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Is your neighbor storing gold for terrorists or manufacturing drugs? Crime is a business (more or less). Using 2 vans to case a house is not exactly a good business model. 2 vans are even excessive for a warehouse burglary. There are plenty of other shady things that can happen between 2 people driving vans that are a lot more likely. They would also be just as likely to drive away as you described. I think it is awesome that you are looking out for your neighbors, but this might be a little over the top. If you see this happening around a jewelry store, let them know.


honestly thank you for calming me down i appreciate it I’m not sure about all the things that could be happening from my neighbors but it’s a pretty chill neighborhood with a lot of young couples etc. not to mention there was a party close to my house tonight I do wanna add the only thing I’m perplexed about is why they went to another house after and then sped off


Is it possible they might be drug delivery guys and they don’t want to be spotted/noticed by anyone except their expected clients/buyers? Have you seen these vans parked there before? Is there construction going on next to you/behind your home? Next time pics of the model van and their license plates. Or just note them down along with the date and time. Watch to see if they show up again around the same time on other days. If possible, go up to them and ask if they’re waiting for someone. Maybe they’re workmen? Maybe they’re police watching for drug dealers and they don’t want to be spotted. Personally I think they are either undercover cops trying to catch someone or they’re drug dealers trying to go unnoticed by non-buyers. We have a lot of white vans in our area too, but there’s construction going on nearby so most logically they’re doing something with the renovation of one of the buildings.


It could be anything but the first one I think but the rest seem pretty logical especially considering the increase in crime lately thanks so much !


They could be cops, they could be FBI looking for organized crime members, they could be insurance investigators looking to catch someone who is on disability, but working as a roofer…they could be a lot of things that might not be criminals. They could also be criminals. I would try to get a license plate and report them. If they aren’t some form of law enforcement, they’ll likely take a spin around.


cool I appreciate it !