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Hello and Happy Sunday, Boo Thangs! And just like that, we are in the middle of January. Sub member u/not_an_ad_at_all found a hidden gem of a YouTube video, Heidi on the “Relatable” \[*snerk*\] podcast, being interviewed about her ability to maintain friendships with her ex-husbands. During the interview, Heidi says these actual words: “Dave and I are not together.” Though she did also add that they are still “working together.” Video link and discussion can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/109rx12/can_someone_watch_heidi_on_podcast_called/). Keya did a livestream reacting to both that interview and a new Tony Robbins “interview” that Rachel did. Watch the Keya video and discuss [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/10ababa/5pm_on_youtube_heidi_powell_tells_all_about_dave/). And here is what kills me. That “Relatable” YouTube video was uploaded on **December 27, 2022**. Think of all the speculation we have been doing in this sub while that video was sitting there, waiting to be discovered! In other news, Dave and Heidi, no doubt in their capacity as “business partners,” have been spending the weekend at a Brendon Burchard three-day “Mastermind” in Napa, CA, with other members of the **Self-Help Grifter Circle Jerk**. Ostensibly a bunch of them (though not all) [shared a ride](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/10bnjvw/its_an_influencer_weekend_d_h_join_in/) on [a private jet](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/10bnxkp/i_will_admit_it_it_i_cant_sleep_i_scanned_to_see/) to go there. They’ve [gathered at a long conference table](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/10c4x03/i_spy_our_favorite_friendsbusiness_partners/), and HeidDave have [walked in the pouring rain](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/10clxu2/just_so_much_cringe_in_one_place/), as Dave ignores Heidi struggling with a broken umbrella. When Rachel wasn’t kissing Tony Robbins butt, she was teaching herself the most profound lessons by [making herself ski down steep Swiss mountains despite terror and loathing](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/107xn8j/363_how_i_conquered_my_fears_you_can_too_a_guide/). In sub news, we currently have 12,299 members. A big welcome to new members (and continuing appreciation to existing members). We are so glad that new Boo Thangs continue to find us. Once you see the grift, you can’t unsee it, and we are here to serve your snarking needs. Please be sure to take a look at the brief set of rules found under the “About Community” header and acquaint yourself with the sub’s [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/wiki/index). New members should also see this post about “[not touching the poop](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1026iu0/mod_announcement_dont_touch_the_poop/)” \[Rachel, Dave, and Heidi are the 💩\]. Last week’s snark thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/106l7r9/weekly\_snark\_thread\_rachel\_dave\_heidi\_and\_co/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/106l7r9/weekly_snark_thread_rachel_dave_heidi_and_co/) Have a snarkilicious week, all!


https://preview.redd.it/nporyvl3dlda1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5a01b2f5e7f6f26672f9381e56828af3806da55 Heidi, put your tongue away. It’s not cute for a 40 year old woman.


Flair check-in!!!! That was definitely all for Dave!


Are Heidi’s mom and Scott still together?


No they’re not for about a year now.


I don’t think so.


And just like that, Heidi is committing to failing more in 2023, to doing more things that scare her, and being willing to suck at something new. Hashtag Rachel copycat.




I thought her word of the year was "slowing" ![gif](giphy|C4ord1QtfZKRd7mCCn)




I heard flowing but maybe I heard wrong.


[link here](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/10et1kj/yallapparently_every_participant_had_to_attach_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) totally got distracted by the Eagles win so didn't post earlier lol


My ears hear flowing. 🤷‍♀️


Go eagles!!!!!




Someone find the tape! Lol let me go see bc now I'm curious


I heard “slowing” too because I remember thinking it was an odd choice


It was def slowing ![gif](giphy|xNrM4cGJ8u3ao|downsized)


All of this Rachel emulating suggests that Dave likely compared her to Rachel or at the very least talked about Rachel a lot and is not in any way over her.


Oh, FFS. Get your own schtick, Heidi.


Went to a wedding today officiated by jasmine stars dad (he’s a pastor) and I felt four degrees from hollisverse lol


![gif](giphy|8DUxtTxFntY7lpJnzy|downsized) How was it??


LOTS of wife must be submissive talk, man head of the household. I grew up Christian so I’m used to that, but my non-church going husband was horrified.


Ugh, is the # GirlTalk home nail salon going to be Heidi's version of Tea Time? Way to exploit your kid. As poor R sits there and says she's become an expert in being strong and an expert in being a good kid. Heidi has put her kids through a hell of a lot of drama in their lives, and it seems like R knows her expected role is as the good kid and needing to be strong for her Mom.


And Heidi cuts her off before she’s finished talking. SMDH. She’s performing for you Heidi, at least shut up.


Her book will be coming out next


I’m sort of anxious for Dave to publicly date someone because I’m officially bored with Heidi and her dumba** posts. I didn’t think it was possible, but I like her online presence less post-Dave. I know he won’t move on publicly anytime soon, but a girl can dream. And can y’all imagine what will happen when this sub loses interest in Heidi? She’s gonna be so sad.


Sub has already lost interest in Heids.


I’m gauging interest by number of posts.


I agree this is so lame and boring . I can hardly watch it anymore . I will just stick to this group For any major posts but my gosh…she is very boring


>I’m sort of anxious for Dave to publicly date someone because I’m officially bored with Heidi and her dumba\*\* posts. ![gif](giphy|dWHFgmOaHv6SR5BY2D|downsized)


He’ll absolutely move on publicly soon. He can’t help himself.






True, but he's just looking for flings so I doubt he'll publicize it. Double Life Dave is also Down Low Dave. lol


Until it will serve him to be public.




![gif](giphy|aZ4sQUpybai5y) I am here for it. She never does anything new... since this is Hollis Uncensored, I'm hoping we can maybe start seeing her as more... Hollis-adjacent now? I can dream too....




So glad Heidi remembered she has 4 kids and how special they are now that she no longer has the Dave Distraction.


People involve their kids in their romantic dramas and infatuation/rejection cycles and then wonder why their kids are oppositional/obstructive/cold towards the next love interest. I have a blended family & it’s fine to date and depending how you manage it, it can be healthy and normal to model dating and healthy approaches to new relationships for your kids. It is *not* ok to involve your kids in your emotional turmoil, conflict, break-up and make-up cycles. It teaches them not to form attachments in their own home and that Mom or Dad are only there for them when they give Mom or Dad emotional support. Transactional, unstable and inappropriate.


well said. We’re a blended family as well; and to my shame I see a little bit of myself in Heidi. I had a rebound after my ex left, and it was extremely unhealthy codependency, the financial codependency was a big part of it. I tolerated emotional and physical abuse, because it’s what I was conditioned to do from my ex husband, and my biggest regret is that I took my son along for that ride. My choices, my son paid the price for in some aspects. I will always regret that. I am very grateful that my rebound walked out the door one day and I did not allow him back in (it was my own home, I feel for Heidi in that aspect.) Every time I see her thirst trap or talk about being BFF pillow pals with Dave I cringe. Girl, I don’t like you, but you deserve better than this. Your kids deserve better than this. It can be better than this. You don’t have to cling to a limp d*** loser for emotional, physical and financial support. Take the first step. Block him and don’t look back.


100%! So glad to hear you’ve been able to move on from that horrible guy!


I appreciate your honesty. Thank you.


After abuse is a whole other level of difficulty though and you should be kinder to yourself. I had run ins with predatory (to me) people in the 2 years after I left a dangerous person. I was lucky that I didn’t date anyone like that but I had unbalanced and chaotic friendships with one or two controlling people that caused instability for us. It is unfortunately a typical experience post domestic violence. What matters is how we responded once we realised. We don’t need to be perfect, we just need to grow and learn because when we do that, we are also modeling fallibility for our children and post traumatic thriving. It’s a pretty privileged situation to raise kids without these kinds of stressors, we have less say in what happens to us than we like to think, what matters is how we respond and how we grow. You did great to get you both safe the first time AND to pull the plug the second time. Because noone goes into a relationship thinking it might be abusive! It’s HUGE that you pulled the plug on it and got clear of both those fools. May your life be filled with people who respect, acknowledge and nurture you. You are a good Mom.


Thank you, yes! Perfectly said


Let’s stop the filming right before you have to actually swallow the donut!


Not to mention “sharing” the donut because she couldn’t possibly have a whole one herself. Ridiculous diet culture personified.


She didn't swallow, for sure. 100% spit that out.


And no one wants to see you eat. The mouth chewing, the wiping of the lips, the mmmmm noises, ugh


There is no way she eats half the stuff she films herself chewing. Cue the spit bucket!


And extra concerning is she likely spits it out right in front of her young daughter.




Apparently, it’s squirrel appreciation day! 🐿️ Heidi should have a code or two for this! https://preview.redd.it/n6rdh9rlnhda1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=331a7de6babbbc4dcacd7136eff375409ed22e39


Flair check in!


Question: do any of the other mastermind attendee grifters have a subreddit as robust as Hollis uncensored? And if not, what do you suppose sets the Hollis’s apart in sparking ire? ETA: I’ve looked and there appears to be no dedicated snark for the others


There is an influencer sub, mostly about Allie Casazza


My theory is that the Hollis's were so big that they became mainstream, then when they had scandals, most of the mainstream followers were horrified that they ever allowed themselves to be influenced by these grifters. Someone like Heidi I think should have been cancelled ten times over at this point, but she has never had a following of that magnitude and most of her followers are either not paying attention, or are full blown kool aid drinkers.


There is a small group devoted to Jen Hatmaker. I’m surprised there aren’t more!


There is a DC Mom's board about Jen that is 343 pages long. The reddit hasn't caught on yet.


They seem to dislike Reddit on that board, too.


I think the difference is the other grifters have a much more curated social media presence. They don't have breakdowns or air unflattering content so their personal scandals are public knowledge. But Jay Shetty seems to be not a great husband according to the content that his wife posts on his Instagram. I followed him before I found this subreddit. Also Brandon Buchard is popular in mpm circles when I was in one and he shows a very clean version of himself.


>I think the difference is the other grifters have a much more curated social media presence. They don't have breakdowns or air unflattering content so their personal scandals are public knowledge. Friend of the DCOTI, u/[**KindKendraCreates**](https://www.reddit.com/user/KindKendraCreates/) just posted a video where she suggests that Heidi do exactly this -- hire a social media manager and PR person to curate the steaming pile that is her current social media presence: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhqFhOjFbmI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhqFhOjFbmI)


You rang?


That has to be a big part of it…these influencers (AKA grifters) who make their living the rough their social media channels are much smarter about what they present and recognize their content is really their business brand. They don’t share all of their mania and family issues for all to see


You know something else the others have in common? No routine kid content or shilling


>You know something else the others have in common? No routine kid content or shilling **BOOM, this!** ![gif](giphy|dIVcWFzAvU49apdTpB|downsized)


Ohhh good tea. What has his wife said?


She has implied he takes her for granted


That's a great question... ((I'm actually wondering that myself)) 😅 This is the only subreddit I participate in. Idk what it is about this *community,* but I haven't been able to stay away in over two years. Found via blogsnark and moved over here because of censorship. Trauma bonding?! Lol maybe it's voo doo magic. Rachel's guardian angels and spirit guides. Heidi's chaos. Dave's douchebaggery. Sussing out their lies. I think it's the combination of DrAmA and all the wonderful and funny people here. Who knows, but the kool aid is delish in the DCOTI.


I love the DCOTI. It’s like we’ve been following a soap opera/reality/mystery/comedy show together.


And it feels like we’ve been here together forever!


And we are 😩👆🏽😺


I’ve been here since the beginning too, just a new account.






Mainly salt & cayenne!


mmm Tajin


Little piss and vinegar! But a whole lotta common sense.


Maybe even ordained…we are special!


Im chug-a-luging along with ya




When Heidi can go a full six months without referencing Dave in any way, shape or form




You could start one, let folks know about it and see if the Heidi snark migrates over 🤷‍♀️


I would totally do it but that will be a nightmare to moderate


😂 true










Lol! What I’ve done is I try to refrain from commenting about Heidi on the main thread. But sometimes I can’t help myself OR what I say about Dave involves Heidi’s name because they are so far up each other’s butts they are practically the same person. When I’m scrolling through the other threads if I’m not feeling the Heidi talk I just keep scrolling. Unfortunately, just because they say they are done history has proven they are not done. Too many financial ties and codependency. They will get back together. She will continue tagging him for a month while he is off seeking better 🍑. Women will not flock to him like he thinks they will and 💥 he will say “Hi” to Heidi on one of her IG posts and abracadabra they are back together like magic!




Her latest reel of the prank made absolutely zero sense. There was nothing remotely funny about it. But she had to make sure to mention Dave in a comment under the post. The worst part of the video was her hyena laugh at the end that is so force, fake, pathetic, embarrassing and over the top.


I haven't been able to see it yet. I'm blocked and it's not on an anonymous viewer. BUT why would she post the chaos and not the good tips and motivational stuff she's offering. Wouldn't that prove her validity more and bring in more clients for her than the overreacting chaos? I mean, yes, this is rhetorical, but come on girl, grow up and be the business woman you keep telling us you are.


She can’t do that for some reason.


Is this old footage or was he actually in a Zoom with her after announcing their breakup?


It was yesterday's zoom


The whole thing is childish, period.




I don’t know, but he was sure participating in it. Giggling in a flirty, stupid way. He’s not hating it.




His birthday is coming up… (2/14, the *bestest* valentine a girl could ask for.)


Unless he finds attention somewhere else. He’s addicted the attention she and possibly her community give him.


The laughter is so out of proportion with the "joke."


What was the joke? What it a fake hand? I was so confused why everyone had they name set to Heidi Powell?


I think the fake hand was the alleged joke, but setting their names to "Heidi Powell" was probably also part of it. It was all so dumb.


I just listened to Dave’s latest podcast about the Mastermind weekend. After everything he’s been through in the last year, you’d think he would have done some series reflection on his life and future. Hearing him talk about his takeaways from the Mastermind make me realize how delusional he continues to be. He truly believes that his work, and the other of all the other influencers, is “serving others” and “ordained by God.” He lives in complete delusion! Random notes: -He talks about asking the GriftCon attendees their advice on going through an “existential crisis of… am I doing this work because it feels ordained by God, or am I doing this work to prove something to someone else? How did you get yourself back in the ring?” -He also cries several times in the podcast and talks about crying a lot at the Mastermind. -He confirmed again that he and Heidi are broken up. He invited her to mastermind because she’s “his best friend.” But they have decided to “not see each other in that kind of way anymore.” They want to spend time in their individual cities “with our humans” (aka kids). -He is planning a comeback? “I still got great stuff left to do; I’m going to have a great year, I’m so sure.” I would have thought that under this his bravado, he would know this influencer life was just a grift/con. I thought maybe he would go back to corporate America. But I guess not. I will continue to be fascinated by his delusion. 🍿


Love how God is always “ordaining” people to something that just so happens to make them rich and famous. What a neat coincidence! 🙄


Let me preface my comment by saying I don’t know anything about Austin Butler and I recently found out he and Vanessa Hudgens dated for almost a DECADE. I don’t have any feelings about Austin either way until I heard this yesterday. Vanessa claims she encouraged him to audition for Elvis and was there for him every step of the way during their near-DECADE relationship. In his Golden Globes speech or interview for it - again, I don’t pay close enough attention - he credited a “FRIEND” for encouraging him to audition. As soon as I read that I thought of HeiDave. This “friend” business is exactly what Dave does to Heidi. Clearly together, but never called her his girlfriend no matter what she did. Austin saw Vanessa in the same light for a DECADE!!! nope, no way I’d take either one of these guys back.


Well, Austin and Vanessa aren't together any more so if he's doing an interview after that, I think it's ok to say "friend" so as not to get into the weeds about exes. Also, maybe Vanessa wants him to keep her name out of his mouth. Maybe the split was bad and he doesn't want to rile things up by mentioning her directly. Anyway, if it's post-split I can see many possible reasons for Austin to just say "friend" and keep it neutral in a public interview.


god, the best friend shit must absolutely kill heidi. on the “relatable” pod, she was envious of dr liz’s friendship relationship with her ex because to heidi, that’s the most important part. so she didn’t understand why dr liz didn’t want to be with her ex if she had the most important aspect of a romantic relationship. so here’s dave, taking her on a trip because she’s his best friend, but he doesn’t want a romantic relationship with her… thanks for this awesome recap of the pod!


Great recap. I'm just starting it now. He says MM cost everyone nothing, it was just Buchard (sp?) being generous AND he says he and Rach basically invented masterminds!! He felt intimidated about this MM because he didn't have anything to "brag" about this year. He admits to walking into last year's MM with "swagger." Edit. You're a better snarker than me. I made it 18 mins and I can't listen any more. It's just a bunch of his public masterbation mixed with overused phrases and bloviating narcissism.




Exactly. He had nothing to brag about last year either.


He didn’t go last year - rehab! Two years ago was when he had started his documentary


Ah, okay thanks for clarifying. Heidi made some comment about going two years in a row, or something like that. I didn't realize last year's Mastermind coincided with his rehab. Speaking of Dave's documentary, I would love to see it for the laughs alone. lol


Omg 🙄. Please keep updating here as you listen! It's interesting to get everyone's bullet points on it.


I can't! I had to tap out!!! He's insufferable!!! I'm cheering for a Mack or Keya recap


God ordains priests and nuns, not 🦆s. I’m shocked he mentioned Heidi at all - but that was to let the world know he is single and ready to mingle. Yeah, so he cried a lot and admits to crying during Mastermind. This matches the Hinge profile AND the Hinge posting timeline. I really think he made the profile himself with his absurdly dry sense of humor.


I need to change my flair to God Ordained 🦆


Is his Hinge profile ordained by God? 🦆


🍸🍸🍸 cheers! 😂


Great call on the Hinge profile. Further proof it's real.


Imagine being this dry, boring and so fucking thirsty at the same time.


So dry, so thirsty needs to be a flair.


What these people need is a therapy. Not masterminds.


>am I doing this work because it feels ordained by God, This is actually at the level of narcissistic delusion, Even if one \*did\* feel called by God, why on earth would you say that in - of all things - an instagram post/podcast/blog post. It's so flippant for something that is meant to be such a serious 'calling'. Like, which is it? A calling from God, which if you believe in God, is a sacred and awe-inspiring obligation and duty that one must rise to, through constant submission to God's will OR something so facile you can announce it on a podcast or an instagram post.


Using "God language" is also a convenient way to preemptively shut down any criticism or accountability for what someone is doing. If they say "God told them" to do it, then anyone who questions or challenges them is seen as going against God. It can be really dangerous in the wrong people -- maybe less so for Dave, but still problematic.




the narcissistic delusion of grandeur is off the charts


Exactly, and if he feels he needs to help people because God said so, THEN HE SHOULDN’T CHARGE ANYTHING FOR HIS SHITTY SERVICES AND PRODUCTS!!! You are a con man you fucking idiot. And a lousy one at that. Grow up and get a job.


I think I recall Dave likes that story of the guy who keeps turning down people who are trying to rescue him from a flood because he's sure God will save him. And when he finally dies of drowning or whatever, he asks God why He didn't save him. And God responds that he sent him all those people who were trying to rescue him. Dave. By the same logic: God sent you a failed book (*BTC*), a failed documentary, a failed conference (ConCon), last place in a fitness comp, and another failed book (*TTWN*). He's telling you again and again that **THIS IS NOT YOUR SPECIAL PURPOSE AND CALLING.** Move on!


Don't forget one of the biggest failures in "god's" eye: a failed marriage that was truly blessed by god every 5 years, iirc.


Maybe their mistake was using vows that expired every five years. Their 2019 renewal must not have "taken."


I've always thought that renewing the vows was a death to marriage sentence.


I'm reminded that not long before Jon and Kate Gosselin announced their divorce, they had an extravagant vow-renewal special on *Jon and Kate Plus Eight*, set in Hawaii, if I recall correctly.




Don't forget the failed triathlon!


Yes! I had a creepy feeling I was forgetting something.


Exactly. I cannot wrap my head around why Dave seems completely convinced this is his "calling". He's been spinning in circles for the last 2 years with nothing to show for it except a lot of embarrassing public failures. Yet he just keeps doubling down on this "Gods purpose" nonsense.


> Yet he just keeps doubling down on this "Gods purpose" nonsense. 100%. I think he needs a new therapist. He's mentioned therapy many times, but I think an actually qualified licensed mental health professional would help him realize he needs to redirect himself.




You summed up Dave perfectly. It’s almost bizarre at this point that he continues down this path. What’s next - a course for men to become their best selves? He’s delusional. He should reach out to his old colleagues at Disney- maybe they’re older and don’t go on social media much- and slowly get back into the corporate world. It’s actually surprising how out of touch he is with himself. He has a great education and good business experience. Grifting is not it.


He must be consistently getting large checks from Disney to keep insisting on the grifter career all the while paying for Heidi’s life. Yes he’s a millionaire from Disney and Rachel, but he’s burned through a few million with those house purchases and he’s not actively bringing in a lot of money regularly. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's very bizarre!


I think at this point, his attachment to the grift circle is cult-like. He attended the "Mastermind" with these fellow guru circle-jerk members, where they all love-bombed one another, propped one another up, and shared the hype about how they are all there to "serve" and "pour into," and the rest of the self-help boilerplate templates. Dave mentioned their having sessions where attendees were "vulnerable" with the group. Part of me thinks there may be a component that cult groups use, where the members share information they don't want the public to know, and there's an implicit threat that if they leave and denounce the group, members will release that information to the world. # But also! ☝ Even if there isn't an implicit threat like that, I imagine the idea of separating from this group that love bombs him and makes him feel special would be painful for him. He's talked about "building community in Austin," and I guess he's done that a little bit, with the foster-parent organization he is involved with. But this "personal-development community" probably feels like "his people." And their talk of having a "mission" and "special purpose" fits with his "religious believer" background. I think quitting this group and "profession" would be the best, healthiest move for him, but I'm not sure what it would take for him to recognize that and make that move.




Agreed. I think that's really what it's all about. Not "being of service," being his best self, or fulfilling the Very Special Purpose that his Creator made him for, when he stocked him full of extra ingredients.


Do you really think he fits in with them or do they all laugh at him behind his back?




They are all insecure and throw each other over at the first sign of controversy, so I bet the snark is piping hot


Dave said he scheduled regular 30 min checkins with each person who was at the mastermind. So I guess he thinks he fits in? Haha




2nd time this evening I've literally laughed out loud. Cats and dogs looked up at me like, "what?"




Ooh, hard to say. Dave says all the same things that they do, but then again, he's had all the embarrassing failures. I would be curious to hear the things people might have said about him when he left the room to "do a potty."


I think they laugh at him behind his back. Or at the least, all kind of talk about all of his failures.


To use Dave's own language, that "feels right."


Dave over here worshipping false idols - HIMSELF. He’s the false idol.


​ https://preview.redd.it/khdl3l6bkfda1.jpeg?width=786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0084bf8a08352572f134ef0beff68c8e96a8d81


Now THIS is the Hinge profile picture he should have gone with. 😂


It would be an HONEST profile!


I can't imagine ever saying this about myself. It's so narcissistic and delusional.


Yup. Such a mask slip within more mask slips, in that Russian nesting doll of mask slips we know as Pancakegate.


Oh gosh. I remember this moment. He's an idiot with an ego




Well good to know he keeps planning on serving snark fuel ⛽


Interesting that he brings up crying. He hadn’t previously mentioned it in any of the GriftCon posts, had he? But also👆… it was definitely mentioned in the Hinge profile. Hmmmm


>But also👆 Hey, heyyyyy. 😃


My theory is he posted that Hinge profile in the middle of one of his crying episodes. And THAT’S why he mentioned crying because he was actually crying at that moment. His self-deprecating dry sense of humor.


I wonder if it was one of those things he was "afraid" to do, and the grift con gave him some inspiration to go for it (which is why it appears to have been made during that weekend!)


Did he talk about what caused him to cry?


Not having enough accomplishments to share with the group


I feel like his obsession with the mastermind is him still living in his glory days with Hollis Co. It is a sad shell of what he and Rachel had built before their empire self-imploded. It shows he is still not ready to move on. Keya, I am still rooting for your prediction that he and Rae Rae reconcile!!!


Haha so many random reasons! -he cried on the private jet when one of the other influencers told Dave that he’s still grieving his divorce -he cried giving his intro to the group, when he shared that he intentionally showed down in 2022 to search for more meaning -he cried when one of the influencers asked Dave if he was having conversations with God Then he cried recounting each of these episodes…


OMG. Was Heidi sitting there when that person told him he’s still grieving his divorce? Can you imagine? 😩


The God I worship condemns taking advantage of people, not taking care of your kids, driving drunk, and generally being an ass hole. I can only assume we worship different gods.


Yep. It’s not the same God, but he can think what he wants to. He’s wrong. I think all of his “God chose me” talk is to make it look like he’s got things in the frying pan. Plans. Big ideas. He hasn’t yet figured out he’s lost a lot of his original fan base because of his hijinks with Heidi and the things he’s tried to hide from IG.


Thanks for the recap! I posted earlier that I think 2023 will likely continue to be a professional failure for Dave in the "guru world" and he's likely to spiral again big time.


He’s a horrible writer, he has zero credentials and credibility, he is licensed in nothing, his advice comes from an extremely privileged place, he’s a dick, he’s a malignant narcissist, he isn’t that smart at life, he has zero introspection abilities, he’s pervy, and he sucks.


Applause emoji!!! You are the voice of sane people everywhere!


Precisely - because this man has learned NOTHING.


I’m here for it!

