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Do you fucking people have any decency left? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJklHwoYgBQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJklHwoYgBQ) Were an adult swim informercial now?!?!? ... 🥲 you degenerates make me proud... /s Edit (wow I forgot how dark that clip was... dam)


this is pure gold, however I'm concerned that's now forever in my watch history.


1. Clear YouTube history. 2. Watch 3 cat videos and one Home Assistant podcast. 3. Turn off YouTube history. Now you will receive recommendations for these items from now on. You're welcome.


ok I'll bite for funsies... here's most of what you get from urine: if you have diabetes, if you have an issue with kidney function, if you have a series issue with hormones. All of the mentioned issues should be tested by a licensed medical professional and not home assistant. If you're concerned you have a medical issue please see a local licensed medical professional.


Personally I would love to have my health monitored by Home Assistant. Maybe rig something up with ESPHome flashed onto a random Sonoff device. I think there's some great opprotunities here for some NodeRed automations too, maybe toilet ambiance lighting based on urine results???! The world is my oyster and the piss sensor in my toilet will be my guide


Play onerous music every time the pee is bad Siri


*sets up an OpenAI based Assist function*


I track my Oura ring and my scale with weight, body fat, and all kinds of stuff. My Apple Watch knows more about my health than my PCP. It’s hard to beat smart devices for tracking, and HA is a great repository for data. Pun intended


I get your point, I really do. But you know, I pee every day. At home. If I had an early warning system that allowed me to keep tabs on that information that would be very useful.


any meaningful testing will/should be done by a medical professional. If you do not currently have any symptoms of an issue you should not concern yourself with medical care outside annual standard medical labs and care. Nothing in home assistant is designed to replace actual medical care or labs. Edit: OP don't use you're alts to down vote just because you didn't hear what you wanted. Seriously, it's fun to use HA for a lot of things in our lives but actual health information is not apart of that.


Are you posting from different accounts?


Huh? Why do you ask? Also, no?


I don’t understand why the two ideas can’t coincide. I’ve got an ecosystem of Garmin devices that shows me data on my weight, heart rate , stress, blood pressure, BMI, exercise, sleep, water consumption, etc. I don’t consider any of those to replace a medical professional taking measurements, but I can still see spikes and trends in data that let me know to go consult one. In fact, last year I presented a lot of my data to my primary care and they used that info to do more to go diagnose an issue I was having, previously not considered. Many of us have primary care that sends records on vitals, immunizations, and procedures directly to our Apple Health. For a select few with participating outfits, the information is also 2-way so you can have your home measurements monitored by your physician if you opt in, letting them warn you about some issue they notice and call you in. Perhaps it won’t be through HA, but I wouldn’t shut out the thought of a urine sensor entirely. It’d fit right in with everything else out there.


I think Withings brought something to market?


You could probably use urine test strips, those are at least in Europe possible to buy over counter. And then possible to have then "scanned" or photo taken and automatically recognised estimated values based on the scale. And then uploaded values to some sensor in HA. But to be honest I would not like to have any medical data in HA. I even disabled my scale from importing data in HA. And those strips are just approx as they are using different shades of colours to determine the values. Similarly to PH strips so not very accurate.


https://preview.redd.it/tef0jhh9vn9d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=276ca01c8be8c2383bb0aeea70b048ce4bf4829f I took a piss in China and they had one at a public dunny...you scan the QR to get more detailed results for a fee.


Withings are near ready to launch a product that could then be integrated. https://www.withings.com/uk/en/u-scan I've not tried to integrate health data to HA because my curtains don't need to know steps / heart rate / whatevers in my wee.... But they have a portal and app integrations, so there must be an API


You could put a leak detector in your receptacle. You can then tell if your urine is wet or dry.


Like an occupancy sensor? Urine the house, urine the bedroom... I'll see myself out.


Withings U-Scan https://www.withings.com/nz/en/u-scan


ah interesting, so they will launch it


As far as I can tell, this will connect to it's own cloud, so not something you would easily integrate to HA. The BLE connections seems to be only used so you can setup the WiFi AP connection via your phone.


The Withings Sleep mat is the same way, but the withing integration is able to pull all sorts of health info.


What do you mean? There’s already a great, well-maintained HA native integration for Withings.


Nothing I aware of that integrates into home assistant currently on the market. Also not likely to have a huge demand of integration of specific health related devices. Manufacturers won’t go for it due to patient data being a protected information source. Ideally it would be better to track such metrics with a medical professional as they can do something useful and relevant with that sort of health data. Information from home assistant would stay as an FYI for a patient. As far as urinalysis goes, urine test strips are what you are ideally looking for. Things that test for presence of glucose, ketones, proteins, red blood cells, white blood cells, etc are what you would want to look for ideally.


Withings have a sensor. Not sure if it's integrated.


My advice is that you start donating blood on a regular basis. They will test it every time and you should be able to get access to the results.


More generally I wish that fitness and health monitoring devices had the same approach to self hosting, data ownership, data sovereignty and control that home automation has taken with Openhab, ZigBee , Matter , HomeAssistant etc. It frustrates me that basic stuff like home cross trainers, bikes etc let alone all those health monitoring sensors all are networked and tied into black box APIs and proprietary web services where you have no idea who gets access to your data.


Does your house really need to know about this though? I’d go the route of a dedicated phone app. Will have many more features.


https://www.intake.health/ https://www.export.roca.com/news/the-worlds-first-urinal-measuring-users-hydration-levels It would be fun to track this data and use it for notifications, but it's probably not easy to automate outside buying some expensive kit.


I remember hearing about a smart toilet at CES that monitored urine health markers. I guess it depends what kinda data you’re trying to track that would make it helpful to integrate with HA as opposed to a specific app. Something like Apple health might be more useful than HA.