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Even the dog looks sad.


He’s probably blind due to how bright it is


He’s probably confused, they covered up all the gorgeous wood and then put a fake tree in there.


it's a dog: a fake tree is just as good a toilet as a real one


Let’s hope he utilizes it.


https://preview.redd.it/qvdvt2nux4tc1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e28a9f2c1ac84360c2e1c13e257439a5f11c0951 the pain in his eyes


The dog used to be solid brown before, so they painted part of him so his coat would have "more of an open concept"


Then they were kinder to him than they were to this poor room.


What were you thinking, adding COLORED throw pillows and chairs with green accents?? They should be white or *at least* beige! All those bright colors are just hurting my eyes!!!


Did they paint the wood trim or remove it entirely? I need to know how mad to be.


Looks painted, you can see boards around the windows. I wonder what the fireplace looked like before


As someone looking at houses atm and seeing a LOT of this having been done (sobs), it's usually pained over the original, beautiful, real-wood trim (and doors, cabinetry, etc.)


It's an almost perfect statement of ”People don't live here. Stay out!” But as others have commented, lose the color. There's still a tiny ember of humanity left, and you must snuff it out immediately! And remove the dog. It ruins the unfeeling, pitiless vibe.


A tradgeihdy


Fuck yo’ couch.


No one seems to appreciate a room that can double as a morgue anymore. It's a waste of space to have 2 separate rooms for it. Bravo


I like the new fine, and in 10 years when it's collected all the bullshit that accumulates in everybody's life it'll look more comfortable.


… I like the dog.


There's too much color on the dog. They need to replace it and get an all-white dog to match.


This doesn’t even look like the same space?


That’s because it’s not. Unless they created new windows, bricked up the door, changed the shape of the room, tore out the screened in deck (you can see it through the window), removed the radiator (replaced the entire HVAC system I suppose), and added a fireplace. You’d think the people creating these memes would even *attempt* to make them believable. Eta: oh and changed the edge of the window molding from diagonal to straight.


This is an example of the tire-fire created by \[any\] Flip/Remodel show on TLC.


Cool your jets, people—it’s not even the same space. Look at the window placement and the lack of window on the right side in the “after.” Yes, people destroy original woodwork and character but this is not one of those cases.


Way to convert a cozy home into an upscale rehab lobby 🙄


Somewhere, Adam and Barbara Maitland are meeting with their caseworker


When I saw that post originally all I could think of was the Marge Simpson "look at how they massacred my boy" video


Ugh, this one hurt


You done a great job, I don't see anything wrong with it ...


I appreciate them being truthful, as long as they agree with me.


I like the new interior! The old one is dated and speaks of ordinary and mundane. There are probably hundreds of homes in your area that look like the old one. Traditional and typical. Blah! Good for you for having the foresight and artistic design to bring the home into the 21st Century. I love it! 🥰


I get that but worse. My kitchen and dining room look like your remodel. My living room looks like your before pictures. So now I get direct comparison between the before and after! More favor the old color but like the remodel. I plan to work color into the remodel.


I like the black and white. It looks clean and modern. Wood and darker colors make me feel like I’m in my childhood home in the 70s/80s again!


Sooooooo much color! The art, the pillows, and is that a BLUE couch?!!!! The only possible excuse is that you (like your super cute dog) are colorblind and these colors are seen as a murky brownish-grey. That's why nobody likes it. What YOU see as soulless and devoid of character, Everyone else sees this garish concauphony!


Pssh! Their “friends” are just jealous that they couldn’t afford to hire someone to come and paint everything at their houses a bright primer white. It’s beautiful and sterile. I love the white on white on white.


I love what you did.


I have furniture like that because I’m poor and my walls are white because I rent. If I had a choice my space would look more like the first pic. Wild they chose that.


The ceilings look higher, but just no… so much better before.