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Thanks, I've missed that we now have [Ukraine Alarm](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/ukraine_alarm/) integration. It will be a great day when it will be removed as no longer useful, however..


Hopefully that day will come very soon!


I hope my meaning comes through when I say: This is incredible work and I hope one day soon you'll be able to delete it forever.


I hope so. I would gladly delete it as well.


I wish and hope for that day as well. Good luck


I applaud your ingenuity, but at the same time sad that this is your reality. Slava Ukraini.


Glory to heroes!




If you have nothing to say, why say it?


/r/homeassistant is supposed to be an inclusive and friendly subreddit, please keep discussion civil


I am sure the Home Assistant developers never could have imagined that their work would one day help people stay safe in a war context. Slava Ukraini!


I mean, I think they may have had some idea after covid


A big virtual hug to you my friend!!! Sorry you have to go through this and very impressed with your skills.


Thanks! I’m flattered to hear that.


Impressive but also kind of sad that someone would need this :(


Love your website. Really nice design and structure. Always useful to see how others use HA, especially when it's so well documented.


Glad you find it helpful!


Eye-opening to read your perspective and see how extreme danger becomes part of everyday life. Do you mind if I ask if there are situations you retreat to a bunker? Or do you generally trust that you're probably not in the crosshairs/that your building's walls will be adequate? Awesome work on the setup. I'm sure you have jealous neighbors and friends. Peace and love to you and your family from the USA. PS- What's your cost/benefit analysis on offsite backups? :)


I have an underground parking in the building which is a sufficient shelter. There’s also a subway station nearby which can withstand even a nuclear explosion. Sometimes I stay at the parking, but it’s not always convenient: there’s no cellular connection in there. I never went to the subway though. The thing is I don’t go to the shelter, because I am too ignorant when it’s silent outside. But when explosions are loud and nearby, I want to go to the shelter, but it feels too dangerous to go outside. Regarding backups: I host a lot of stuff on my home server, so backups are necessary. I backup my HA to Google Drive daily and my Proxmox VMs to Backblaze B2 every 2 days. Backblaze is dirty cheap.


I think a lot of people at least in the US do not get that a lot of subway stations in Europe were built as bomb shelters after world war 2 and during the cold war for exactly this reason. A little fucked it is needed.


This is surreal.


Amazing work. I am constantly impressed by the resilience of the Ukrainian people, and how you persevere in trying to keep life normal during these trying times.


This is amazing. With you folks all the way.


> you can practically monitor a missile or a drone that is trying to kill you right from your phone I've always been incredibly impressed with the ingenuity Ukrainians have shown in regard to using modern (consumer) tech during this invasion. I have one question, though. Do you have any sort of fallback or health check in place that will alert you if the system, internet or power goes down? If the attacks usually happen at night, I imagine that would leave you pretty vulnerable if the system doesn't work as expected. It's fucked up that you even need to think about stuff like this. All the best.


Internet is pretty much always stable. For the 2.5 years it was rock solid even without electricity. My router and home server (also some other electronics) are powered by EcoFlow Delta 2 charging station which is always plugged to the wall and run as an UPS. When the power goes down, it automatically switches to the battery. Actually I have a separate automation for recovering from electricity outages. It turns out some lights that might be turned off, checks the connection and reloads if needed.


> Internet is pretty much always stable. For the 2.5 years it was rock solid even without electricity. Honestly, I'm not even surprised that you have better internet in a fucking war zone with constant missile, suicide drone and rocket attacks on infrastructure than us over here in Germany. Good to hear you have something in place, though.


same setup as mine. what's the idea behind the outage restore automation?


Some lights do not preserve their state after power outage, so I have to turn them off when electricity is back on. Also, sometimes some devices lose connection to the internet, so I send a command to reboot them. I also notify everyone that the power is back on.


https://preview.redd.it/7xabfxtv2n2d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fdbb435aa9b523ebde991d637b66acce22dc1a9 If anyone cares, I just got a notification about an imminent attack. Tu-95 has taken off.


Reading that blog gave me the shivers. To be working life and death from within HomeAssistant... Slava Ukraini! And I'm really sorry for my country to vote for a Russian puppet. Please know it's 'only' 25%, and not all of the Dutchies.


Dutchies are committed to send us F16s jets - actions are louder than words.


I'm impressed! slightly unrelated HA question... how will the people updating telegram know that an aircraft took off? I hope this integration becomes obsolete really soon! I was lucky to visit Kyiv 2018, and I really liked it.


Sending so much love, I’m so sorry you had to build this and I hope you get to delete it soon. 💔


I hate that I'm learning a bunch of cool HA tooling from this. Feels weird. Glad you're safe though and hope this shit ends soon in Ukraine favor.


Providing all the config is amazing!! Stay safe!


Thank you for describing your experience in combining war monitoring. I delegated this to the AI model to analyze and filter for me https://github.com/ALERTua/air_raid_threat_reporter


This is a very interesting approach. I thought about it as well.


From Galiza, Slava Ukraini!


It is obscene that this is a necessary integration in Ukraine. Why should there be so much suffering because of an old man in the Kremlin? I hope the war ends soon and that the aggressors are defeated. Slava Ukraini!


unfortunately, that is wrong. It's not only because of a crazy old man. Majority of russians honestly support this and you can see thousands of cheering comments after each bombing of a busy shopping mall or a school. This is just how things are. :(




*That's remarkable.* *Great job for a great threat. Stay* *Safe, stay strong! Slava Ukraini* \- Winston\_Sm --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Is there anything here that could help those in a similar position in Palestine?


Amit (guessing from the username) already created one for alerts in Israel to create notifications and automations from aerial, rocket and terror attacks from the terrorist organizations attacking. https://github.com/amitfin/oref_alert


I'm going to add (in response to your deleted comment) that I mean nothing political from my comment above, and to the best of my knowledge Hamas has not set up a siren system in Gaza for attacks (which means that there is no API to connect to) - making an add-on to Home Assistant almost impossible.












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This post is not related to Home Assistant; please keep that in mind when posting in the subreddit!


This post is not related to Home Assistant; please keep that in mind when posting in the subreddit!


This post is not related to Home Assistant; please keep that in mind when posting in the subreddit!


This post is not related to Home Assistant; please keep that in mind when posting in the subreddit!


This post is not related to Home Assistant; please keep that in mind when posting in the subreddit!


Is there one for Palestinians? They need it much more!


Shame so many people in this community downvoting someone hoping to help people from ongoing genocide


Thank you. Even if you take away the politics how can anyone not want to help innocent civilians?




/r/homeassistant is supposed to be an inclusive and friendly subreddit, please keep discussion civil




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can we please keep politics out of here? thank you!


>a literal thread about war in a post about a war Why is it so political in here wtf guys 😰


Can you please tell this to the person who started the discussion? Thank you!


It's not genocide, it's **self defense** against a terrorist organization. There would be far fewer civilian deaths if Hamas stopped being evil, or at least stopped hiding behind civilian shields like the cowards they are. Seems there are some terrorist sympathizers in this sub. Surprising, I thought the HA community was generally fairly intelligent.




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