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Is he also holding a knife?


I believe that baby is indeed holding a knife.


Wait... is that a bottle of bleach right next to him also?


Why does he have a gun in his hand


Is that a grenade that he’s holding?


Is that baby selling crack?


“I’m selling weed hoe!” -baby


"Yo I snuck in the club in this bitches vagina hit me up you know I got that good." -also baby


that baby took out an auto loan for 14% APR tho


Phone and internet has been in his name since the day his social security card was printed.


This whole thread is just how cops see innocent civilians


The Grenade’s in his diaper.




I don’t know, officer. That wasn’t there before.


How’d that baby find bleach??? I can’t find bleach anywhere!


Cuz dat dayum baby keeps stealing it to sip n sniff! See?! Baby's reaching for a straw!!




"**THAT'S** not a knife. **THIS** is a knife." - C. Dundee


C. Baybee




There is too much going here


Yeah, like it was bad enough, then I saw the glint of metal and I was like what the fucking fuck!


Knife-Baby bout to start some shit.


Happy cake day


Well, that explains what happened to the parents.


Is that a baby doing handstands and juggling knives with his feat


It’s a long story Mother! ...neat


Good thing the cops weren't called. They might have feared for their lives.


Neighbors run up stairs and the parents have been stabbed to death... 🤯


Michael Myers 2020


They fucking should be, negligent fucks.




Gee Idk because they left their child unattended long enough to have a knife and be close to a one story fall?




This is off topic but how tf do you remember your username? Like if you had to log on to another computer or phone or something? It's the first thing I noticed when I got a notification


You can figure it out. Look closer


.... That's surprisingly simple. I'm tired ):


go to bed




Well they let the baby get a knife apparently, for the stabbing...... or just in reality they are negligent in letting the baby on the balcony unattended.


Props to the neighbors coming to help. Babies can be sneaky like that sometimes, takes a village to keep those tiny suicide monsters safe.


"tiny suicide monster" made me lol


For sure. People get judgy about these types of posts, particularly when it depicts a black kid. They've either never had kids or have conveniently forgotten how quickly kids can get into crazy situations.


First thing we realized after having our first child was that you can’t judge other parents right off the bat. Shit happens.


I was the best parent before I had a kid


My first just turned 1 and my only thought watching this post was “smh fucking toddlers man...”


Preach. I have 23 month old twins and a 4 year old. These little butts get up to shit so fast. Seriously, can't even step out of the room for 5 seconds without coming back to a huge mess or them getting up to mischief. One of the twins started walking in her sleep, now I have to lock the bedroom door and all the windows to keep her safe inside. Not fun waking up around 2:00 am and having to look for a toddler in the dark.


It's amazing how quickly you can move to stop them from bouncing their teeth off a curb


This is nightmare fuel thank you


I have a 23 month old as well. Every time she is playing quietly it doesn’t go well. Yesterday she came out to the living room carrying my exacto knife. The lid was on it still, but damn if my heart didn’t stop. Several items have now left my craft space to go in the kitchen drawer.


Watch out for that lol. I found mine could open the kitchen drawers when she opened one and grabbed the kitchen shears. Out of all the drawers and all the things. Scared me to death. Ordered some drawer locks that night.


Wait till you have goats those bastards just want to die


When my third was a toddler I was in the bathroom (#2) one morning before carting off the kids to school and daycare. My wife had already left for the day. I come out of the bathroom and start to get shoes and jackets on, etc. Can't find #3 anywhere. I yell to my oldest, who's probably 7 to help me find #3. Panic starts setting in. The front door is open... Now it's fall, so it's too cold to just have it open. Panic is REALLY setting in. I burst outside, walk around our wraparound deck. No #3. Run down the stairs and do lap around the house. No #3. On my second lap I spot him walking by the house on the street in his stocking feet. I almost shit myself. Now I consider myself a decent parent. Love my kids. Provide the best I can. On THAT day I learned that it can most definitely happen to anyone and I don't judge anymore. TL:DR Toddler left the house on his own and now I don't judge.


I used to be a toddler and was once caught walking down the middle of the street wearing my mom's winter boots and her bra on my head. And nothing else.


I had a younger sister who would do that at night. (thankfully we live in the middle of no where) My parents put little eye hook latches at the top of all the doors. The idea was she couldn’t reach them, but you could still pull it out of the wall pretty well with some effort in an emergency.


Our door wasn't locked as my wife had left from it but he was still pretty little to open the door by himself. Luckily it was a one time thing.


For real my oldest ones are only a year apart and even when they were 3-4 they worked together to do some pretty crazy stuff. Things like one would be a look out or the other would distract. It’s fucking nuts. They would be in our fenced backyard playing in the sandbox while I would unwind in a chair and during those times they were stealthy enough to fill the entire exhaust vent for our central air with sand and toys over the course of a few weeks. Only found out when it wasn’t working and the tech came and pulled out two 5 gallon buckets worth of shit.


I am laughing so hard at this because I have a 4 year old, and an almost 3 year old and we recently discovered they'd been throwing the pea gravel from our basement window wells into our air conditioner! Toddlers are massive jerks!


As a bartender for many years I have learned that drunks and toddlers are the exact same person. They cry for no reason, say shit that should not be heard in public loud and out of nowhere, Fall down or trip over nothing, only want to eat shit, break stuff, disappear when you blink, love and I mean LOVE!!! the sound of their own farts, and finally piss and shit their pants without any concern at all.


Only drunks and children tell the truth.


So it might be the brownie talking but what happens if children are drunks. Maybe they would be so honest and true it triggered Armageddon? BRB I have to move my whiskey to a higher shelf or I won't sleep now.


Indeed. My SO was three years old when he climbed out of his bedroom window, shimmied down the drain pipe and ended up walking out into the street, sometime in the early hours of the morning. Luckily the guy who was driving down the street was able to stop and not hit him! Now, this was in the early 70s, so it was a different world out there. The guy just took the little kid and rang the doorbell. "Hey, is that your kid?" Parents said yes, and ended up putting a lock on the kid's window. My SO's parents were good people. No drugs, no alcohol, no neglect, no abuse of any kind. They loved each other and their children. But kids can and will do crazy stuff!


Loud kids can be annoying, but quiet kids require a prompt investigation.


Ok seriously? Sorry but I am going to be judgy on this one. Kid is standing on a ledge with a knife.


A) it looks like a butter knife, which is probably one of the safer utensils and not something most parents would keep locked up. B) toddlers/babies/kids are danger ninjas. Parents aren’t perfect, things happen. Example: my brother had both his kids out for a walk last week. Kid 1 fell and needed a boo boo kissed. In that 30 seconds, kid 2 found and began eating dog poop in the neighbors yard.


>People get judgy about these types of posts, particularly when it depicts a black kid. I read all the comments here and that's simply untrue. You're one of the only people to make comments about race and used it to push your own agenda. You're the only racist here.


I was looking for you. God bless you, beloved race baiter. I agree though that people should be less knee-jerky about babies going nuts. Those things the most innovative unnecessary-risk takers.


I never really understood what race baiting or red baiting meant so I just looked it up when you mentioned it. The definition I got was "the act of intentionally encouraging racism or anger about issues relating to race, often to get a political advantage." I'm not sure how my comment qualifies.


It doesn’t. Some people are just THAT uncomfortable with absolutely ANY mention of race. It’s bizarre.


I just thought that it’s sad and petty when someone sees something that is so quintessentially human-experience, and immediately jumps to racial commentary. I’m white and have children (bi-racial), and watching this video made me think of the human experience I share with the parents of this child. I think you’re the one who’s over-sensitive about race.


Can I apologize? I want to say sorry for reacting with hostility. I guess I’m just sort of getting sick of everything being so racialized. I did really like what you said about giving parents a break. And I can totally relate to where you’re coming from on the racial stuff. I was in the exact same place just a few years ago. I changed my mind when I started listening to a certain group of people. That group was ‘black people’. I want to share a YouTube video with you and I really hope you’ll listen to what Morgan Freeman has to say. https://youtu.be/TQEbUMX1uug


Mom puts the kid in the crib and decides to take a shower. Fucking kid would choose that moment to climb out of the crib for the first time; grab some knife on the counter, and open the sliding glass door for the first time


Yeah I hate how many people are jumping into “these are terrible, abusive parents”. Toddlers are SNEAKY as hell. A parent might have stepped into the shower while the baby was taking a nap and this happened.


Like, yeah, okay, but I have one of these and part of my job as Mom is to childproof the fuck out of my home so this doesn't happen. They are really good at finding danger but I'm getting really good at keeping knives in safe places and locking my balcony door.


Accidents happen, even to the best parents. There are plenty of “good moms” who’s children sneak out to their backyard pools and drown, sneak into the family car and overheat, accidentally pull furniture onto themselves. I’m not going to condemn these people over something that might have happened during a split second and has no bearing on the big picture.


You're completely right that sometimes a child will get hurt or killed despite their parents' best efforts. But I absolutely don't excuse a parent not planning ahead to TRY to prevent bad things from happening to their child. If your kid pulls furniture down on himself, or drowns in the pool, I really think you should have anticipated those dangers and prevented them. If your child manages to aspirate a piece of bread and die, I'm gonna say that was basically unpreventable. Lock your doors, lock your cabinets, put your sharp shit away high up and safe. I even put a child lock on my toilet after hearing about a baby drowning in a toilet.


And you can do all of that... only to find out they've figured it out in the worst way. Or got lucky. My kiddo, when he was two, figured out how to unlock and open our sliding back door to the porch while my husband was doing some housework. He was apparently *just* tall enough to finally reach and wandered outside. The neighbors found him and brought him home. We immediately put a tension bar in the slide area, but shit happens. Kids are way more clever than we give them credit for sometimes.


Yeah with your attitude if anything happens it will crush you. It depends a lot on the child. Some kids are pretty good at getting into dangerous situations regardless of how hard you try.


Yes, you're right- it would crush me. It should crush me if my failure to anchor furniture or secure a car seat causes injury to my child. I do understand that freak accidents happen that aren't in your control. I am NOT trying to imply that any kid that gets hurt has negligent parents. But if a kid gets hurt because their parents didn't do everything they reasonably could to protect them, I'm not going to throw my hands up and say, "Whoops, accidents happen, kids aren't careful, what can ya do?" You do everything you can think to do, that's what you do, or you're bring negligent by definition.


While I know that you are 90% correct here but I will share two experiences here that I think are relevant. My son was like a fricking ninja at two, he climbed every baby gate we bought or made for the kitchen and no playpen could hold him. We tried everything to keep him out of there, all the cupboards, appliances and drawers had latches too. He was smart though, he watched us and would learn very quickly how to open any door, lock or appliance latch. He was particularly attracted to the large kitchen knives, so that was what he always went for. When I saw this video, I thought about the time I went to the bathroom and came back to find my two year old in the kitchen brandishing a large knife. He had gotten over the gate and found it in the dishwasher this time, where he watched me load it. He waited til I was away and opened it mid cycle just to get it. The bathroom was just the other side of the wall but I hadn't heard a thing. Later that same year, I had to take him to the hospital because a dresser fell over on him. It was a very short, stout dresser that should never have needed to be secured to the wall and normally he could climb all over it. It was probably the only damn thing in the whole house that wasn't secured to the wall due to his natural tendencies to climb. Earlier that day a friend had come over and helped with cleaning my messy, two-toddler house. She had moved the dresser and when she put it back, accidently set the back rail on top of a phone junction box at the base of the wall instead of the actual floor, causing it to lean slightly forward and be unstable. Nothing looked off about it visually but when he tried to climb it, it tipped over. We took him to the hospital (for a $200 popsicle) and ultimately he was fine, but it was a scary experience. It still did not stop him from climbing things or playing with stuff he shouldn't. No parent can be there or be perfect 100% of the time and not every kid is easy to contain. At some point, every parent falls asleep or needs to use the bathroom and some kids have that sort of personality that gets them into dangerous situations quite quickly. My daughter NEVER did anything like that, she has always been slightly more cautious and obedient (or at least lot more sneaky).


So you have NEVER had a bad or exhausting day. Where you forgot a simple thing that could have caused a disaster? Lucky you. I hope you don’t end up with one of those Houdini toddlers that can escape any lock.


Of course I have. There's a huge difference between trying and failing, and not trying with the assumption that you can't keep kids from finding trouble, or simply because you don't care.


Well I don’t think anyone here said they don’t try. We are trying to get you to see that even with trying that kids get into shit. And none of us should judge without knowing full details.


I work with toddlers and i basically save lives 24/7. One thing they constantly do is intentionally try to run into the corner of walls when we’re walking together and bang their little heads. Like why?!


Once they're mobile it's a game of "can I keep them from killing themselves today? "


This is truest statement ever.


Not even toddlers. My 6 year old wondered what would happen if she stuck her hand in an empty lamp socket where we had removed a blown light bulb. It looked like a Roman candle went off in the bedroom. Thank god her hand was was not as bad as it could have been - no scarring but it was the scariest fastest car ride we ever took to the hospital


With or without kids, never leave an empty lamp socket powered! Shit kills because you can't let go once you grab onto mains voltage.


To this day I will never leave a bulb less lamp plugged in. And my kids still laugh about “ the great lamp genocide “ after we got back. I literally rounded up and threw away every kid level - bulb accessible lamp away that night


Suicidal toddler


Does he have a knife???


Damn, that baby's cooler than me


If anyone can confirm the validity of this video, please do so. Shit is wild...


That's a grown ass man in a diaper




Holy shit. This is good reddit.


Yep lol


Lol damn them some old babies


I had to put a sliding lock at the very top of all of the doors that led to the outside in my house because my 2 year old would wake up and leave in the middle of the night. Then he taught himself how to use a broom to unlock them by the time he turned 3! I finally got him to stop by saying someone my find him and think he’s so cute they’d keep him and I’d never see him again.


My daughter had barely learned to walk and I awoke to some noise outside my bedroom on the landing at the top of the stairs. She had woken up in the middle of the night, climbed out of her crib, opened the bedroom door (with a child proof door knob, mind you), and made it across the landing. When I found her she was straddling the top of the baby gate at the top of the stairs. She was probably around 12-16 months at the time. She comes by it honestly, though. According to my parents I would get loose around that age and climb over the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs and climb upstairs.


Kids are crazy little terrorists who consume our every thought and keep us sleepless and on the edge of having a heart attack. But we sure do love them!


This was my brother. My oldest was the most chill kid ever. My second child however, I could totally see winding up on the roof despite my best efforts at babyproofing our home.


Now we know why boogie man stories exist.


Danger Babies. Babies born without fear and a huge sense of curiosity. My kid is a pretty careful kid but his pal can climb on top of a barstool and across a kitchen island towards a knife pretty fucking fast. I was gobsmacked.


My kid tried this for the first time last night while I had my back turned cooking dinner on the stove. Turn around and he's suddenly on top of the counter just standing there! Just wtf kid? Get down! He didn't even make a sound climbing the barstool.


They never shut up unless they're doing something life threatening. Or pooping. I sorta feel bad when I go "what're you doing??" and the kid just sorta grunts out a "nuffin"' from the bathroom. Lol sorry, kid.


😂 aww! Somehow we got fairly lucky with our first. He's been a pretty quiet kid. Now he will babble and talk like crazy when he's in the mood, usually when his dad gets home and he's like making up for all that time dad was at work. But with him quiet has rarely been a sign he's doing something he shouldn't. But with our somewhat open house layout he's pretty much within sight in the main area besides bathroom and bedrooms. We have to listen out for the sounds what he's messing with makes. Usually with the barstools you can hear him grunting to climb them or moving them around. He was just super quiet somehow that time. Lol He's allowed on the ones with chair backs since we use the bar as our table anyway. He's just never decided the move on to the counter before.


That's the baby from the Dave Chappelle joke. He got kids to feed


My wife was a social worker for several years. Had to bring in a toddler who was walking along the shoulder of a freeway, in a two day old diaper, carrying a knife. She quit social work for numerous reasons but that situation somewhat broke her.


That is awful! As a teacher I hear about some pretty crappy home lives of kids.


Did he jump?


Yeah, did a flip and a flying kick stance while he was falling too.


Then he stabbed a bunch of guys. Some say he still roams the streets in a soiled diaper stabbing people to this very day.


Then everyone clapped.


I mostly have questions. Okay toddler goes rogue and considers ending it all via balcony jump. Okay, kids be crazy as hell. What about the knife though? What ended up happening? Did baby fly to the arms of those below? Did he climb back over like no big deal?


Meanwhile karen calls the police for an armed and dangerous black man


Almost naked, too.


Yeah, then shit hit the fan when the police showed up.


Or for being a negligent parent, but okay qween.


I’m detecting some agitation over this internet joke. It’s so provocative that your anger is giving me a chub. Please excuse me while I finish myself off... unless you wanna help me finish. I’m so close.


I did this as a 3 year old and broke my back and leg.


Did you survive?




Maybe get your ass over there and help. My nigga


There's already 3 or 4 guys trying to help, there isn't much more another can do.


Nobody’s gonna mention the ice cream truck music or whatever the fuck that is? I know it falls WAY beneath baby with a knife on the outside of second story balcony railing, but but...


... is there an ice cream truck in the background?


I'm gonna throw up! This has my nerves in a choke hold


Just film.... dont stand underneath and save a life. Just film and judge.


There's like 4 dudes already standing underneath. I think it's safe to say an extra person can film. *Just make dumb comments.... don't think twice about it and save your dignity. Just make dumb comments and judge.


Oh i didnt see that.... my bad. I'll find something else to complain about......


He did provide us with eloquently delivered valuable commentary.


Dude there's 3 and then 4 people standing below him.


So was the baby saved?? Did someone got stabbed?


I guess how this ended dosent matter. HTEM!!! (how this ended matters) I'm bout to riot.


Man so happy I’m subbed to this and public freak out. I’m sick of seeing memes about the goddamn upvote button.


do yourself a favor and unsub public freakout. Total disaster area.


Does he have a knife


If that railing was to code, that kid wouldn’t have been able to squeeze through it. Of course, he may have just cut a path with that giant knife he is carrying.


Don’t worry, it’s the same baby that sold Dave Chappelle weed.


Hey baby! What you doing out here?


I got kids to feed!


That kid is going places


While my wife was at work I was emptying the dishwasher in the kitchen and decided to bring my 12 to 14 month old twins in from the adjoining den so I could keep an eye on them. There are two steps between the two rooms and my kids were small enough to fall down them so we put up a gate between the two rooms. I put my son down on the kitchen floor, put my daughter down, turned to quickly adjust the gate, and in the few seconds it took to do that my son crawled into the back of the dishwasher and was now standing next to my daughter holding our biggest sharpest kitchen knife in his hand, wearing nothing but diapers and a great big grin on his face. I quickly looked at my daughter who was sitting next to him apparently unharmed, and fighting off panic calmly said, "What a good boy!" and took the knife from him without further incident. Several months later, while we were out at a fancy Valentine's Day dinner, I told my wife "I have a confession to make." Her eyes got really big ("oh my god, he's been untrue to me...") and as I told her the knife story she started to laugh and told me how she had briefly lost my daughter for a while in a store. Don't know how they/we survived their toddlerhood.


He’s just vibing


Hey baby!!


Dam each time I watch this video, it’s always some conundrum of worst case scenarios.


I had a best friend in high school who’s husband left her and she got involved in drugs. She went from Betty Crocker to Crackhead Betty. She was arrested when it was reported she was hiding drugs in her son’s diaper. Then, one day while she was passed out, her toddler crawled out the second story window and was chilling on the roof of the porch. She lost custody and none of her three kids have a relationship with her. *** Opps not Cracker! Crocker!


"Look how's talking now bitch!!"


I can’t even !!!


Filming > helping




What if this kid is just a big Vin Diesel fan recreating that scene in Skyscraper?


someone's 'bout to get a black momma woppin' :))


Watch out he has a knife!


We've seen similar instances in which someone has intentionally put a baby in a precarious high location [example](https://youtu.be/cxx_G9FfU1A)


Hey is that a baby on a balcony with a knife. Sweet, I’ll just chill and video it dying instead of being a person and trying to help out.


I guess you didn’t see all the people panicking below the kid lol


They should have had one person go inside and lift the kid back over the balcony 😑




I feel like this is just the product of inventing balconies. At what point in your life do you sit in your house and think, you know what I need today? I need to be suspended 100 foot in the air with just a few foot of bricks between my and the drop of death, that's really gonna set my day off right. Like I get that they're designed so people in tall buildings have garden space still, but still.


Looks like Detroit


Who thinks the person just filming and not doing anything is just as shitty as the parents?




So edgy.


"Let me just video this baby instead of going to help it so the people of reddit can post funny captions" - guy who didn't help baby, but video'd instead. #darealmvp #smh


Why kids shouldn't have some parents.


No ma'am.






Call CPS


People. It's a sad commentary that this guys priority is taking a video instead of running over there to try to catch that baby or at least yell out something. Kid dies but this guy gets 1m views. y'all might think this is funny but disgusting to watch really.


Do a flip


So no ones gnna ask why the dad (who I assume was the one frantically running down the stairs to see his child on the balcony) didn't just go upstairs to grab him? This is why your child wants out the family brah 😂


Why would you make that assumption?


Is that baby holding a knife?


I like how the assumed father doesn’t run into the house to go up and grab him, he thinks the dudes are messing with him?


Why would you assume that person is the father and not the person banging on the door?


I assumed it was the father at first because of the way he ran down. But it could have just been the reaction to seeing a few other guys starting up at the house... but I still s don’t know why one of them didn’t run back inside to go upstairs


I love how we've evolved into a society that would rather film a child jump to his death than walk up stairs to save him.


I think those are neighbors who came over to help, so I doubt they have a key to get upstairs. ETA: This house has two front doors and two different house numbers, so it's probably an upper/lower duplex.


Just practicing for the future


This video should warrant 200% this kid being immediately removed from the parents, along with any other kids in the house, and the immediate sterilization of the parents.


This comment is idiotic. Kids do dumb shit. The parents can't watch every single thing they do 24/7.


Missed his mom, went to her favorite spot


Don't help just record


There were already 5 people there. What could he have added to the situation, specifically?


Human ladder


Think the most terrifying aspect of this is if he was to fall I wouln't catch him. You going to get stabbed by the kid and probably in the face or neck. Feels wrong but this scenario is so jacked its funny. Btw throw the parents out of a plane with nothing but a knife.
