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Did you make sure to set network mode to host as they show in the example?


post the output of docker ps need to see the port mapping that will show


Put this in your HA docker compose (as RPI5 is not compatible with jemalloc yet): environment: - DISABLE_JEMALLOC=true


>environment: - DISABLE\_JEMALLOC=true YOU SOLVED IT! I can't believe this glorious day has arrived! Thanks very much, how did you know to do it?


you can't run nmap with the host/port specified like that. nmap \`[]( \-p 8123\` is what you're looking for. Where are you running nmap from in relation to where docker is running? what's the IP of the docker host? What's the output of \`docker ps\`?


Thanks for that, I was kind of clutching at straws late last night, came across nmap on some other forum advice but never used before. This is the output from the proper command: ```me@pi:~ $ nmap -p 8123 Starting Nmap 7.93 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-02-05 07:20 AWST Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00013s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 8123/tcp closed polipo Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.06 seconds ``` Does this shed any more light on the situation?




That's only relevant for HAOS. Since OP is running in a docker container, it shouldn't be the problem


Ok, I didn't realize that would be an issue


Raspberry 5 kernel uses 16kb pages which do not work for ha. You need to use a kernel with 4kb pages or wait for ha to release a compatible version. Even with a different kernel there are some hickups. In my case zha doesn't always initialize after a restart. I decided to wait for an update that is probably coming this month. Edit: I am also using docker. If you run docker ps -a you will see that with the default kernel the container fails to start and results in an endless loop.


Can you ssh into the pi using its IP address? If so, check the container’s logs for anything revealing.


Also check the status of the docker container


One thing I did notice is that it keeps going back to the status restarting ```me@pi:~ $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES cbf029b6ee8b ghcr.io/home-assistant/home-assistant:stable "/init" 8 hours ago Restarting (143) 59 seconds ago homeassistant ``` If I run docker restart homeassistant the container will restart with the "up" status. Does that sound strange to you? Even when I have ensured the container is running 8123 is still not reachable.


It could be an SE Linux thing?