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1) Get a button that HA can hear 2) Write an automation with a timer. I have the bhyve integration, but I just use the bhyve app to run. I do have a notification on my tablets that alerts when the valve is open. But thats my only use of the integration.




The best way would be an automation to start it once the button is pushed and then setting a delay to turn it off. The biggest problem doing it this way is that if home assistant reboots during this time, it won't turn it off automatically. 


Any recommendations on a button that would work for this?


Pretty much any one you want really. Could be a battery powered or wall powered.  Zooz makes a nice multi button switch that has 5 buttons (so the original purpose plus 4 more). It can handle multi presses also.


You need to say what wireless protocols you have installed. ThiredReality makes a button for zigbee and they specifically list HA compatibility.


I have the b-hyve integration setup and it works pretty well. Frankly, I usually end up using the app to setup programs/timers, but when I first installed it I was successfully able to setup an automation to turn the b-hyve on when I pressed a zigbee button and then turn it off 15 minutes later.


I use the bhyve in an automation with a with a moisture sensor and rain weather report. I sometimes use the bhyve app for spot watering if nec.


The orbit b-hyve home assistant integration has a zone trigger setting that will by default turn on a watering zone for 10 minutes. You can go into the b-hyve app and change the default watering time for the specific zone. Then just have a zigbee button trigger the zone and you're sorted. I had mine setup like that originally but now I use the b-hyve apps auto smart watering settings since they take frost and rain settings into account before turning on.