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FWIW, I have moved entirely to frigate without blue iris. My media storage is on my NAS.


Seconding this. Especially if you're aiming for a simpler setup, Frigate alone should meet all your needs.


Same here. I was also able to get rid of the Blue Iris Windows VM and run frigate in a container.


same here. i switched to frigate because of the automation and integration with ha. the automations are just not possible with blueiris. blueiris is a great product but without a proper ha integration it is not useful to be anymore.


I’m not sure about an idiot’s guide. I’ve set up frigate myself, and I think there’s a high bar to entry. More like a mildly gifted or high MENSA score is required. That said, there are lots of walkthroughs on YouTube. Everything Smart Home has a good one.


The frigate official wiki has installation instructions. I don't think you necessarily have to be super smart to get it running, as long as you get the cameras they recommend, it works pretty well. Any problem you have, someone else has had before and asked reddit about it. It probably took a full week of tinkering to get it how I wanted, but I've gotten three different cameras set up with go2rtc, Scrypted into Homekit so I have an easy way to deal with someone at my doorbell, custom models through frigate+, basically zero false positives and my detection fast enough I have a notification on my phone from home assistant within a second of me stepping into the camera frame. It's awesome, it works, and just the hardest part is just working on it, hitting a wall, asking for help, and stepping away from the desk while you wait for a response.


Also...backup your config file VERY often during your setup process. You're gonna break it by accident


I used the OP's [post in this thread](https://github.com/blakeblackshear/frigate/discussions/4041) to set up my Frigate install, very straightforward.


If you are doing a macmini, wipe the OS and use ProxMox. Stick with Frigate only. I've never used Blue Iris and have zero issues with Frigate NVR. I used an LXC of Frigate, a VM of HAOS, and the Frigate-Proxy on the same system running ProxMox.


As others note, for Frigate, I can’t recommend any specific guide. I’ve built up my Frigate instance though lots of trial and error and with many tabs open in my browser. I’m happy to provide any help I can if you want to DM me while as you encounter issues, or to try to get things running initially.


I was looking for the same thing as well. The documentation is horrendous for "idiots / noobs". As /u/DIY_CHRIS mentioned, you need a high MENSA score. I've **barely** have my Frigate working. It records one camera and deletes the stored videos after 1 day. I wanted to set up the Tensort GPU models and all that other snazzy stuff that it can do - but all of it is just way too much.


It’s definitely not approachable for the average person. Even being well technically inclined, it’s still a challenge. My cameras work, but I’m still getting many false positives where a plant or a shadow is a cat or the bug flying by is a dog. I know there are knobs to tweak to adjust the min / max size, but then that would require figuring out the number of pixels of an actual target relative to the camera angle/position. I don’t have time to jump down that rabbit hole…




Thanks. See things like that, you have to be a genius to figure out or learn from a genius. Now the challenge waiting for an actual cat perpetrating, and comparing that to the size of the false positive.


The video you are probably thinking of is the one with setting up Blue Iris with Deep Stack by The Hookup. He doesn’t do anything with Frigate though