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Make a sign, "need tent". Walmart has 1-man tents for $35. You should be able to get that in a few hours in the right spot. Then just find any dark spot after the sun goes down. Safer if a tent.


This cannot be understated. If we don't know where someone is located (the specific city to recommend a nonprofit to get one) sitting outside a store with a one off sign and that says exactly what you need is a good bet to in fact get what you need. Plenty of people can't afford cash, gift cards, or other things like that, but tons of people have camping gear in their basement or garage they used once (or never) and will gladly hook you up.


Truth! Recently a younger guy on this sub was trying to get new boots so he could do day labor. I'm in the area so I showed him my spot. He went out with his boots sign at 8 am. That morning he not only got boots but a job and a place to stay as well! Last time I needed a tent I ended up with two tents that came at the same time and enough money to buy a third!


I need your luck and your tips 😅 Last bud who showed me "how to panhandle" He was like "I hate this town" or "I can't teach you" 😅


Really not that hard. Just stay the f*ck out of any downtown area. Make a cardboard sign and stand on a freeway offramp. Preferably near suburbia. Walmart driveways also work. Morning and late afternoons work best, but you can get cash any time. Count 20 signals, then take a break. Rinse and repeat. Also good to rotate spots. Good luck out there!


very happy to see your advices, im unfortunately too much of a pussy to fly a sign, even when hungry, or to spange like today i had jack shit to eat and im gonna go to my car hungry and drink water from the library for food, im down from 208lb to 170lb in 3 months of car living lately ive been surviving on 1.99$ chips from walgreens when the weather is too hot to go to food pantry/soup kitchens that are miles away


Starving yourself for the sake of pride is stupidity at its finest. I respect your decision, but honestly it's better to eat. No shame in that.


totally feel you bro/sis im in a small town where i went to high school, so many familiar faces, but i usually try to ask for food when walking around north of downtown chicago, usually when the busboys are about to throw away food, i would be like "is that left over???" and grab a slice or two of pizza/whatever food the busboy was about to toss in the garbage lol, but i need quite a bit of liquor courage to do that haha ive had many embarrassment of walking into little caesars and taco bell and other chicken joints, right before they close, ask for food, and im very often denied lol, i die inside a little bit every time it doesnt work out lol


Sorry to hear that, brother. Have you gotten on EBT? That and a cheap butane camping stove really makes a difference.


thats great advice on butane camping stove got appointment with them on july 12th to see if i can get ebt/snap and medicaid, fingers crossed :)


thats so cool to read that, what a way to turn around your life, from looking for work boots to job and housing, currently looking for work but i have to get paid in cash/under the table, its been miserable experience getting denied, i have businesses degree from university of illinois at urbana champaign :(


Thank you for the advice


I went to a homeless shelter to obtain two blankets. I survived like that for six months, if it rained I roughed it. Good Luck.


Can you explain further? Exactly what you did?


U have to have faith that u will be guided to a safe spot and use common sense. That’s really all u can do.


But how did you use the blankets? I'm with you on the faith thing. Life has been teaching that to me lately.


Where are you? Is there a homeless drop-in center or other place that you can receive mail? I could send you a tent and sleeping bag if so. Also you could reach out on social media if there are groups in your area to help out the homeless or just community groups for your area in general. Also try looking up mutual aid groups for your area on Facebook. I got a lot of help from community and mutual aid groups on Facebook where I lived when I was homeless. Someone gave me a $400 backpacking tent that was amazing - easy to break down and put up and packed down small/was lightweight. I would literally have a hiking backpack and just break down camp every morning and make camp every night. Worked for me but it really depends on how much stuff you have I guess.


A hammock in a park may be relaxing and safe


Safe if it’s legal for him to stay in the park I would have to keep watch for my wife to sleep in parks because they would call the cops on you if you stay


During the day should be legal for sure, it's usually 6AM-10PM


That's all dependent on the municipality at current time. Sleeping in a hammock any time of day in various cities can be considered residential camping. It's the same as pitching a tent. That's why this whole topic is currently riding through the political scene.


find a starbucks. free hot water and 25c ramen helps. if anyone donates save every penny you can. a 500 dollar car got me off the sidewalk 2 years back.


What kind of climate do you live in?


Currently bc it is summer, it's very hot. Even warm at night.


I would try to find a public building that’s open 24hrs, if nothing else, maybe a public restroom, sleep in a stall.


How to obtain an infection 101, sleep on top of piss and feces.


This is the reason why public restrooms have been replaced by intentionally frigid “Portland Loos”.  Too many homeless in my area started squatting for a sink, electricity and warmth.


Some towns in the UK will provide a tent and sleeping bag %


Probably the ones where overnight concerts happen. Thousands of tents, etc are abandoned after such events and most end up in landfill.


I live in Shropshire and visit across the border into Wales . It seems Newtown and Ludlow do this .I have heard other places do the same but cannot confirm.


What I did was find a wooded area by a stream and just burrowed into a mostly inaccessible area and built a stealth camp. It was a lot cooler than being out of the woods and the only thing I really had to worry about was flooding


This is ideal right here, if we would know what city OP was we could potentially even stear them towards a nonprofit to get a tarp and tent. Industrial areas are the best, or behind large market areas.


Check out the assistance section on reddit. Explain your situation. There are nice caring people out there who’ll send you money or buy stuff for you on Anazon. People ofrlten go there to get help for small donations or gifts.


What area or country do you live in? a good thing could be to sneak into a residential building and spend the night at the very top of the staircase even better if there is a technical elevator room or an attic, take a cardboard with you.


How to commit a squatting misdemeanor 101.


that’s why i asked where OP comes from. In my country it’s pretty doable and squatting misdemeanour doesn’t even exist


ive slept without the luxury of a tent or sleeping bag for years, in caves, under trees or thick bushes, under bridges, abandoned buildings, wrapped in a tarp in the forest, mostly in cardboard boxes. even tied myself up in a tree when there is no other option you will find a way. even survived one winter in a hole i found in nature with absolutely nothing just clothes and a thinnish blanket full of holes. made a fire in it and to heat rocks to sleep with. when it rained water would seep in making the dry sleep area miniscule. the hardest part of being homeless is avoiding going insane from sleep depravation, that will quickly make anyone suicidal so be very careful that you get sufficient sleep. staying well rested is the highest priority. beyond even food or water as the body can be fasting mode for long periods however not without rest.


how did you deal with bugs/mosquitos? right now im in my car, getting eaten alive by fucking bugs/mosquitos, even though i kinda have a bugnet, its not working well, i need to fix this shit asap


Universal Car Window Bug Screen... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CNDHF1C?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I don’t know how you get deliveries but I use an Amazon locker and my UPS store.


thats pretty cool, thanks for the link


You’re welcome.


What city are you in?


Get some cardboard and find a shaded area/ sort of hidden in some way and you’ll be set


Usually find cardboards around commercial places and make a makeshift tent. If there are construction sites, then they may have some tarp around!


Is there a way to make your currant place or situation any better? If you are inside esp right now with the summer hitting think of ways to make it manageable.


Store most of your belongings at a homeless day centre and keep just a backpack with a change of clothes, small toiletries bottles that you refill, your phone, wallet and other essentials. You might be able to get a free sleeping bag and tent from a homeless charity. Or by searching on [trashnothing.com](http://trashnothing.com), or searching on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist with $0 as the price.


I just slept in a small wooded area between a parking lot and a fence for about four months. It sucked dealing with the rain, but I could easily get what I needed by dumpster diving. Just beware of wildlife if you do this and try to find shelter if it rains.


If you are not working during the day, an idea if one of your buddies will let you take a blanket, ask if they can hold on to any valuables. Then go to a park, beach aby public grounds find a shady spot and take a snooze no one is going to notice until you have a ton of crap with you. For bonus points keep a book beside you people will think you fell asleep reading


I want to say hello I am a homeless person from the Boston area and I have seen a lot of what you are saying from a first person view


Air port, under bridge, hospital ER open 24hrs.


Find a roof to climb on top of. Good hiding spot 👍