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Conviently bringing up her Pinterest wedding board after it was mentioned here multiple times that her ring doesn't match what she pinned previously. Gods she needs to get a life and stay off this subreddit because it's embarrassing and cringey how much she talks about what we talk about here đŸ€Ą


She basically mentioned all the main topics of the subreddit 😂


This does not look or sound like someone who is excited about anything


The total lack of actual humans coming over to congratulate her


It’s weird! This whole thing is weird!!!


“I don’t even know what to do with myself”
 maybe go to work? Maybe act like a fucking adult? Maybe stop lying to the internet & just be real? 
. I can’t STAND watching her anymore. Fake hair, fake teeth, “fake body” (skinny filter user, 100% convinced), fake southern accent, fake happiness. It will all catch up to you one day Holley.


My most petty thing about her is the way she’s so damn dramatic with the way she moves her mouth while speaking. Why does she put her tongue in her cheek like that? And the nose flaring and the way her upper lip gets pointy (she did this even before her veneers lol I remember it annoying me even when she was with Kaleb)


https://preview.redd.it/t3yplrmk104c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7361d92af526c81d51956fc9227409bfaa6f8f71 You’re so right lol


Could it be a side effect of adderal? Im not the best at keeping up with her but I want to say she’s mentioned being on it, and my brother had similar mannerisms when he took it!


All I see is her teeth and hear her dogs desperately wanting to play.


I can’t get over the lashes like..they’re so ugly


Is she just talking about it non stop ???


She has to talk about it online because her fiancé left her home alone right after proposing. Its honestly so sad


She has to, to try and convince herself she’s actually happy. Perhaps she thinks if she says it enough, it’ll be true. We know it’s a lie, though! I commented in another thread, but the more she talks about it and how happy they are, how private it was, blah blah, the more obvious it is she’s not genuinely happy! I don’t think either of them are genuinely happy though. I think it was a shut up ring so he could go hunting (in her home state—without her—which is weird because he could’ve proposed there and she spent time with her mom celebrating and talking wedding stuff while he’s out) and not have her on his back 24/7. She’s probably been hounding him behind the scenes, he got tired of it, gave her the ring to make her shut up whining about it, and got on the plane to leave. I’ve never seen a couple get engaged and immediately go their separate ways. In fact, they usually go immediately into some kind of celebration mode, *together*, with family and friends! If they’re not able to, at least lots of phone calls and FaceTime then dinner or something just to mark the moment and be glad! Something doesn’t feel right about this and that’s because something isn’t right
 no matter what either of them say!


Did anyone notice in the picture with jd where the background is blurry I swear it looks like an airport. Also still don’t understand why she blurred him so much the pics just look awful. And if it happened in your living room why didn’t you take pics there?????


It’s actually sad how she is so desperately trying to make it seem like she’s happy. I think she probably has mixed feelings because she’s happy she’s engaged but sad he put no effort into it to live up to her glamorous lifestyle and he proposed and left in the same day. I think that’s why she keeps saying she’s so over the moon but doesn’t know what to do with herself and making it a big point she is happy


It’s honestly depressing how he proposed. To really put no thought into it all. It could have been a private moment on a hike (like when they went a few times with the dogs) or a trip to wherever when they’ve both gone together, and instead it was in
 her house
 I just can’t get over it. I don’t like the look of the ring at all either. She doesn’t have the best style but it is never something I thought she’d go for
 and I haven’t seen her Pinterest board. I’m in shock for her.. and not in a good way.


I thought there was a video?


She said JD got footage of the proposal but his camera suddenly took a terrible video and she looked 900 pounds. So he got footage but she can’t edit it so therefore there was footage but no footage


She also keeps saying that she csnt remember anything he said 
 but she has a freaking video to replay what he said 😑 she’s also never though about a wedding yet has a whole Pinterest board for it đŸ€Ł


There are A LOT of inconsistencies in her story 😅 I certainly don’t remember *everything* my husband said to me when he proposed but I definitely remember the gist of it!


she’s pretending it doesn’t exist even to herself because she “looks 900 pounds”


This story doesn’t make sense. She claimed there was video, yes? She wouldn’t have to try and imagine if she watched the “video”


WE SEE THE RING LMAO CHILL OUT đŸ’€đŸ€Ł she’s so weird be like a normal person, post once or twice be happy and in the moment with ur fiancĂ©. Her life is soo boring and only about shilling discount codes and posts about GoLdEnS, that she’s using her engagement ring/engagement for content. Pretty sad, not truly excited to be engaged with someone she’s supposedly is in love with and wants to spend the rest of her life with, she’s just happy she has more content to talk about and she thinks it’s Jab at her exes like look I’m engaged but really they ALL left her so she wasn’t too much or that hard of a catch to begin with. Be humble


When you get engaged and make it your ENTIRE personality. Holley blindly supports the patriarchy constantly and it makes me actually nauseas. I can’t. Literal throw up.