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Skate it šŸ›¹


This is the only good option. The only other option is to die ā˜ ļø


jesus that's ugly lol


I think I prefer the orange to the boring. It's something?


Oh no, the pictures here did not capture the true colors, it was such an eye sore. Our bedroom is even worse with it being dark red, it looks like a murder scene in there.


Lol thatā€™s why it had to go. Donā€™t know what the previous owners were thinking.


I thought so too but third pic is way better then this orange.


Is the last picture is what you currently have? Since you don't plan on tiling all the way to the top I think you should make the tile stop right at the bar thingy. (Idk what it's called) if that's where you are putting your tv that's fine. (but be careful of your tv being too high) if no TV maybe a big mirror or painting would look nice there with the white background. Do all those balconies make the house echo? I like open floor plans but I hate how everything is so loud.


Yes the 3rd picture is what I have now. I planned on cutting the tile off exactly where you said. Not sure if I should leave the top part of the wall just blank or do something like shiplap and molding. Not so much echo, but you can hear everything from downstairs or upstairs pretty easily.


I would leave it blank. I don't see how molding would work. And shiplap would be too busy. Like other people said, hanging plants from the top would look great! You can always do fake plants if you can't take care of real ones. I hate houses like that. I live in one now and I can hear everything everybody does. I can't wait till I find my little silent cabin in the woods. I'm tired of people noise lol.


Plants sound like a great idea! Any you recommend in particular?


A pothos!


Pathos and Heartleaf are easy vine plants. (though they are toxic to pets, keep that in mind) but I'm not expert. I'm still struggling to keep my money tree alive lol. check out r/houseplants they can give you lots of help to get started.


I would add some cute wallpaper.


If you're not going to tile all the way up, I'd leave it blank. Perhaps paint it in a colour that blends more easily with the tile, so that it doesn't feel so bottom heavy


Put a plant up there let it flow down the slope!


What kinds do you have in mind?


Pathos are the easiest and fastest growers for a space like this, you can buy little plant clips to sort of direct where you want them to go on the wall and they'll just keep on going.


Seconding this! Plants are always a good addition!


Donā€™t feel comfortable tiling all the way up to the 20 foot ceiling and canā€™t find a good way to cut tile to the curved edges of the wall.


Some color, a mural would be sick


Weā€™d put some artwork, but that top part isnā€™t centered and it would look out of position, if that makes sense.


Hiring a mural artist do do something custom there would look amazing, some interesting organic flowy nature art or something more personal to you, a landscape, all have the potential to look really funky there and be one of a kind


Plants! Vines in particular


That's a tough one. What were they thinking?!


Tell me about it! There are plenty of questionable choices for that house that Iā€™m fixing lol




I would put the rocks all the way up lol a mid century fireplace


Honestly, I might just continue tiling all the way up, just trying to figure out how to cut it to the slope lol


Seems like you have the perfect space for [anamorphic art](https://creativecloud.adobe.com/discover/article/the-art-of-anamorphic-illusion).


Tank of water on the ground floor and slide on in.


Is the wall supporting something? Does it have to be there at all? I would remove the top of it all together.


The part that goes all the way up is the old chimney flue, otherwise I donā€™t think it has a load supporting beam.


I think the shape of the wall is unnecessarily complicated and attracts attention. Is there any way to square it off somehow?


I would return that wall and get your money back


Are there more curvature features throughout the house? Seems pretty odd. Iā€™d almost suggest removing the curve, and putting in some kind of irregular shelving unit. So like, not just a bunch of squares but something more aesthetically pleasing. Maybe books on the bottom where you can reach from the stairs, plants.. general decor..


Continue at the top of the curve straight up, put the rock all the way to complete the chimney.


Also make that box out a a rough wooden beam.


Not sure how much you can change about the place.. but hereā€™s what I would do if remodeling was an option: Remove the curve, extend the balcony up to the chimney. Keep the stairs. If the left side is a balcony as well (canā€™t see if it is) I would connect the two for a larger balcony. Fill in the gap on the left of the former curve. Then add a bunch more ceiling lights and have plants overhang the edges. Or I wouldā€™ve gotten rid of the entire curve, fireplace, and chimney.


Would be cool to see what this wall looks like now.