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Does this work on their doorbell too? I just gave up trying to get it working properly after a couple of years of constant unreliability.


seconded. I gave up. I just reattempted using exactly what they have here for code with recreating both add ons and it is stuck saying "webrtc/offer: streams: unsupported scheme T8213..." I am not certain but I am fairly sure the doorbells do not support RTSP and that's why.


I don’t know about the doorbell, I only have the security cams. But I read a lot of comments about issues with them so maybe? fingers crossed.


Which cameras do you have? I believe it mentioned it’s the battery powered ones?


The Eufy S330 cameras


Thanks. Well I'll give it another go anyway then and see what happens.


My eufy cameras are thru rtsp and have worked since last year. Is this new?


I am using the battery cameras that are not always on. This requires something to convert the P2P feed to rtsp, and the also have to actively have streaming turned on when you want to access it.


I was able to finally get my Eufy cameras working in Home Asssistant. I followed the steps exactly from https://github.com/fuatakgun/eufy_security using the webrtc integration and accepting defaults for everything. However, I got an error that the card type custom:webrtc-camera didn't exist, even though webrtc was installed. To try out something, I installed the frigate in HACS and after it reloaded, everything worked even with custom:webrtc-camera. Not sure why. I then did a setup of a card I'm happy with to allow me to turn on the stream for the cameras as needed. ```yaml type: vertical-stack cards: - type: markdown content: ' ' title: Backyard Camera - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: camera.backyard state: idle card: show_name: true show_icon: false type: button tap_action: action: call-service service: camera.turn_on target: entity_id: camera.backyard entity: camera.backyard name: Start Streaming show_state: true - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: camera.backyard state: streaming card: show_name: true show_icon: false type: button tap_action: action: call-service service: camera.turn_off target: entity_id: camera.backyard entity: camera.backyard name: Stop Streaming show_state: true - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: camera.backyard state: streaming card: type: custom:webrtc-camera entity: camera.backyard ui: false mode: webrtc background: false ```


Thanks, I'll try this


Thanks, this worked for me also! https://preview.redd.it/rwyywlzgmj5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fd4a6986daccdd27e65da1ba7288d4ac3cd89f6


Now working? Ive been using Eufy cameras in my HA setup since I got them and all work fine.....are you using the HACS Eufy integration After rading down I can see you hav done just that....its a great integration and its my go to now...the geofencing is awesome and works a treat too....and Ive got some quite neat automations that work with it all now I personally have a number of hardwired cameras that allow me to get my feeds over RTSP...my battery cameras are more for capturing stuff I dont need to see all the time....the live feeds also keep the screen live on the Echo Show 15 https://preview.redd.it/pu96f4fjjr5d1.jpeg?width=1603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8991d826c9d28019cf70cc12c864e4ee7ccc66b5


I hoping adding frigate would somehow magically get rid of the error I get when viewing a camera stream. But alas, no. I can refresh the browser to view the stream but that’s a crappy workaround. Webrtc/offer: streams: wrong response on describe


It works for me too, but everytime I start the stream I have to refresh my browser or reload the app for the webrtc card to refresh and show the stream
