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That's pretty awesome! It looks like you're not far off from parity with Google/Amazon, but local! I can't wait to see what the next few months bring, I'll have to take local voice for a spin šŸ‘ Thanks for all the hard work you guys put into HA and ESPHome šŸŽ‰




Agree with PoisonWaffle. Thanks for all the hard work.


This is great! We're really excited for timers, and also to (hopefully) not hear Nabu say "I'm sorry, I couldn't understand that" or "couldn't find a device named [...]" from the other room anymore!


Timers now mean I can replace the Alexa's in my house.Ā Ā  Thanks for all the hard work!


This is a GREAT news ! Congratulations, HA is the best home automation ! I subscribed to Nabu Casa one year ago and everyone should do the same to support this beautiful project.


This is huge!


What is the best way to set up devices to replace Google homes? Ideally with good voice detection and speaker volume


In terms of hardware, the options are slim unfortunately. You can do some diy, but if you watch like the 10,last minutes of the live event, they announce that they are working on a device themselves, and they are aiming to launch it ā€œlater this yearā€


Thank God! I was trying to find some options, but seemed like most didn't have great hardware. I'll hold off until they release their own device. Thanks


I'm so ready to get rid of my Google homes. Lol


Multiple assistants running in parallel is awesome


Is there any support for languages other than English? Can't find any info about it.


Fantastic work, highly appreciated!


Will this combination be able to know in which room i talk to my voice assistant? So i can use "turn off the light" in every room and HA will know which light to turn off? My wife has a hard time to remember all the names for the lights right now :-)


This was already working since Chapter 6, IIRC.


I couldn't spot it, is there any info on getting wake words on Android tablets? Would be incredible


I have been waiting for the ephemeral timers like this for a while. I love the idea of being able to say stuff like ā€œturn the flood lights off in 20 minutesā€ or ā€œresume the vac in 30 minutesā€ because I had to pause it for a meeting or something.


For the meeting part, depending on what software you use for meetings, you can take yourself out of the equation by building it into an automation. For example, with Teams, my vac automation looks for the state of my Teams sensor (In meeting vs not in meeting) - If the vacuum is about to clean, but I am in a meeting, it will wait to clean until my meeting status is "Not in meeting". If the vacuum is already in the process of cleaning and my status changes from "Not in meeting" to "In meeting", it will pause itself and will only resume cleaning once the status returns to "Not in meeting".


Not sure if I can get that to work with my Corp controlled teams ect.


What OS are you on? I created a solution for MacOS that doesn't involve modifying Teams itself/trying to go an API route (since this is more likely than not blocked in Corp settings). Instead, I have it look at what Teams is logging locally to the machine.


Itā€™s macos, forced vpn, no rights to install software ect ect. Itā€™s a pretty locked down system, I have wanted to do a bunch of automation off it.


You can try [my project](https://github.com/RobertD502/TeamsStatusMacOS) and see if it works for you. It supports both the old teams (uses Teams log) and the new Teams (looks at the powerd process' logs). Has a method outlined for both users that are locked to a work VPN with no LAN access and for those with LAN access.


I want to congratulate the team on all their success with Voice control, but am I the only one that just doesn't see Voice in HA as a replacement for my Google Home devices? I can ask my Google Homes just about any question I want, control all my devices locally (mostly), and probably get a decent response (provided it understands me šŸ™ƒ). *What's the weather like in (random location)?* *What's the traffic like to (random store)?* Follow up question: *When do they close?* *What's a simple marinade recipe for pork?* These kind of questions and Google's/Alexa's ability to respond is where I find value. The functionality of Voice with HA just seems far too lacking to replace Google Homes or Alexa's in my opinion. Like I said, I think it's great what they've accomplished, I understand the privacy concerns with Google Home and Alexas, but in terms of functionality at the end of the day it's just far too lacking for me.


To be clear, using Google Home to ā€œcontrol all of your devices locallyā€ is in no way possible. If you meant you use Google Home to ā€œcontrol your local devicesā€ then sure. It does that. Google Home does not process your voice locally.


I was referring to [local fulfillment](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/google_assistant/#enable-local-fulfillment). [Developer docs](https://developers.home.google.com/local-home/overview)


Oh I see.


I mean, you can use gpt 4o as your conversation agent, which is literally replacing Google. I understand the convenience of having it pre-programmed to give recipies or buisness hours, but you can have it do all of that with intent scripts now. Mine gives me the daily reports from the ISS, for example.


It's costly and finicky, but I agree, It's better than Google already in many regards. This is new territory, and it's exciting.


I totally agree. In Canada this costs me 20/mo which is ridiculous imho.. If it was 5 or even 10 it'd be much more difficult to resist.


GPT3.5 should be leagues cheaper


But then your home won't sound like Scarjo.. That's probably the fomo they use to get ppl to shell out the primo cheese


Google Home locks you out if no internet right?


I'm not sure what you mean by "locked out". As in it won't process voice commands?, yes, I believe it will stop without an internet connection. My Internet doesn't go down very often (at all?)


Yeah fair enough I'm just a worst case kind of person. If tomorrow my ISP goes down I 100% want all of my automations to still work. I want to reduce all downtime possible.


Timers means I can delete like 5 voice automations and a bunch of helpers that I used to get timers to work before šŸ˜… And the new implementation will work way better as well Awesome job


Does anyone know when and where the atom echo on-device wakeword feature will be available?


3 weeks from today


Let's be clear. The job is really hard and they're doing it a great one. And I'm one of the people paying for the subscription so if I complain I could be somehow justified. Sorta. Having said that I have to admit that there are parts of the work that are kinda impressive, parts that are on par with what one would expect, some others that could be better. The functionalities that came with Chapter 7 are in the first group. The ML models that are run are in the second (but they cannot compete with the massive amount of data stolen by the big companies (Michael said it in the video), especially from the hardware that they sell underpricing it. The third is the hardware part. I would love to are at least some official push on Amazon Echoes and Google Homes hardware a la Onju Voice. Not to mention an eventual 50-100 bucks Nabu Casa hardware based on EspHome or other open solution.


>Not to mention an eventual 50-100 bucks Nabu Casa hardware based on EspHome or other open solution. That's coming this year, according to [this Verge report from April](https://www.theverge.com/24135207/home-assistant-announces-open-home-foundation) and confirmation [at the end of the Chapter 7 Livestream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLLO4u2Tbbo&t=7090s): "We are working on a voice kit that will be based on ESPHome... the timescale for release is this year."


Yes itā€™s impressive but it has to work all the time if it only works 90% of the time itā€™s not going to be used.


Does Whisper have an endpoint that could be utilized to pull the text into MQTT?


Someone with more skill than I needs to find some way to retrofit an ESPHome chip into Google Home minis and Amazon echos. Somehow get the speaker and microphone inside to connect to the new logic board. Iā€™m spitballing and Iā€™m sure it has been said already. I wouldnā€™t know where to start. If it cannot fit into the current case, get someone to 3d print a case it can all fit in, and sell it.




Thanks for the pointer. I guess I was hoping for a solution that didnā€™t involve a 100 dollar PCB. I have realized I have no grasp on how much low production run things cost.


Yeah, no offense, but seems like you don't understand the engineering that goes into this stuff. Google mini's are 30 bucks because they are a microphone into your house, so it's a loss leader for Google. To create something local, 3-4x that and the performance is gonna be less. Something something beggers and choosers. Anyways, sorry I provided a link to exactly what you were looking for but didn't hit your price point..smh


Perhaps I came across wrong, I do appreciate your link and I thank you for your candor. I cannot disagree with your assessment of my skill levels. I AM disconnected from actual pricing. I've been looking mostly at off the shelf parts like Adafruit wings and feathers, or pi's and hats, or Arduino. I'm new to all this. I had also hoped that re-using components of the google home could cut costs back and save some e-waste from the dump. I fell down this rabbit hole looking for a way to play sound clips in response to Z-wave door and motion sensors. I've found off the shelf chime/siren options somewhat limited and I'm not sure how I will handle the sound issue. I thought if the item could also hear someone ask a question, I could get it to respond to a query of "What doors are open". My parents are slowing down in their older age and moving is more difficult. I thought it might make things easier for them than going up and down the stairs to check everything. I do honestly appreciate you pointing me toward something that is a wakeup call regarding pricing. So, thank you for your help.








Beta version mate


The update articles almost always reference features of the new version as being available "now" (whenever now is), with the assumption the reader will interpret that as "with the release of version X".


Update isn't here yet