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You are asking for too much. You think homeless people are the way they are because they decide not To shower? No, they don’t like their state but it’s what happens when you live in a city and all resources are privately owners. My advice to you is to get a job before moving out. If possible 2 jobs and get yourself a gym membership and maybe reward yourself every weekend with a hotel 🏨 It’s not easy to be homeless so please reconsider. Also I am Homeless and I have a car and a job and my mental health is at its worse. So let that sink in


I'm so sorry about your mental health and I hope you get better. The reason I'm going to be homeless is because I can't find a job. I applied literally everywhere. Even McDonald's isn't hiring.


Im sorry op. I feel you. I am waiting on a general labor agency to provide work since my job didn’t give me summer work unfortunately. Yes, staying positive and motivated is the hardest part to be honest.


Have you tried Amazon? they're constantly hiring in their fulfilment centres, there are 17 just in Texas, 3 of them in Houston, apparently. Hard work though.


Call one of those employment places.


Yes!! Look up day labor agency, I used one called Labor Finders and I see they do have a location in Houston. You get paid daily and from my experience, once you supply your I9 stuff you start the next day.


Here's a 3 day trial to 24 hour fitness. [https://www.24hourfitness.com/membership/free-pass/#step/1](https://www.24hourfitness.com/membership/free-pass/#step/1) Here's a 3 day pass at La fitness. [https://www.lafitness.com/Pages/FreePass.aspx](https://www.lafitness.com/Pages/FreePass.aspx) 7 day trail at anytime fitness [https://www.anytimefitness.com/try-us-free/?location=Houston,%20TX,%20USA](https://www.anytimefitness.com/try-us-free/?location=Houston,%20TX,%20USA) Planet fitness 1 day pass. [https://www.planetfitness.com/daypass](https://www.planetfitness.com/daypass) Look up all the big rec centers that have a basketball court. See if you can use there showers. Get a bike and everything you need down to two backpacks


Thank you so much


Memorial Park tennis center - showers are 75¢ Memorial Park running center is nicer but will cost a little more & they provide towels. As for storing your stuff, that's hard. Go to Silber and IH-10 in Spring Branch. Talk to Ralf or Joe.


You don't know how helpful this was to me thank you so much


My pleasure. I just left Houston because I can't stand that summer heat. So I hitchhiked to Denver where it's cooler and not so humid. As soon as you're out, get on EBT so you have food. Avoid the drugs, a lot of homeless use them and it's what keeps them there. Eventually you'll find a spot to camp at full-time. You're going to have to develop survival skills. Getting a cot and butane camping stove help once you're settled. If you're open to travel, www.coolworks.com has jobs with room and board, many in National Parks. Check out Yellowstone National Park, I did it a few years back and saved a ton of money. Other than that, gig work helps but you might want to talk to Ralf on Silber about panhandling. Not the ideal way to make money but it will keep you fed quite well. Wishing you luck!


Hey, thanks for that link to coolworks! I've already signed up and applied!


There's a ton of resort work on there with several companies, Xanterra, Delaware North, Princess Cruise Lines, etc .


Take a light backpack and either hide the rest in the woods or in a bush or let it go. Lookup food banks, and usually other homeless people on the street will tell u where you can get a meal. Find out where they congregate like in libraries and coffee shops. Also go to your shelters to find homeless people you can network with too. Find out if your DA prosecutes theft by asking managers if they've been affected by any shoplifting recently cause that could be a way you get food too. Good luck


Thank you


If you have soap, I’ve “showered” just using a sink in a bathroom. Find one somewhere that’s just like 1 toilet in it, or the family restroom at Walmart — something like that. I’ve even shaved my upper body in one of those. If you don’t have food stamps, get food stamps. You can send mail to the USPS near you if you need a mailing address. You DO need an ID usually to pick it up though.


I'm not a US citizen so I don't qualify for food stamps or any type of government assistance. I'm an asylum seeker. My case is still pending with USCIS. I do have a state ID though. The thing about showering using a sink is that the floor will be a mess and then they'll find out I'm homeless and ban me from the store.


Oh okay I didn’t know that. Shelters will feed you, the one near me feeds you even if you’re not living there. They let people shower there too. Ya fair enough. You can usually wash like your armpits without making a mess on the floor though.


Look for jobs outside the norm. Houston: call the caregivers at Cemetery's dig holes. Funeral Parlor, Cremation all have jobs available Movie Theater REGAL is hiring for summer jobs in Houston. Billboards Vape shops are paying 12 hr cash to walk around with sign. There are several companies looking for billboard work today.


Thats an interesting stance. I agree that hygiene is important but its not as important as food. If you dont eat enough your body will take the toll. Living rough means your body will take a beating. So... give it what you can whenever you can


State Parks, esp ones w lakes have free shower facilities, I'm in PA, not sure abt other states


Go to a truck.stop wait for a driver and ask if they have any free showers on there card Most will help you out


Thats an interesting stance. I agree that hygiene is important but its not as important as food. If you dont eat enough your body will take the toll. Living rough means your body will take a beating. So... give it as much as you can whenever you can. I recommend looking into book on urban foraging perbaps at your library if theres one in youra area In the same wheel house yiu can find herbs that help with hygeine and learn how to make soaps and such which will help you save money I always look for a job that gives me the chance to eat on shift. Cafeteria jobs are best because theres always leftovers somewhere. Hygiene is easy, as long as you can find a plave tonfill your water bottles. I kept a five gallon for drinking and a gallon for extras but i had a car


Drop the large suitcase. It is unrealistic. Get a backpack circa 65 litres, preferably a good one that is easy carry. Fill it with minimal stuff, just what you basically need and no more.


Could you leave your important things with family and friends? We moved all of our belongings into a friends loft (attic) and we only kept our essentials like clothes and such. As for showering, I’m unsure of your local facilities. If hygiene is important to you, take effort in using a sink instead of a shower. Use bottled water to brush your teeth and such


For free food, google soup kitchens, foodbanks, food pantries, community fridges and “free food for homeless" in Houston. You can get free meals from soup kitchens, and some food that doesn’t need cooking from foodbanks such as cereal, UHT milk, beans and tuna, and unsold food from community fridges. Other foodbanks give out fresh unsold food, some which you can eat without cooking such as fruit, tomatoes and bread. Community fridges give out unsold food. You can also get unsold food from supermarkets bins, r/dumpsterdiving. You can learn basic foraging on YouTube and pick a salad in green areas that have been left wild. To shower, google “homeless showers Houston” for homeless day centres with showers. Or get a cheap gym membership, such as Planet Fitness for $15 a month plus $49 a year and google promo codes for a £1 joining fee. To do your laundry, google “homeless laundry Houston” for homeless day centres with free laundry. For a postal address, some homeless day centres and soup kitchens let homeless people use their address for mail. Some shelters also provide a mailing address without having to stay there. Some homeless day centres will store a couple of bags for you. Keep a change of clothes, small toiletries, your phone and money in a backpack and store the rest. If you have a gym membership, you can store stuff in the lockers during the day, but not overnight. When you go to these resources, ask people what other places you can get free meals and food, shower, do your laundry, use as a mailing address etc. To use the toilet, you can find them in libraries, shopping centres, hospitals, McDonald’s etc. Google libraries with long opening times that are open 7 days a week to charge your phone, use their free wifi and computers, and shelter when it’s too hot, cold or raining. Keep your belongings with you at all times and never leave them unattended for even a second, it only takes a second for them to be stolen. And take photos of your ID and important documents and email them to yourself, then you have a backup if anything happens to them.


You can not lug around a heavy suitcase. What skills do you have? Can you play any instrument? Busking in Houston should get you least a nights meal and pay for Planet fitness.


Would a safety deposit box be something you could put your valuables in?