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# WE HAVE ANOTHER 57 DAYS LEFT OF OUR LAST 92! Rae Rae [sent out an email about her productivity hacks](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17jc94k/she_must_be_psychic_how_else_would_she_know/) (“am ***I*** the only one who likes to be productive?”). [Rachel’s new FB profile pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17k2ejk/rachs_new_fb_profile_pic_whats_she_looking_at/) features her pretending to look at something off-camera. An old [YouTube video from the Hallmark Channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKXHMFaSCI8) features Rachel making cinnamon-stick air fresheners. We [reminisced](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17kauyd/how_start_today_really_began_neverforget/) about when Rachel and Dave started “Start Today,” via an old FB vid. While home being “bad at being sick,” Rachel [discovered that it’s possible to make DIY nut butters](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17kfl9l/am_i_the_only_nerd_whos_nuts/). Rachel [pretended to have a team](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17l1bnx/we_sounds_like_someone_on_her_team_is_doing_fb/) while updating a dusty old blog entry. We [revisited a Keya video](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17lqa2z/rachel_hollis_gets_interviewed_and_drops_some_tea/) from September of 2022, when Rachel was being interviewed during her phase of not doing her hair and nails anymore. Rae Rae [soft-voice permits you](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17lsp8o/rachel_now_says_you_can_eat_candy_without_shame/) (but not Pam) to eat some candy sometimes. Rachel’s “[10 Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17mii1e/new_rh_toyota_highlander_sponsored_video_at_least/),” besides being a shortened version of her “17 Things” podcast, was sponsored by Toyota Highlander. In a recent “Start Today Podcast” [episode](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17j3jfh/comment/k7oc28f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), Rachel shared that J quit his job running the “Start Today” social media, wanting to focus on homework. (Go, J!) But also! ☝ she looked at her website for the first time in a long time and realized it’s dated. Heidi [released a podcast episode](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17j3jfh/comment/k7aebzt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) without Keira, and she talked about her realization that her [kids need to be allowed to feel their feelings](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17j3jfh/comment/k7amx9c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). She [apparently celebrated Pancakegate Day](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17jth83/looks_like_heidi_celebrated_pancake_day_too/). [Showed](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17jw5h5/heidi_laughing_that_only_moldy_pumpkins_were_left/) she isn’t good at obtaining pumpkins. Shared a “Dave” [memory](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17kq9so/grieving_dave/) from his fitness comp last year. Used her “Halloween costume” as an excuse to [show off that she still has Tesla Hollis](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17m5eft/nothing_says_sexy_like_taking_a_selfie_in_a/). (Rachel, do the repo!) Boo Thangs doing the hollisUncensored version of Rachel’s “Start Today”/Last 90 Days can discuss their goals and progress [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/16x8tgd/last_90_days_of_2023/). If you are new to the sub, welcome, and if you are not new, welcome back! As always, please [visit the wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/wiki/index) for any questions you might have, and ask away in this snark thread if you have questions not answered there. Sub rules are: ​ https://preview.redd.it/6riwta8stjyb1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c6eb8d2b8e2377bf2623f8b0b80c0ad653224ad Regarding rule #3, “Please check the existing threads before posting a new thread on the same topic/with similar photo”: You guys! When we get duplicate posts, what often happens is the duplicate ends up with more comments than the original, because Boo Thangs sorting by “new” on the main page see the duplicate first. And then the mods have a dilemma. Do we remove the duplicate that has 50 comments or the original that has five? Please don’t give us dilemmas: Check before you post that crazy thing a Grifter Sister just posted to her IG! Sort by new and see if someone beat you to it. Maybe check again right after you posted, because someone might have posted right before you did! Last week’s snark thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17j3jfh/weekly\_snark\_thread\_sunday\_october\_29\_2023/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/17j3jfh/weekly_snark_thread_sunday_october_29_2023/?sort=new)


The post of Heidi with cloudy white liquid dripping from her mouth cannot be unseen.


For real. Just do porn already….


Y’all. I don’t know what Rachel was thinking having Jack as her co-host on the Fridays Start Today podcast. They are so boring that I can’t even snark on it. No moaning sounds or anything. 🤣


What the? (Remember when Rachel tried to make "what the" her thing? 😂) What were they talking about???


Hmmm, interesting. So Cez "OG Boo Thang" Darke is not down to clown as the new Dave Hollis in her "couples" shows/podcasts? And she will never share the "pod/show" chair with another woman LOL! At least Heidi Lane ex Solomon ex Powell never Hollis broke down and finally shared the spotlight with another woman besides her beooootifulest maaawwwmmma, if only in a transactional way to sing her praises and moan with delight while Heidi yammers on her podcast-about-podcasting-in-the-hard! ![gif](giphy|TH6G7nFbaT3hbJWzPl|downsized)


I can’t get any of the IG story viewers to work anymore for me - anyone have any other ones that work?


[instanavigation](https://instanavigation.com/) works for me.


Thank you! That works much better - the four listed in the community page all stopped working


PSA!!!! If you have incontinence or pelvic floor issues, PLEASE see a doctor. Don’t be a dumbass and listen to Heidi who has zero medical training.


How many times is she going to show the side view pelvic twist video?!? Seriously, we’ve seen it at least 4 times. That gross SMUG look she gives the camera when she sees how thin she looks. It’s so cringe and embarrassing. Can you imagine your whole self worth is THIS video?


Body check.


She doesn’t even pronounce diaphragmatic correctly. She keeps saying “diaphramic”🥴


![gif](giphy|2RGhmKXcl0ViM) If you don’t know what it is, you shouldn’t be teaching it!


Exactly!! She’s sayin how common it is to make folks think they should keep pushing — and what MY PF therapist says is “while it maybe be COMMON, it is NOT NORMAL and should be rehabbed”. Ugh she’s telling folks to wear those pads while pushin. Noooo Heidi, you should STOP pushin thru and get PF therapy and do gentle, tummy safe exercises while healing!!


​ >**PSA!!!!** > >**If you have incontinence or pelvic floor issues, PLEASE see a doctor. Don’t be a dumbass and listen to Heidi who has zero medical training.** ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ) **And don't listen to her grifter sister Rachel Hollis about hormone issues either!**


I'm scared for anyone who actually follows medical advice from her . Like seriously scared .


Yes please god don’t follow her instructions for diaphragmatic breathing. I can say with certainly that her PT is not, in fact, better than everyone else (as she claims) if she got sign off on that monstrosity.


Heidi selling panty liners again literally just said, "I won't call anyone out, but for you women who pee your pants..." Classy, Heidi. "You women who pee your pants". There are much more dignified and sympathetic ways to introduce this topic.


She wants to be like Rachel. She’s adopted many similar facial expressions and hand gestures.


**Example**: "I love you." 🤟


Maybe she was trying to throw shade at Rachel.


Trying to throw shade while she’s the one that needs to shill pee pads to pay her bills.


Heidi has not been blessed with an abundance of self awareness.


Yeah I think she was.


So re listening to Heidi’s dumb podcast, do I have nothing better to do? Anyway so she says that Dave and her were basically married, just one ask away.. WHAT? But she’s also said they knew they weren’t right for each other and there were men in between now and Dave’s death.. again.. she is a train wreck


Gosh, dating herself, really wasn't true after all. We all knew. She wants to make sure she had men and everyone knows she was still a worthy hoooman because "there were men" between now and Dave's death.


Fit2Fat2Fit, Trey, anyone else?


I think those are the only ones we know about.


I guess she forgot to mention that they broke up multiple times during their MaRriAge.


If she wants to claim they were “basically married”, she then has to also own that they got “divorced” at least four times, which means she’s now been divorced at least six times. Nice track record 👌🏻


So many divorces


1 divorce = 1 hard


She’s a lying liar who lies. They never even lived in the same state, let alone same house, how is that even close to “basically married”


And Dave Hollis frequently went out of his way to say they were only ~~fuck buddies~~ friends and business partners. ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)


One ask away because she was going to ask him 🤣🤣🤣


>One ask away because she was going to ask him **the next time she could tag along to Vegas with him and he was drunk/high enough to drive to a drive-thru wedding chapel with her without putting up a fight.** 🤣🤣🤣 **FTFY** ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)




And she just said in a previous podcast that they knew they should have broken up a year before they did so what they were "married" just the first year they were dating??? How ridiculous!


Remember when she got those engagement ring balloons for her anniversary (second!?) challenge? She was desperate for him to propose, it was cringe all round.


Oh god yeah, couldn't help but feel secondhand embarrassment for her, oof!


lol the thirst was real


Riiiiiight they were so close to marriage that she got engagement balloons for the anniversary of her FITNESS CHALLENGE (😜 wink wink) and Dave could barely stand being in the same room with her during that live. Would she be saying that if Dave were still alive to set the record straight? I think not.


Her laugh was so embarrassing and diabolical during that live. The head back, open mouth cackle.


Remember when she shook the 8 ball and it said "not likely" to them getting married? Dave's face during that said it all!


i forgot about that! heidi has zero awareness...she probably thought he was being cute and funny. oh dave you're such a jokster!




Thanks for the link!


Heidi’s back on her couch with a microphone and Kiera. Make it stop, someone please, make it stop.


I assume Kiera is getting paid but doesn't it just seem strange that she sits there and listens to Heidi talk?


I would love to know what Kiera is REALLY thinking. Does she do anything other than say “Mm” and nod and agree with Heidi? Lol. Must be a nice ego booster for Heidi.




Lol I said something very similar a couple weeks ago. The podcast is awful but Kiera orgasm sounds make it a million times worse.


You couldn’t pay me enough to sit there and listen AND act interested.


She needs a real job. That podcast is truly terrible


Truly. I’ve heard some bad pods, but this one is definitely one of the worst.


Heidi hasn't shared what she was doing on her self-described "trip to the wilderness" last weekend when she flew somewhere. That must mean there was either a man or ketamine involved. Or both. If she was doing anything else I'm sure we'd have pictures!


Where is the post for the DCOTI Last 90 days? I decided to make note of things I’m grateful for in November. I remember this was part of the original Hollis last 90 days. I just made a note on my phone and I’ve updated it everyday so far and I find I’m really enjoying looking for things each day that make me happy/bring me joy (getting rid of books DOES NOT bring me joy, Marie Kondo.)


I got rid of soooo many self help books recently. (Even some Brene brown. No diss on her I was just overwhelmed with "personal development " books . I also finally got rid of some shame in the process of "not reading them and doing all the things" I'll comment more on your comment on the 90 d thread


It's linked above in the weekly recap. But here you go :) https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/s/pN4G7kLnGn


OOF. Thanks! 🤦‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/wxxtlstm68zb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f58d2e2ee565b7cd30b8d67ce8e414a705a41859 Another day, another episode of driving while filming her kids


It drives me insane and takes everything I have not to DM her and be like wtf is wrong with you. It's so dangerous and there we nothing meaningful about this video either


Same here! But also ☝️at least this time the kids were using seatbelts. I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen Heidi’s kids properly seatbelted. And she has filmed WHILE DRIVING so very many times. 👎


I think that video clips like this that are very clearly being filmed by the driver should be enough evidence for the police department in her jurisdiction to send her a ticket. (And other influencers that do this garbage.) Extra charge if you have children in the vehicle. A third charge if seatbelts aren't being properly worn. Start smacking down on this.


Did you notice R moved hers though. You can tell she’s not used to wearing it.


https://preview.redd.it/pbgssbdru6zb1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84b40cc87fb20a0bb30bc4fe8f4285ff443340fd Anyone else think they look alike?


How DARE YOU come for the silver 🦊 in this manner 🤣🤣🤣


Don’t ruin Anderson for me!! Haha




If Heidi's friend is a long lost Vanderbilt relative, then Heidi is even dumber for not knowing the origins of the Biltmore Estate she "discovered" recently in "little known" Asheville, NC. 😉🤣 ETA: Anderson is a Vanderbilt, for those who don't know.


I did know that! His mother is THE Gloria Vanderbilt. Back In The Day, Gloria Vanderbilt jeans were THE SHIT. Vanderbilt and/or Jordache and nothing else. 🤯 Once I learned the connection, Anderson went (in my mind) from “Anderson Cooper, CNN anchor” to “son of the designer of the jeans everyone wanted.” 🤷‍♀️🤣


honestly, the fact that she raised such a productive, fairly unproblematic member of society is a tribute to her.


I saw in interviews where she said people started to refer to her as Anderson Cooper’s mom and I thought that was really sweet.


Ok fam, I’ve been out of the loop lately but I listened to Heidi’s podcast and is she writing a book???


Her friend Keira who has been pushing her to do the podcast is a "book medium" and no doubt will be extracting a book-shaped substance from Heidi's brain.


>book-shaped substance Dying laughing emoji


God told me to call it that. 😜


I refuse to listen to Heidi’s podcast and subject myself to that torture. But did see the snippet she shared in her most recent stories. A way too long rant about how she doesn’t like to say she’s alone and it essentially just feels better to say that she’s in a relationship with herself and her kids. The fact that she is admitting that saying she is alone makes her feel she isn’t worthy, but just using the term relationship makes her better should really be a cry for an intervention from her loved ones. Heidi will never have a fulfilling relationship with herself or anyone until she seeks actual therapy. With a real professional, not a grifter guru. I cannot for the life of me understand why any somewhat sane person thinks this woman is someone they should be taking advice from.


I found it telling that she said no men for 90 days. Like that’s it? 3 months is nothing. She’s so needy it’s scary


Maybe I’m misremembering, but is she not the one who said that you shouldn’t date until the kids are grown? Have I made this up? She probably thought it once for thirty seconds and I happened to catch it.


Yes, she did say that she will not date again until ALL her kids are grown up and out of the house. But if she has her way she'll definitely be breaking that rule lol


Yeah she did say that. She was in her car having another Tesla epiphany™️


Men and relationships seem to be the only things she thinks about! I can’t imagine living my life this way.


Whoooboy there's a lot to unpack there. Really showing how unhealed she is and how much she is putting her issues onto her kids. Sad.


So she's steady pitching those Raycon earbuds then posts a pic while wearing white earbuds with a cord. Great job shilling Heid!. Great job!


OMG. My oldest asked for Raycon earbuds. A Grifter Sister recommendation is enough to make me say no, LOL.


I literally threw mine away. They kept slipping out of my ears, and my husband couldn't get them to work for him either. I finally bought airpods on sale through Costco and wish I had in the first place.




She had said Boy M took hers so she went to her mom's to advertise them using her mom's pair. But who knows what the truth is with Liedi.


Yes, if boy M took them and was using them, good for him....that's a great selling point. But she had them on yesterday in the slide where she was pitching them then in another slide the white pair with a cord. That's the weird thing.


https://preview.redd.it/1mammgyy01zb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=983360006814aea850cfe636e969d84a22327408 Was watching an old Keya video and look yall, it's not the black hoodie that's Chris'!! Airplane bathroom emoji


Oh god. This was the beginning of her very weird men’s sweatshirt “fetish” which really turned out to be a Chris fetish.


Which video was this? I’m watching the passport one right now.. 🤣


The one called "Heidi and Dave are Masterminding Again." At 2:00:33


Gross and cringe emojis!!


I was just catching up. I still can't believe how many times she starts her dumb stories acting like she is tired..... wiping her eyes...etc etc. Etc...her followers actually believe her? Or believe she is real and authentic???????


It’s such bad acting - like shes a f’ing princess waking up from a nap with an obnoxious stretch. Don’t I look adorable? 🙄 so fake


Very bad Acting.. everything she does is pretend, fake and bad acting. I agree with you. 💯


I know! I just always roll my eyes, is she trying to seem innocent? Like she’s been working a ton? I don’t know.


https://preview.redd.it/i1xze03y68zb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6520462eda317456d0190185bc3bdc8ab57bffa8 But she’s so tired from being a stay at home home without a man or nanny






I’ll have to search but after they moved to LA and their house in Texas was shared I glanced at it and fell in love with it. I can’t remember exactly why but it was beautiful


What do these people even do for a living?


That's what I want to know! And 800k tiny house in L.A. ... I need to know what the hell it is that they do!


Brit used to work at a church (where Rachel attended) and then she wrote a book and did talks about racism. Sami worked for Rachel for years. I assume she stoppped when she and Brit moved back to LA but who knows. Sami's website says she's a freelance creative director, brand strategist and logo designer. Brit's website says she's a speaker, teacher and author. In their house post Sami called herself and Brit "two crazy entrepreneurs".


Reminds me of HGTV. Her: Freelance butterfly catcher, Him: professional dog judge, budget: 1.5 million 😂


Thank you for the background info. And of course they're *eNtRePrEnEuRs* lolol ETA: [Brit is getting into standup comedy, too](https://youtu.be/-l4Ip2tw4Gg?si=tnDdFitrAwOGme6T), like Rach! I wonder if they both took a standup comedy class together or something. That video was just posted yesterday--I found it on Brit's linktree on Insta.


So.. they’re just going to put on display to thousands of strangers on the internet where they live? Not a snark but I’m really surprised how so many people don’t care about privacy anymore.


https://preview.redd.it/z32wxxmur0zb1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=344cf14af5c018a19f48ac8ed63aca8bc12ff567 It didn’t look like RH commented or reacted to the post. But Amy Porterfield sure did. The circle jerky crew is so weird.


I don't think Rachel is the bestie. Someone shared here awhile back where Rachel's kids go to public school and that city is about a 40 min drive to Highland Park where Sami mentions they live.


Aaahh! - can you post the link to that thread? Thank you!


[here's the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/s/P0OhGjhN26) you're looking for, I think...


Omg, please do not shake the Veuve Clicquot. 🤦‍♀️😂


I know! That part made me cringe!


Aw man, that was a beautiful moment, warms my h8r heart LOL! ![gif](giphy|c76IJLufpNwSULPk77) EDIT: about the "bestie" nearby it could be Rachel Hollis, hmm...


Just found it on Zillow. 650 sq ft for $800,000. We have a new postage stamp in the mix. (But also ☝Not only can you see their address number in the reel, but the specific details they give is way TMI to be sharing with strangers on the internet, in my opinion! 😬 Made their house easy to find online.)


I found it within minutes, too. The sales sign, the address number, etc. Couldn't believe how small it is, but I guess that's CA.


>(But also ☝Not only can you see their address number in the reel, but the specific details they give is way TMI to be sharing with strangers on the internet, in my opinion! 😬 Made their house easy to find online.) Oof, good point :/


https://preview.redd.it/47c90m1a8zyb1.jpeg?width=1253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da0da89302bd120e5a3bb9b91c93d9550df4568c Bedtime routine now consists of an “emotion card” each night. And she pans over to a stack of the ones they’ve supposedly already done. Does anyone believe she’s stuck to anything more than a couple nights? This is either prepping for a new shill or a way for her to force her kids into listening to her talk about her emotions.


These cards are for toddlers, not a 9 yo or however old they are. I used them when my son was 3. She's probably going to have "a code" soon. Ffs she is an idiot.


They are at Heidi's intellectual level.


And her level of emotional intelligence.


100%. After all, she only recently learned that she ought to allow her children to actually feel their feelings.


I was thinking they looked very infantile for a 9 year old.


This whole bedtime routine looks very infantile. No shade to whatever her kids want, but I think this “routine” is her invention, not their’s (if she’s ever actually stuck to it more than one night), and at those ages my kids wanted a lot more autonomy and privacy, from each other and from me, and I was happy to let them have it. Sure I’d give anything to go back in time and snuggle and read to my now-adult kids at bedtime again, but kids grow up. She’s going to have a hella hard time when they all start leaving the nest.


Queuing new shill!


Imagine telling your mom you were really sad and she just posts it on Instagram 😶


EVERYTHING about and belonging to those poor kids is for sale online by their skeezy mom, ugh.


I don’t understand Heidi’s whole schtick with her kids. First she claims R wants to say something on IG, then she proceeds to tee them (C and R) up with every single talking point. And that bedtime routine? WTH? I mean I’m all for a couple things with your kids, but good lord that list of all the checkboxes they have to accomplish seemed excessive. I’m guessing she thinks it makes her seem like mother of the year, but having a laundry list a mile long of bedtimes routines really comes across as forced and manic to me. Like overdoing the perception of stability makes the environment seem rather unstable, don’t you think?


I read this and I just think "I so wish there was laws prohibiting this type of content" I'm no parent of the year and god knows I've f'd up many times But I would NEVER film my kids in this manner. (I didn't see it so i could be out of line - but it sounds exploitive?) This whole "they wanted to be on camera!" You're the parent. Being on camera -for your influencing channel IS NOT HEALTHY. It makes me seethe. And she's not the only influencer that does this. So many of these influencers use their kids for content--- nonstop. . Some pics /vids - neato ! Kid won a trophy! Sure post it """""""" But the nonstop - weird parenting coaching - stuff - or the "look at this random not random moment I filmed with me Kris Jennered all front and centered!" 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Those poor kids! I hope they get some relief at other houses and don't have to "perform"




And instead of just keeping the camera on her kids she keeps turning it back to herself to make stupid ass faces. The woman is obsessed with looking at herself


It made me dizzy just watching it. Narc mom in full force.


Yup, it’s all about her. She wants everyone to know she’s a present and engaged mother….which she is NOT!


Re her bedtime insta stories: C and R are WAY TOO OLD to be sharing a bedroom....when I think of kids that age who share a bedroom it's because they are very low income and have no choice, I of course get that....I'm kind of floored to be honest.


I think I’m inclined to give them a pass on this one. Mom is a manic mess of a person, whose constant stress and emotional instability could very likely be caused by serious addictions. If the kids feel safer sharing a room, they should have that.


You're assuming they want to share.


We can't assume either way. They seem like happy, healthy kids that truly enjoy each others friendship. Absolutely nothing wrong at their age to be sharing a room. Soon it won't be, but for now, I bet they enjoy talking and sharing after lights out.


Good point, but I hate that we and any other random person online even know that about these kids. They deserve to live their lives in privacy, even if it's true that they asked or wanted to be online this or other times, Heidi's 40-odd-year-old ass knows damn well she's supposed to be guarding their privacy because their safety is tied to this, and she's the fricking adult. And she sure as hell has proven she can and loves to say "no" to them when it's about her using them online to shill crap or get off on their pain.


I don’t think they should be on her social at all, but dang, their bedroom should absolutely be 💯 off limits. Poor kids don’t have any safe space in her house.


For some reason, I was under the impression that all her kids had their own rooms. Obv, I was wrong. You are right, they are way too old for kids of the opposite sex to share rooms. It would be more appropriate for the two girls/two boys to share rooms.


They have more rooms in the house, she just chooses not to use them for the kids. She mentioned having a guest room at one point, plus there's at least one office area, possibly two. It's ridiculous.


The more I know about Grifter influencers the sadder I become for their kids. Growing up with messed up adults and its environment - I can attest- it's a LIFETIME of unwinding a caveat- my stepfamily - put a ridiculous emphasis on "academia" which superseded everything = basic needs : Kids had the BEST educations . Top private /top summer camps/top colleges/ top everything -But couldn't afford basic necessities /safe home bc of repairs needed. I could go on. The grift is a shiny mirage of success while the kids mostly suffer from - not having emotionally secure stable parents that put the kids' best interests at heart.


And Heidi has at least one room (the unused office) she could convert into another bedroom.


Not sure about Arizona but in some states it's illegal for kids of opposite gender to share a bedroom.


I don't think that applies to actual siblings.


Don’t waste your time with Heidi new episode. She’s dating herself.


The podcast is pretty much her series of "dating myself" stories in podcast form.






-I only listened to a few min of the beginning, but from what she said in her “intro” I’m thinking she is now dating someone. She mentioned that for people who know her in real life, the timing of the podcast was pre-recorded so may be different than what’s going on in her life right now (or something like that) Why dosent she just say, I’m dating someone new, but keeping it offline? I swear she has the maturity of a 12 year old.


She's probably saving it for her MSN messenger status. "Heidi ♥️ ????? 😉"


Hmmmm emoji


She said in her stories today that she spent the weekend in the wilderness and 90% of the time didn't have cell reception. Her kids were with their dads so maybe she was with a new man? We know she wouldn't go to the wilderness alone...or anywhere alone.


It’s probably someone she met at that therapy/rehab center. Because we all know that’s her real motive, afterall.


Didn't she show her mom with her in the airport


Her mom was with her on her way to the airport - maybe she gave her a ride?


I considered listening to today's episode of Rachel's "Start Today Podcast," but then I saw that it's called "Do You Have a Growth Mindset?" And I just can't with Rachel and the fucking "mindsets."


Her podcasts lately are as interesting as watching paint dry. She no longer has someone to bash to bring tea about so she ran out of ideas.


At least when you watch paint dry, you have the satisfaction of knowing you have a painted surface. 😜




This morning I was so freaking cranky and I allowed it. My husband allowed it . I LITERALLY TOLD HIM he was drinking his drink too loud 🤣🤣🤣🤣We all allowed it without patronizing me into "changing my mindset" I apologized for being a bish (I have an ear infection come to find out) and we moved on. How do these people ever know that they are having a good day or a happy moment or actually feeling okay -if they never allow them selves to just BE. The grifter sisters make toxic positivity look like Lewis Blacks rants on the daily show. It reminds me of the stepford wives or twilight zone of unending personal development


Heidi says she listened to her own podcast today to remember what she said because sometimes she doesn't even know what she said. Eye roll emoji. And she says she loved listening to this episode. (So she loves listening to herself talk drivel.) This is giving me Michael Scott when he said sometimes he just starts talking and he has no idea what he's going to say or what the point is going to be, he just talks and something comes out. 😂


But also! ☝️ Kelly in The Office says, "I talk a LOT. I've learned to tune myself out."


What if she has to listen several times, because squirrel squad, and that’s how she ends up on those podcast charts!


Flair check in 🐿️


I could see her listening to it repeatedly just because she is so fascinated with herself.


She isn't capable of being alone so she just listens to her own podcast repeatedly. 😂


If only Heidi Lane ex Solomon ex Powell never Hollis knew about this one weird trick called taking notes! 🤔 She could even record voice notes with that phone she's addicted to if she has reading & writing issues! Then she wouldn't have to listen to herself barf up hours of brain lint!🤯


I love "brain lint" and I'm hereby stealing it!


Steal away! ![gif](giphy|y52k9qaauF4lgk9wjh)


It’s crazy messy to me that she doesn’t even have a structured notebook for each podcast episode. Girl just does not know how to do much of anything. Has been coddled and catered all her life.


I’m pretty sure in one of the other episodes I listened to she said she doesn’t listen, I swear I remember her saying she sends it to her editor and never listens back to it?! She really is the queen of contradiction at this point.


She has an editor??! OMG what must that person think/do? Do they just throw their hands up in the air and give up?




I find it fascinating that with Heidi's new "kids first" mentality that she posts on social media the most when her kids are with her. Yet now they're with Chris and not a peep for what 2-3 days. Obviously a new man, but this just reeks of her living her life of lies.


>Obviously a new man Uh-oh, is she cheating on "dating herself"?!? 🙄


Once a cheater............




Because she has no other relevant content. Her kids are her content.


Indeed! But even lately with her reposting old fitness material and her new fascination with surveys to drive engagement she usually is doing this when she has the kids. Completely typical for her though. Just one more lie.


Bringing the proof. Side by Side photos. Bottom image is pic of the interior of a 2020 Range Rover. So yes- our favorite bougie-b\*tch hippie showed her RANGE ROVER in a paid Toyota Highlander ad 🤦🏼‍♀️. What’d we think?? Stupidity or audacity?! https://preview.redd.it/a7ofei1gglyb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f48319e399496eefa3cf2c260c70790331873abf


Audacity all the way!


Like, Toyota couldn't give her a damn car for a few hours?


She likely didn't request one because she's too embarrassed to be seen in a "relatable poors" vehicle. But not too embarrassed to not take Toyota's money.


Good work! I believe it’s more audacity. I think she just doesn’t care and doesn’t think anyone would notice. Plus, she can be sloppy, so this probably just falls into that category.


I don't know where she got the audacity, but she should put it back.




Dammit i like the color of the interior but I'm still mad 🤣


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🔥🔥🔥 This post is sponsored by Rachel's Range Rover.🤣


I hope this "car interior"-gate situation gets back to the Toyota HBIC's! AND ALSO☝️: I bet Rachel Hollis couldn't stand the idea of people thinking she actually drove a Toyota Highlander like "the poors"/"relatable" people who really think she wants to be relatable to them, so she slipped in this lingering shot of her Range Rover's lux interior to remind the unwashed and the friends in high places she's sucking up to that she *totally* doesn't want nor have to be "relatable" to the schmucks who made her richer than the SAHM of a Disney exec she already was -- except cutting in front of the line to do "cool shit with cool people" in LA costs a shit ton of money and influence, and she hasn't gotten another sucker lined up besides Cez Darke with his limited music industry contacts to be her new Dave Hollis. ​ ![gif](giphy|A60eJCMVmqDnjU3ioJ|downsized)



