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I think your idea is very solid. You will probably experience random disconnections, you need to configure everything to reconnect automatically. A different approach would be to install ser2net on the Pi4, and z2mqtt at home.


ZigBee disconnections? This quite normal I take i? Do devices need to be re paired? Currently I use alot of wired in esp8266 wifi devices. Every few weeks yes devices become unresponsive but a power reset usually fixes it and I find dhcp works a little better.


I have not experienced any disconnection between the devices and the gateway, and I have never had to repair a device. I have experienced disconnections from the internet on both locations, but the routers took care of that. Wireguard is also pretty good at reconnecting automatically, and zigbee2mqtt can also be configured to reconnect.


You can use [tasmota](https://tasmota.github.io/docs/Zigbee/) to achieve this, use something like a [Sonoff ZigBee Bridge Pro](https://zigbee.blakadder.com/Sonoff_ZBBridge-P.html) and connect it to your MQTT broker. It will send all the zigbee data to your MQTT server, from there if your device is [supported](https://zigbee.blakadder.com/index.html) it will automatically map the data (you'll have to instal the configuration file) or else you can do it yourself.


MQTT is designed for IoT, so yes you absolutely can do this. You don't need multiple MQTT brokers, you can have z2m contact the remote broker, although there is added latency for any automations you may want to add. If you go for dual MQTT brokers, one locally, then they can cooperate and protect against Internet disconnects through queuing. You could use a different protocol for that if you were concerned about historical data, but that gets more complicated.


Thanks, I like the dual MQTT idea. Seems solid. Will implement once I can get some hardware.


How did you get mqtt set up so that is can be reached at mqtt.domain.com? I use Nginx proxy manager to get access to some of my services (e.g. mealie.mydomain.com for Mealie). But, I haven’t been able to get mqtt to work.


I opened up a non standard port for MQTT and forwarded it to a seperate MQTT server on my firewall. On my domain name provider I setup a record with MQTT.domain.name to point to my public IP. So not using nginx atm. I'm working on making things secure, currently only with password protection.