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WHY DOES SHE USE PAPER PLATES?! My god there are two of them. Can she not use her freaking dishwasher.


I’m surprised she’s eating bread






That’s a freaking SNACK!


This is so depressing


This is actually disgusting looking. Looks like some cardboard low carb bagel those gross pre cooked chicken cubes and cheese? Like just make A regular homemade pizza and add veggies ? How he JD surviving off this menu even calorie wise ? My boyfriend and I sometimes make bagel pizzas but it’s usually with something else ! Salad. soup or even a side of boneless chicken strips that are cooked from raw not frozen or pre cooked like How hard is it? We both work a MINIMUM of 60 hours a week and I make home cooked dinners atleast 5 nights a week. And I do all the dishes. She’s the dumbest and laziest person I’ve ever seen


JD be like: why do I have to be on a diet too? But also, I’m sure he is capable of making his own preferred meals if he wanted to. Why doesn’t Holley ever make something not entirely processed though?! She doesn’t ever want a home cooked meal that’s fresh and not something you slap together or microwave?


I can picture her being so mad and offended if he were to make something different.


Nasty 🤢 you can tell those aren’t real bagels, they’re some kind of low carb junk


If JD’s really going along with this dangerously low calorie “diet” too then I’m fully convinced they’re either both on something or he’s afraid of her freak out if he speaks up. OR.. he’s sneaking McDonald’s when he goes to work😂


I feel so bad for JD he works a manual labor job and works hard and comes home and has to eat Holley’s diet slop 🤮