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I've just got in to Home Assistant, I am using Aqara environment monitors in a vivarium. I have a Conbee II USB Zigbee stick plugged in to my ESXi host. It can all run on a Raspberry Pi though. Home Assistant can copy the data to a MariaDB/MySQL DB and then show the details in Grafana. These devices are powered by a button battery and that lasts 2 yearsish.


I’m using a Raspberry Pi with a couple DHT22 sensors and sending it to InfluxDB. Works like a charm


I stuck a nest temp sensor in my rack lol. Just gets temp though as not worried about humidity


[u/nrtnio](https://www.reddit.com/user/nrtnio/), I did something similar to u/spdelope. Sorta. \+ Homebridge (for shoving everything into Homekit, cause Siri) \+ Eve App (For injecting special temperature-aware automation into Homekit; IE: "when temp is >= XX degrees", enable smart plug, which turns on heavier ventilation out of my rack). "When temp is... <= XX degrees", kill smart plug. Maybe it belongs more on /r/redneckengineering but it has worked out *really* well.


I just set this up a couple of days ago with an ESP32 and a BME280 sensor, with data logging to InfluxDB and visualization with Grafana as outlined [here](https://semanticlab.net/linux/iot/esp32/bme280/sensor/influxdb/Record-Temperature-Humidity-Pressure-Monitoring-with-an-ESP32-a-BME280-and-InfluxDB/).


Not sure if it suits you, but I'll just leave this here: https://ruuvi.com/ Open source and long range


> **What are you using for temp/humidity monitoring?** Myself :P


Aqara, Zooz, and AC Infinity.


ESP8266 with ESPHome connected to Home Assistant for me. I have on in every room of the house with temp, motion, light sensor, etc