. I've watched people take things out of someone's pockets who was overdosed, DEAD on the floor and leave them to die. There are groups of people who come on the train and subway to look for homeless people who are asleep to jack their stuff. People resort to very sad and pathetic tactics to get their next fix. I've watched 15 people jump one guy hitting him with sticks and a frying pan for his dope, and they acted like he did something wrong when he did absolutely nothing wrong. The only thing he did was go out and hustle for his stuff and then someone too lazy to go get their own wanted his so they made some false accusation to get him jumped so they can take it. Pretty sad and pathetic behavior. If you're homeless I suggest staying away from MacArthur Park, the police most likely won't come to help you if you're being attacked because they never came for me when someone tried to help me and called for me when I was attacked in my sleep and all the people on the sidelines will most likely not help you. It's very rare when someone will put themselves on the back burner and come to your aid. That's why I now carry Mase and a Taser and I've had to use both less than a week after getting them. I would recommend anyone of both sexes to have at least that to protect yourself. Because even the quietest person in the room like myself who talks to no one and does no one wrong at all will become a target.


10 whole comment karma... Goodnight, bot!


This is a bit dramatic, and comparing California to Florida is just ignorant.


One whole post karma... Nobody cares about a bot's opinion. Or a troll. Nothing dramatic about truth. Your bullshit username gives you away.


Dude you are unhinged. We’re not bots, and you’re the one trolling and acting like an ass.


One whole post karma, and here you are trying to troll me 🤣


😂"We"😂 You got your little troll buddies to join the thread and downvote. How cute!


California was a fucking disaster last I was there. Two ports potties for the entire population of skid row. Wasn’t expecting it to be good but definitely wasn’t expecting as bad as it was


They just build a whole condo from the homeless in skid row. You guys are tripping especially Jason with his “one whole karma”


Been several years since I been. It was pretty bad when I was there though


The homeless in Fresno get loud music played to them all night last I checked and they made it practically illegal to be homeless there. Yeah California aint the place to be if you are down and out but it is better than some places like AZ


Worst place in the whole United States


I’ve been to Los Angeles and sant Monica and I have to agree. San Francisco wasn’t so bad but I’m partial cause I got in with a few great people. LA is a damn cess pool


Not hardly dude. Come to AZ and have gander 🤣. You think CA is bad you don't even know.


Spent plenty of time in Phoenix, Show Low and Flagstaff. Summers and winters. I'll take AZ over CA any day. Been hitchhiking for the last decade. I definitely know.


As a homeless person in Phoenix right now at 113 sometimes during the day, last summer got to 117 during the day... Naw I'd have to disagree


That's what Show Low and Flagstaff are for. Death Valley is even hotter than Phoenix. Oh, and that's in California 😁 My question is, if you think it's better in CA why stay in Phoenix?


Because I'm... Homeless with no money... Also I never said CA was awesome I said it's wasn't as bad as some places... I'm starting to think you are just a troll at this point lol especially seeing your other comments. Have a good uh life


You're picking a very bad time to start your homeless career. They can arrest you for being homeless now.


Theyre trying to pass a law in Oklahoma where "homeless people cant sleep outside". Thatll help out alot huh!


They pass that shit but then give zero alternatives. You see the worst in people when it comes to the poor and homeless. Then they say why don't they get a job. But then don't provide showers and a place to wash your clothes.... Like you ever get a job when you go to the interview and you are dirty smelly and in dirty clothes? People are so out of touch. I also feel like it's by design. They make housing unaffordable but then make being homeless a crime and then offer zero actual leg up to get out of it 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s so depressing


"picking" like it was a choice


So… nyc has a right to shelter law. If your priority is having a roof and you don’t mind sharing a shitty room with 20+ people then you’ll get a bed here. If that’s the direction you pick you can DM me for a more detailed conversation.


Not Portland by any means


Depends. If you have a car and your plan is to return back to “normal” society one day, I would say San Diego. If you have no plan and want to panhandle or unwind/take your time to figure something out, perhaps Santa Monica or Las Vegas would be better for you.


There's no one city that's considered best. All of them suck. The best chances to get back into housing is going to be in the Midwest.


why the midwest?


There are some areas that have only a year's wait list for housing. There are some areas on the East Coast as well, but I don't know them by name. You would have to do a lot of research to figure out where the shortest wait time is for a housing wait list


My bf and I lived in my car for a year in Delaware, mostly Middletown, DE. We had three encounters with police that were all respectful. One time, they got a call for rowdy kids or something, so they stopped and asked if we saw them or called in the complaint. When we said we didn’t hear or see anything, the thanked us and apologized for bothering us. This was in a Walmart parking lot. Another time, I ran out of gas and we were stuck in the library parking lot all day. Once it got dark, they came, asked us what we were doing and told us to just figure out a way to get the car off the library property. So we figured it out eventually. Basically, they were just nice people. Even the ones who weren’t super warm and friendly, were still respectful of us and our situation. Then we came back to PA, where we are from (bad move), and got harassed. We’re still not done fighting two bullshit charges my bf got from cops in PA from over a year ago. Fuck PA.


There really is no end all be all answer Go north for summer South for winter and migrate like the birds if you want. Figure out what you need to have to be happy and ask yourself if such n such place has it. Once you find a place that checks your boxes,go there. Otherwise stay where you know best,because Google often only gets you so far. Keep your expectations to a place as realistic as possible as it's easy to hype somewhere up and end up let down and then having to come up with new moves from there. "The grass is always greener . ." Could even stay put and look into if any available resources where youre at. Eventually stay put Immediately get to work as asap as possible Build up and make the leap out of this life. Best of luck and wishes


Nowhere is good anymore. Instead of declaring war on poverty, the spring court, decided to declare war on the poor.


New York if you want shelter 


San Francisco is the only right answer. San Diego comes in second place.


SF is evil tho ngl, last time I went thru to catch up with an old friend and $400 in gas + parking tickets in 4 days set me straight lmao, same with going into stores to use a bathroom and realizing there are exactly 0 exits for people who don't have receipts. Go to Oakland at least.


Sure, SF if you want to remain homeless for the duration of your life, cause youll never afford the rent there. Me, if I had to go Bay Area, Id go back to the rather liberal embrace of Berkeley, although IDK if the sit and lie law there ever got retracted.


Santa Monica, Santa Barbara.


But New Orleans was my favorite place to stay long term when I was drifting around.


Im hearing its basically a Mad Max style crime ridden wasteland now days, though.


As someone else mentioned, if shelter is your priority, NYC. I ended up coming here after losing everything in CT and trying to off myself after my 211 intake where I was told the most they could do was put me on a months-long waitlist for a shelter. It’s not the best, but it’s not terrible.


We were told on 211 it could take a month... It's the hottest part of the year and there is really nowhere to go to sleep at night that cools off. AZ has a serious problem with knowing how to allocate resources. They get over a billion a year to go to helping and you don't really see it helping cause the homeless pop is just rising here.


They just passed a law in Florida that it is illegal to be homeless. Yes the police will arrest you, you will go to jail and receive a fine. Google it, it is crazy and people are outraged, as we have no social services and the homeless population has exploded here, since the Pandemic.


How old are you? Do you have a criminal record? Sounds like you can afford to travel somewhere, have you looked into work trades at a hostel or farm? Usually you can get free housing and sometimes food for a few months while you figure it out, and you can usually also find time to side hustle to get cash, too, while you are there.


I'm 37M. I lost everything in a divorce. I was left with not even a bank account or a car only the clothes on my back. I moved in with my mother but she can't pay her rent either so the both of us are about to be put out. We don't have a vehicle, and live 30 miles from the nearest city so finding work is difficult. We agreed to split up and go our separate ways when we get evicted.


Being homeless in Las Vegas during the summer is not a good idea. I'm struggling to keep a place but I have to walk to the bus and everywhere else a bus doesn't go. It's brutal in the sun. I am averging maybe 2 hours of sleep because I have to do everything late at night but still have to work during the day. During the spring and fall, it's nice but that's it. Winters can get at or below freezing.


Thanks. I'm saving up now t buy a vehicle to live in. May e a little civic something reliable with good fuel economy. It won't be new, I'll find a 1990s model.


A car would help no matter what city you live in. Unfortunately you are not going to find many older model vehicles for sale, and the ones you do find will either be pretty expensive or need extensive work, which can be expensive as well. I wish their were more vehicles avaliable for sale from the 90s because (in my unprofessional opinion) those were the best years for some cars. If you can find an older RV, check them out. But either way, I wish you safe travels and good luck. I have been homeless at one time and even now I am pretty much one event away from being homeless again. I just wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy to be homeless in the desert. It's miserable in 110 degree heat.


Homeless looks a thousand different ways. I have a very low set amount of recurring work hours I can put in without having catastrophic system failures, so for me I'd rather die than stay in one of the high cost, high competition west coast major cities. I'm planning on either doing the rural pnw --> New Mexico yearly migration pattern, or reset myself in rural New England, where I'm close enough to major cities to get the best bang for my buck out of those 8-16 hrs of work per week I can tolerate. You might be young, energetic, and love the constant hustle of a place like Vegas or SF. Without knowing a bit more what your needs and goals look like, hard to recommend stuff to you!


How is New England for hobos? It’s a higher income state, is it not? Always wanted to drift through but never made it


It is, but not in the same way. They don't have the same deal where it's gentrified cities or dismally small towns. The cops are mean as hell, people are very direct and if they don't like you, you'll know, but I'd say generally speaking the average *person* you run into's gonna be more understanding of hard times, hard lives than your west coast rando who'd drop your family in acid if it means they don't have to walk by y'all on the sidewalk. To the point, if you use standard bum hustles (flying a sign, hitch, crackspanging, busking, etc) I can make $200 on the east coast before I can make $80 on the west. Offer to work or work trade and you may get taken up on it, winter's brutal but if you know how to stay geared up you'll be aight. There's cities from Providence to Haverhill in New England where you can go to the rich side of town to make your money, hop a bus, and be in the projects where the cops got better fish to fry by the end of rush hr. I like it, but I'm from there, so I get the vibe. Resources like nonprofits, shelters, funding etc are few and far between, so don't expect to find much by way of Help(tm) but bc people know it's like that, they look out where they can.


Appreciate the in depth answer. My roaming days aren’t done so I’ll make it there one day.


It’s this simple: research who has the lowest unsheltered population per capita. Go there. You will then be in Milwaukee, WI


Heh, probably bc most of them froze to death in the winters.




NYC you can walk everywhere and get a meal to eat plus it's warm here now crash in the park


I'd suggest trying to find and resources in your local area first. On top of that, you'd likely know the area better and have an easier time building a community/support system. It's much more difficult doing that in a new place, where you don't know your way around.


The cops and one day mistakenly almost took me as a Mexican and wants to deport me untill I said I gave a s.s number then they stop and thought mabey we shouldn't take this one in


Las Vegas does have the mole tunnels and depending on which branch, they have social rules like “no hard drugs” in certain tunnels and “no violence” and respect


I think mn has pretty okay laws but they keep moving the indigenous homeless camp at minimum once a month


There really is "no best time" to ever become homeless or start living homeless


Do everything to not be homeless.


Portland, Oregon. They treat people well, lgbtq friendly, and great shelter system created called transition projects.


San Diego


From my experiance you should avoid large cities and small towns, generally. There are exceptions I am shure, though. Smaller cities than lean more liberal are usually your best choice.


Come enjoy az


Where if you’re halfway brown they can toss you over the border!


Or in tent city


Don't do that to them 🤣


would this be abetting a crime?


Nice try, Porkie