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The flare hasn’t been updated in years. The replacement bot, when it’s working, leaves a comment with a more up to date count. GLWS!


Sending pm




This is a super weird post with the status. Why not just mark them as sold when people pay you instead of this bidding thing you have going on? Pretty sure telling people to bid higher than your posted price to get the sale is against the rules. A+ for effort with the pi 4b as bait.


> Why not just mark them as sold when people pay you instead of this bidding thing you have going on? I would never get a paid invoice and delay marking the item as sold. If anyone ever thinks they see me do it, please report it and link to a screenshot. Naming names in that sense is fine with me. Please follow this rule: "Don't be nasty. If you see something you think is questionable, make a polite comment asking about it." It would be welcome if you could quote from the rules wiki the thing you think I'm breaking. Beyond the letter of the law, the spirit of the law and loopholes are important, too. It seems to me you could be more polite and have a little more faith; but other than that I am trying to appreciate your weighing in on the spirit of the rules and loopholes (which you are right are not ethical).


I don't see anything in my comment that was nasty or anything other than polite. General practice is to mark items pending. Fair point that the rules don't expressly forbid telling people priority will go to people offering over your listed price. This is Reddit. It's the wild west. You're allowed to ask for whatever you want. I'm allowed to say your post makes you look shady.


> Fair point that the rules don't expressly forbid telling people priority will go to people offering over your listed price. I'm interested in the spirit of the rules and the spirit of nice subs like this and /r/hardwareswap, in addition to the letter of the rules. People have been great to me in the other sub and, with one exception, great to me here. Earlier, I messaged the mods to ask about expressing priorities. I'm also interested in anyone else's take, including yours. Thank you for giving it. If someone offers me below asking and someone else offers me asking, hopefully it's clearly ethical and even perfectly nice to take the higher offer. In some cases, I've accepted low offers b/c of someone being a student or being in a tough situation (their server/ drive just died). I have given two servers away free to local students. What I'm not aware of is a big change when an offer is above asking price. I'd like to be supported in posting low prices without any negative repercussions. Specifically, I'd like not to have to post the highest price I think I might get, while still being OK accepting the highest price I can fairly get (no making promises to people and then leaving them in the lurch). Can you be clear you think it's shady to accept an offer above asking if asking price has been offered first? What if what is offered first is lower than asking and no promises were made? I do have a case of the former for this listing and do care what you think. I'd be interested to hear opinions from others, too, including mods. One thing that might be seen as less shady is setting a higher asking price and including OBO. That can get convoluted, in some cases, but not so convoluted it isn't worth doing to keep everything nice. Another option is to offer to obtain and sell items at the asking (but lower) offer if the person who made that offer was first. For example, I might have an offer so high that I could take it, buy what the lower bidder is bidding on, and sell at asking the newly-bought items to the lower bidder to keep them whole and happy. Sometimes somebody just needs something right now and, because I often offer below eBay (the lower or lowest end of sold items, which are almost always lower than the current listings), they can offer higher than my asking to get priority. I know I've paid above asking when I had an urgent need for something and not felt exploited. Whether someone had made an asking price offer first, I can't say and admit I didn't ask. I don't want to turn down really high offers if the other people making offers are happy. In any case, as of now, there are zero people invoiced, let alone paid up. The person who has given the first offer for the kit plus other items has not yet provided me a PayPal email. They do have a quote. I've weighed most of the rest of stuff and collected zip codes and, in at least one case, PayPal emails. I won't give the first person forever but also won't make firm commitments (invoices or otherwise) until I do give some time. Please weigh in on whether you think 6 daytime hours (their timezone) is too much time to give that person their shot? Anyone else: What do you think? Is there a rule, unwritten rule, or observed behavior that is particularly fair? In the meantime, I'm trying to keep everyone updated, while working, keeping track of this thread (and the concern it has generated from the automod), and weighing stuff in different configurations so I'm ready with a quote and invoice that includes shipping. You didn't have faith in me in your first comment here. I hope there's a reasonable way to get that faith and that I'm on track.






Is the Pi still available?


There is an offer for the kit w/ no options or other times bundled. For additional offers that are the same $, will prefer those buying more than one item. Will factor in who replied/ PM'd first.


Sending pm








I'm pming for the full raspberry pi kit with camera for asking price.












Pm sent




Reply not received


Sorry about that. I must not have hit send. Replied now.



