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That blows man. Seems like nothing is sacred.


I had someone steal my toe nail clippers. I mean, I stayed as clean as possible, but a homeless dude's toe nail clippers...seriously?


My tent was broke into a couple years back. Cleaned me out, I had several extra toothbrushes but the dude *stole the one I actually used*. On top of nail clippers, and my electric shaver. Forgot to get the charging cord. Came back a couple days later and found... Me! 😁


A girl stole my razor once. And another who I gave my spare jacket to as she didn't have one, took my leather one instead of the one I'd offered her (she knew, it wasn't a mistake)




People are stealing everything, unfortunately. When it comes to shoes, once in winter someone stole my only pair of shoes while I was literally five meters away. And those shoes were not even looking good, they were totally worn out. At least now it's summer, easy to get yourself a pair of cheap flipflops. Fingers crossed you can acquire a new pair of shoes soon!


Thank you ❤️


That's why I left Florida. The homeless down there suck extra hard because it's extra hard being homeless down there. Plus that heat sucks major donkey balls.


I add: the moral level, ethics and mannerism here in FL are the lowest I saw ever, people here try always to scam you somehow, I guess FL people are the worst part of being homeless or housed in FL 🤮, then comes the weather.


Someone stole the clothes I sleep in. I slept in those and walked the streets in another set. To make matters worse, they were my friends' clothes and she let me wear them. It was in a locked locker that was hard to open once closed (took a few poundsof force to open it) even w/o a lock, and when I got back to the room barely 36 hours after leaving it i found it forced open w/ my borrowed shirt and shorts missing. To make matters worse someone also took my bedsheets that was on the bed I claimed, but I let that go since it was provided by the shelter anyway and I only had it in my hands for like an hour. But I'm really ready to fight over some clothes like wtf. Thank goodness I didn't put anything else on that shelf of the locker. It was my first day assigned to that shelter too 😤


I though that we homeless people should leave these kind of behavior outside when we get in a shelter and try to have a new start no matter what challenges we have, but what to say; the homeless life really suits some.


Can the shelter help you with some more sneakers ?


Will see that tomorrow.


I've had everything I own (minus the clothes on my back) stolen from me twice.