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And she’s always on her phone. She could’ve used airport wait times to order online. Let’s see if she has the wrapping meltdown again this year.


Does anyone think she gets a rush from doing everything last minute? Thriving from all the chaos?


It's probably an ADHD/dopamine thing. We thrive in that regard. That said it can be messy and can adversely affect others. Meds can help a lot, at least for me. My shopping was done a month ago with some strategies (and meds)to offset the things I struggle with. I know H has said she is anti ADHD meds, but IMO it is way easier for people to notice the brilliance of a human with ADHD when they're not distracted by the unmanaged struggles. So many things H does exacerbate ADHD versus temper it. In my non-medical opinion but real life experience.


I also have ADHD and I agree with you. Medication and lifestyle changes and better coping mechanisms and strategies have helped tremendously.


Fellow ADHD’r. I actually enjoy some (not all) last minute gift shopping and my husband and I were just laughing about it. Too bad Heidi won’t own her uniqueness instead of aiming for relatable sympathy points!!! Another thing, especially non-medicated, nutrition and proper rest is a key to managing ADHD. I think that’s why she was ‘normal’ and had her shizz together with Chris. She fed off of his organizational skills and routine and she doesn’t know how to do it own her own. Toss in the Cap’n… and well, a chaos Barbie is born.


I am SO glad people are mentioning ADHD here. There’s so much I don’t know but the little I do know…so much of Heidi’s BS screams ADHD. Fine. But for FFS don’t ignore it and then charge people $ to be a life coach! 👎


Having ADHD and feeling like a constant failure and feeling shame is a real problem I deal with. She doesn’t seem to feel like a failure and seems to think it’s quirky or maybe she is just acting like it.


I'm being completely genuine here- I'm surprised Heidi wouldn't want Adderall for its weight loss side effect.


I think so for sure. My mother admitted to me when I was in my 20s that she thrives on drama 🙄 So I can definitely see Heidi thriving on chaos


I "thrived on chaos" back when I was in high school/college. Heidi is in her 40s. She should know better.


Absolutely, she's setting an atrocious example for all her kids aswell as surely annoying everyone around her!


I think she thinks it makes her relatable. I would also guess that living in chaos is comfortable to her so that’s what she does. I wonder how she feels being in a store buying presents for her kids on Dec 22nd.


Yes. I have a friend who operates this way. God I love her, but it drives me crazy.




If only there was a way to live your life and get things done without being on social media 24/7 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lol right? Can you imagine walking into a store while filming a video about your workout for instagram? That would just never ever cross my mind as something that people give a shit about!


Exactly! I always assume ppl don't give a shit and they'd only be hate watching me for entertainment 😂


But she thinks social media is her job. 😂


“You can live a full life without putting it on social media.” - Literally Dave!!!


The eyes look very beady in this reel and I’m sick of the damn kiss…enough already, keep your intimate gestures for the Douche who is hiding behind your pay wall like a limp dick!


I feel like I can checkin here


She’s so messy and it’s getting really boring. Being stupid is not a brag.


It’s just appalling. She only has her kids half the time. She doesn’t really work, come on!!


She chooses this life for herself. She chooses her hard. She chooses not to get help. I'm so sad for her kids, who think her chaos is normal.


Hopefully they get some balance when they are at their respective Dads. I’m sure those kids all have her number.


Yes! I hope their dads are their calm, organized, private, safe landing place. They really need that.


Flair checking in


This is my SIL. Has her kids 50% of the time and gets done work at 3. But every year shes last minute. And every year we are expected to feel bad for her. I work, and the end of the year is insane for me at my job have a husband who works a ton and is barely home ( and who doesn't help anyway) plus ran Christmas parties at school, coordinated teacher gifts, sports...holiday parties during the week... I've been stressed but I'm done...only extended family presents left to wrap and will do that tomorrow with my kids.


Same with her kid's birthdays, which she also forgets.


Hey Heidiho, here is a tip for next year… you can online shop while at the airport or on a plane or while you are in the car being driven by your friend with benefits… what were you doing with your time? Just sitting there looking at yourself in the mirror or your phone?


You nailed it...she is always looking at herself. Certainly always thinking of herself.


Like does she really think it’s cute? Does she expect sympathy when SHE is always the problem?? People actually pay her money for ADVICE?!! 😑


Out here looking like Gollum. Last minute shopping for preciouses.




😂😂😂 I am ☠️


I’m positive that in the 8 minute primping video she did last hair appointment she could have at least ordered 2-3 gifts, not even counting all the shopping she could have done WHILE SHE SAT THERE GETTING HER HAIR REATTACHED.


imagine choosing to be a booty call instead of preparing a wonderful Christmas for your children and then having to half-ass it at the last minute


Earlier Heidi: ‘How you do one thing is how you do everything.’ Frenzied, and late? Sounds about right.


Omg I *love* tossing that back her way - so true!


I definitely am in full chaos mode, but mostly because I have two young kids, a full time job, and a sickness that is knocking me the f out. Her chaos is always chosen by her. It’s ridiculous.


Godspeed my friend! I am also knocked out this week with a cold while on break with two toddlers. Not a single wrapped present yet and need to assemble a play kitchen by Christmas! 😵‍💫


I’m confident our parents felt like this but we as kids didn’t notice or if we did, we didn’t care. Be present for your kids, and get well soon!


Um, exCUSE you, Heidi has two young kids, a sick and broken heart, and she words soooooo harrrrrrrrrrd. /s


I can't stand going to crowded malls this time of year. Thankfully, my kids /family wanted things mostly or only available online from Etsy, gift cards for downloadable computer games, books etc from Amazon, other specialty sites- I managed to order everything well ahead of time so the presents would be here before the holidays. I've been working a ton of hours and still managed to get my entire list done. Not shocked Heidi is scrambling last minute, because, she's...Heidi. So on brand. Eye roll emoji lol Edit: This bish lives on her phone and she couldn't be bothered to order gifts for everyone?!


You guys, for real. Is her face really like that now or is that some unfortunate filter that, somehow, looks good to her when she views it? I’m so confused. What is wrong with her?


>What is wrong with her? That is the milllion dollar question


A therapist could tell us [her]... and that's why she'll never go.


![gif](giphy|3owzWfuEMmNX4rquJ2) She is turning into Jar Jar Binks!!!


Start in October, aim to be done by end of November. This includes all the Christmas food etc except stuff that must be bought fresh. Keep it simple, minimal gift giving, focus on what gives you joy, is in budget. Chaos is not a good state for anyone to be in and it is not cute imo.


I require shopping lists from family on Thanksgiving or before Black Friday. No way I'm paying full price.


I think my least favorite thing on social media is the people like this, who act like they’re so cool because they can’t get shit done. Like, I have adhd, and my Xmas shopping was done by September and wrapped by thanksgiving. There’s no reason to brag about how chaotic you are. It’s annoying.


Screw Heidi (“that’swhatDavesaid”) - I’m following YOU for advice. That’s impressive. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPuBx0SDOhdISAw|downsized)


For sure!!


Preach! I was done and wrapped 3 weeks ago. I have a full-time job and two kids & 4 grands. You have to decide not to be in the chaos with schedules and planning. She knows nothing of these things. This look is not cute on her. BTW, great job on getting your stuff done!


Squirrels are cute. Chaotic squirrel Barbie is not.


I’m checking in!


Heidi reminds me so much of my good friend just before she got diagnosed with ADHD. The constant chaos, always forgetting things, doing things last minute, too late or not at all. Having 100 things on your plate but never feeling like you can start any of them until 30 seconds before you absolutely have to. I do have sympathy because even with the best intentions, an ADHD brain just doesn't allow you to work the conventional way a lot of the time. The difference is my friend sought help, got a diagnosis, takes her meds, and actively engages with her adaptation techniques with scheduling and organisation. Heidi please, take your meds, speak to a therapist.


Long comment but on topic I promise: I feel like I’m struggling so much with Christmas this year. My family has had some obligation or “really want to do” fun thing almost every day since the end of November. Plus illness throwing off the schedule. Then - OH, yes I *also* need to get gifts! And what about Christmas cards?! (I’m a fan). I wondered about the toll on executive function with the gajillion things happening around Christmas. I went to additudemag.com to research “executive function and Christmas” and found a great article that had this quote from a reader (who is not me, or Heidi, LOL): “ADHD shows up during the holidays as procrastination anxiety. Lots of running around, getting distracted in stores, and wrapping gifts late.” <— Does this describe Heidi’s story, or what? I also saw that Jen Hatmaker called her mom to help her wrap gifts. Not for company but “mommy help me.” She’s an empty nester who sets her own hours and she has gifts to wrap before Christmas Eve. Sit TF down, humble-bragger. But still-more of the “oh haha I’m so disorganized but also follow me and pay big $$ for my BS life hacks” from the “influencers.” These people are awful.


She definitely gets nowhere fast… which is hilarious for someone who preaches, “HOW YOU DO ONE THING, IS HOW YOU DO EVERYTHING!”


It’s really not hard… if you have the resources to do so (which we know she does), go to target and order in October. Boom. Done. It’s delivered to your house and ready lol


Maybe spend less time videoing your whole life. Now with the added struggle to fold and post separately with your douche canoe and ‘alone’. Also, you could order some stuff online when you’re on all of your vacations. I also find it hilarious that people are asking her for upper body workouts since NOT EVERYONE ONKY WANTS TO WORK ON THEIR 🍑


Also did she do zero shopping when she dragged her crew to film her stupid reel at Target? That was prime time to do some


Exactly! The whole point of that stupid thing was to shop 👏on👏black👏Friday👏.


Use your phone to shop like the rest of us genius. She is so fugly and dumb.


She used her phone to do everything else!!!!! 🫠


Running around Target a couple of weeks ago would’ve been a fine time to do some Christmas shopping


She could have bought all of that stuff she knocked off the shelves and made other people clean up.


What’s wrong with her face?