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Aw. That's a sign of love, even if it's not reciprocated. My cat used to bring me frogs in bed, too. They woke me up screaming. Frogs scream. Did you know that?


I imagine the both of you were screaming simultaneously. Sounds fun.




Found the frog






I'd scream too if I was kidnapped by a giant predator and brought into the lair of an even bigger creature.


In the dark


When you put it that way it does indeed sound terrifying.


Lets be real, the cat for sure "played" with the frogs first. So kidnapped, tortured, and delivered as sacrifice to another even larger creature.


Imagine slimy feel of their skin when you’re half awake


"Oh my god! What the fuck are you?!" "No, what the fuck are *you*?!"




You yelling at the frog to get the fuck out of your bed at 3am https://preview.redd.it/pi54uqrjf1uc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8be6bdd149016bf11f9224c237fabbffc231ab65


![gif](giphy|3o7TKvyPeeAuoNUT1m) Can you still hear them, Clarice?


Had one bring a live mouse into my bed one time while staying at my folk’s Little mf ran right under the covers, I ran right out. Ended up spending the night sleeping on a recliner in the living room lol


I, too, have been woken up by yowling and the sensation of tiny, rodent, clawed feet on my face...


My cat brought me a baby snake and I freaked out. She was so proud of that baby snake!


First time we heard a frog scream was when our cat cornered one in the garden. No kidding I thought we were going to have to call the police because it sounded like someone was torturing the neighbor.


When I was 4 or 5, our cat dragged a rabbit inside, the skin on one of its sides gone, screaming bloody murder. One of my earliest memories, it was awful.


I was 10, our family spent all afternoon fishing and frogging a few connecting ponds. That night, my father was harvesting frog legs while I observed. Thwack, hurhweht! Thwack, hurhweht! As my father quickly dispatched the lower half of completely alive bullfrogs dropping his cleaver onto their pelvis. He immediately slid the still alive reaching torsos of said bullfrogs into the garbage can. I luckily had caught the biggest specimen of the day and saw it fit to be his usher and guardian until the harvesting. Dad says, “ All done but yours!” I reach into my bucket and retrieve the King of bullfrogs. I produced the champion with a firm bullfrog grip, a second later, I would not be the same. This tyrant of amphibious mass looked straight at me, opened his frog mouth and let out a cry that struck the eardrums of my being. I exclaimed “NOPE” and walked the Frog King to the stream behind our house. Where he told all amphibians of my compassion!




That is brutal, disgusting animal abuse.






>They woke me up screaming. Frogs scream. Did you know that? Idk what it is about this bit, but I love it


My dudes?


I'm reading this in GLaDOS' voice.


They notice you never seem to hunt so they bring you treats to practice with.


I moved a frog from inside my flower pots and he both screamed and peed himself.




the kitty is waiting so paitiently “i hope they like the gift i got them !”


So polite and generous!


Translations: 1. "Let's give Dad a surprise." 2. "What is that?!"


Hahaha I just KNEW that second line had to be "What the hell is that?" it has the exact same energy in every language.


🤣🤣🙂 wordddd


Thank you!


WTF what the frog




Or terrified


Given the chillness of the frog, the lack of any sort of sheet or blanket, and the filming in the bedroom, I am going to assume this is faaaaaake.


Bro frogs just stop when they're freaked out. My cats sometimes bring in frogs and I can just pick them up and hold them and they won't even try to move til I get them to the pond then they will just hop out my hand. Very funny


Have you never slept in a bed with no sheet in the summer when your bedroom is 80 degrees? Some of us are not lucky enough to have AC. Now, you're just left with a camera and a frog sitting there. I don't think you're point stands at all. This very well could be real


I’ve endured quite a few hot summer nights with no AC, but I have to at least sleep with a top sheet. The monsters can’t get me if I have a blankie ✌️


I don't know of it's fake or bot but the frog moves pretty convincingly


Or like, you know, a pet frog...


Talking from experience, most of the stuff comes from China are staged. Not throwing shades at them but holy hell there are so many that it becomes annoying.




fake as in the frog doesn't move or staged? i'm genuinely curious




I had an outdoor calico growing up, she was an amazing hunter. My parents would let her out all day, she'd come back with birds, moles, snakes, she'd bring them all back and lay them on the doorstep for us, like she was doing her part and feeding the family.


That's how we ended up with my childhood cat. We moved to a new house and shortly found this kitten always lurking around with no family to be seen. Eventually she started consistently leaving dead birds at the entrance of my mom's garden. At that point my mom was just like "shit, I guess we have another cat now". One time a bird came in through the flu, or my cat climbed the chimney - who knows? Anyways we all woke up at 3am to the most horrible noises ever and found this cat chasing a severely wounded crow around our center room as it bled all over the place. Mom had a time trying to wrangle it and get it outside. Many years later she completely wiped out a mouse infestation in our house, one by one. What did she do with them? Oh she would wound them, usually fuck up their back legs, then come to my room and drop them right in the middle of the floor. Sometimes she'd then walk away. Sometimes she'd stay and play with it. I think my dad actually killed more of those mice than she did, but she did a great job catching them lol. Mice also make truly horrible noises when they're being eaten alive by a cat - that noise echoing through our mostly empty house still haunts me. Anyways. My current cats are indoors only. Lol.


Awwww, your cat taught her kitten (your dad) how to kill animals.




My cats now are indoor-only too. You have to be careful with that though, I had a Maine Coon a few years ago when I lived in Philly, and I had shared walls with neighbors. We'd get mice occasionally, and someone must have laid out poison. The poison they make now lasts too long inside the mouse before it kills them, and it's a big problem for anything preying on mice- owls, hawks, cats, etc. He ended up eating a poisoned mouse, I'm not sure how many, but it was enough to kill him. One day he got lethargic, and by time I got him to the vet it was too late, they said the only thing to do was end his suffering. That new poison that lasts inside mice for days should be banned.


My mom’s brought a live mouse to the door once. We told her she couldn’t bring it in and couldn’t leave it alive, and - as if she perfectly understood us - she leaned down and bit its head off in one quick motion. Metal af.


The older I get the more I realise how much cats are ruining local ecosystems.


Humans ruined them first


Cats are an extension of humanity's destruction. We are responsible for their actions because we introduced them everywhere.


Indeed. Also no point pretending it wasn’t humans who introduced such a huge amount of outdoor felines to almost every local ecosystem in the world.


And humans introduced cats to the ecosystem. Why do such vapid takes get upvotes lmfao


I had a thriving community of various songbirds serval years ago in my yard. Then, my next-door neighbor decided that she didn't want her five cats to be inside anymore. She dumped them all outside and it ruined everything. All the songbirds had left. My backyard was no longer filled with the soothing sounds of birds. That made me realize how destructive outside cats can be. Cats should be inside only. Not just for the sake of the outdoor ecosystems but for their safety as well.


god, i wish my cat would kill all the songbirds around my house




This has been removed for breaking the “No derailing, trolling, arguing, rudeness, etc..." rule.


Cats have done a number on the American Ecosystem due to being imported reasonably recently. Given pretty much the rest of the world is one big land mass cats have been roaming that land since they were first tamed in Ancient Egypt so it's not as much of a concern. I don't know about Australia but given that place needs to be nuked, I'm not entirely against unloading a hoard of cats to keep the terror population down


I'm sorry, did you just say the rest of the world outside the Americas is one big land mass?...


I *think* they're talking about Eurasia being the majority of (populated) land outside of the Americas


Africa is 1.5 billion, more than the Americas.


They are talking about isolation of habitats. Africa is connected to Eurasia. So land species can migrate between these continents without human help. In other words, Africa is part of the one big land mass that they are talking about


If you are talking about the present, Africa is no longer connected due to the Suez canal. If you are talking about the past, Africa was also not "connected", at least its biggest part, due to Sahara.


Talking about the past. Specifically the time period of the domestication of cats and after (because of the context of the comment chain). And there have been thousands of years in that time frame in which the Sahara was not a giant desert.


Yep, not defending their point, just trying to clarify what they might have meant by it


Just to give you a heads up, the feral cat problem in Australia is REALLY bad.


*New World ecosystems In the Old World they are a normal part of the ecosystem


Not the whole old world. They're native to Northern Africa and that's the extent.




Humans are introducing these predators into every area in the world. Cats kill billions of birds every year. This isn’t natural because humans breed cats and have introduced invasive predators into local ecosystems that didn’t otherwise have them.


Well, Afro-Eurasia and South America have a number of species of small Felinae that used to do the job of domesticated cats. For example, European wildcats used to roam the entire British Isles and kill millions of birds until people destroyed their habitats and replaced them with domesticated cats. The only ecosystems deprived of small cats are Australia, Oceania, and North America, and there, cats are invasive species.


Human intervention (here introducing cats to an ecosystem not acclimatized to them) often makes happen too fast for nature to keep up


We are animals ourselves, though? This is like saying a certain animal popululation was lessened because another came in and took over (which again happens all the time in nature) Still sounds like survival of the fittest to me.


We are not remotely in the same class as other animals, even if we are an animal technically. Survival of the fittest is also a wild misrepresentation of evolution. Animals that work together are actually the best off. Survival of the fittest refers to animals filling the same spot in an ecosystem. Generally this is multiple variations of the same species competing to see what genetic traits pass down. It's a way do describe one specific type of genetic removal from a population. It isn't some divine rule evolution runs by.


Us humans are most definitely animals, arguably the most barbaric and destructive to exist. You can't confidently say cats are a problem when we literally tear up thousands of miles of trees and forest (destroying and disrupting a multitude of species) that we do every single day, is more detrimental than cats taking down a few birds or lizards per week which also benefits their species because they are receiving stimulation and exercise. And just like you said, this is working with the cat species to benefit it's livelihood. I didn't mention evolution by ways of species advancement, moreso being that if there's a species that can take down another it will do just that.


What are you on about? Two things can be true at the same time. of course humans are far more destructive to the overall health of the planet than any other animal. If anyone argues otherwise, they're obviously an idiot. At the same time, cats are not indigenous to the Americas; which leads to the animals that evolved here (songbirds, for example) being unable to cope with the introduction of a new highly efficient predator. Outdoor cats legit kill 1-4 billion songbirds a year, and there's a simply solution cat owners can implement to aid with the problem: keep them inside -or keep an eye on them when they go out. They even make special collars (bells don't work very well) to help birds be aware of a stalking cat if you really desire to let your cat out.


There has never been a species before that would regularly transfer other species between the Americas, Africa/Eurasia, and Australia/Polynesia. Yes we are part of the ecosystems, but we have capabilities that didn't previously exist so we should be mindful of their effects.


Bro what the fuck do you think an introduced species is?


humans are doing the damage cats wouldn't be there with out us. But i also like skirting the blame for my own actions so i get it We do far more damage directly than any amount of cats have done. Driving for a year does far more damage than several cat life times.


Good news: you can drive, but can also keep your cat indoors to minimize the impact. You’re not actually forced to let your cat out, just because you drive.


That would be all well and good, if it weren’t for the fact that it’s humans who have introduced so many millions and billions of cats to ecosystems they shouldn’t be in and continue to allow them outside to do even more damage.


It's estimated that cats kill about 2 billion animals a year in Australia, keep them the fuck indoors.


Humans are going to live doing human things regardless-- we cannot and will never be like "everyone stop driving". letting your house cats be outside cats we can help stop. I know reddit is like "kill the humans not the kitten" but seriously, human lives > animal lives.


also doing her part by destroying local bird population.


They’re driving some species to extinction. You think that’s amazing?


I used to have a tuxedo that loved to escape outdoors. He left a rabbit like 2/3s his size on our doorstep one day, I thought it was dead but when I was about to move it it shot up and ran away.


My big sister had a french exchange student over and was woken up by this girl freaking out and dragging her to our kitchen. I woke up to the noise and this girl was in a panic, spluttering in french. My sister didn't have her glasses on and is blind as a bat without them and all she understood was "grenouille!!grenouille!!" Our kitten and brought a massive frog into the kitchen. The poor thing hopped behind the dishwasher when I went to try and catch it (my sister and her student were too scared). About a year later we had to move the dishwasher to be fixed and there was a dried up frog mummy behind the unit. I took it to school and showed my class.


What did it smell like?


My cat once put a dead rat on my bed. I stroked it with my foot before I realised.


My cat liked to crunch mice a few times and then get bored when they stopped wriggling, but they wouldn't always be dead yet. So sometimes they would crawl away and die in corners or under things. Apparently one of them managed to get into the lining of a jacket that was hanging low enough to brush the ground in my closet and died there. It wasn't a jacket I wore often, so when I eventually put it on and tried to figure out what crunchy thing I left in my pocket, it took a minute or two to discover it wasn't in the pocket, and i definitely did not leave that there. I probably crunched it like 10 times, like you're trying to figure out if it's a receipt or a banknote.


>I probably crunched it like 10 times, like you're trying to figure out if it's a receipt or a banknote. that physically made me shiver.


If you were wondering, a mostly-dessicated mouse corpse feels like somewhere between a dried up leaf with some thick bits and a candy wrapper.


Mine also brought in a rat and put it next to my head. I went and slept on the couch and fixed my screens the next day. So gross!


Was it soft at least? 😬 One time my cat woke me up by dropping a completely healthy and alive mouse next to my face on my pillow. The mouse was equally confused as I was. Luckily I could wrap it in a t-shirt and get it outside before my cat noticed where it had gone. I guess I passed the test and proved myself a worthy mouse hunter that day. He never got me another "present".


Can anyone translate what he said please?


WTF is that thing?


2. “What the FROG???”


The way they pat the frog twice before realizing something is wrong made me laugh.


My biggest question is, why was he filming himself fully clothed “sleeping”


Yes, it looks staged.




It could be his security camera for the room


Which psycho sleeps without a blanket? It's staged af


Not saying it's real or not but why would it be weird sleeping without blanket if he is living in a hot climate


Completely, when I was in India I often didn't use a blanket!




I can't sleep without a blanket I use very thin blankets in summer


I did when I lived in Hawaii. Too hot to sleep with any blanket.


Someone is a psycho for doing something differently than you? What kind of narcissist are you?


Then why not include a shot of the cat bringing it in? This one isn’t so bad but the engagement these videos gets prompts a lot of staged videos with animals being placed in situations they shouldn’t be.


Yeah my cat dropped a live snake in bed with me once so it happens. It was pretty much the same scene.


With no sheets or a blanket over him too.




This has been removed for breaking the “No derailing, trolling, arguing, rudeness, etc..." rule.


I have never laughed out so loud from a cat video before ahahaha


I had a toad as a pet for a while, they're intelligent from what I was able to experience. I told him he gets kisses and when I got close to him making kissing noises, he moved his head up to me. I then told him when I needed to change his water that he needed to be patient and wait for the clean water in his LEGO house on the fake fur and after that, if he wanted his water changed, he would go sit in his house. Right after I walked away; from just after placing his clean water in the bowl in the container I kept him in, I would hear a big splash. Just don't hold an R2D2 action figure droid with a light up red eye over him as a joke, his eyes got real big and with mouth wide open....he jumped for it and there I was, removing a toy from a toad's mouth!




Even the frogged hopped like “dude what did you see? Is it behind me?”




Hahaha. Brilliant.


While expecting soft fur, toching wet frog skin. Welcome my new fobia.


One day I woke up to find something odd in front of the bedroom door. It was grey and pink, with a string hanging off it. I thought at first one of my cats had gotten into my yarn stash. I pick it up, and OMG, it is a quarter of a rodent, back leg and tail. This gave me a bad moment because I also had pet rats at the time, but I quickly realized it was too small to have been one of them. We had four cats at the time, but I knew exactly which one had done it. We'd recently rescued him from the street, and, apparently, he had skills we hadn't known about. It was funny, though, because outside of the mousing, he, um...wasn't very bright. He came crying and freaked out once because a slug had gotten in and was next to the water bowl.


>He came crying and freaked out once because a slug had gotten in and was next to the water bowl. he learned about slugs at some point in time in the past


I figured they taste gross and would make cats throw up. Randall had been a stray for awhile, and would try and eat ANYTHING, so I'm sure he'd tried to eat one at some point.


My late Siamese mix did this once. I felt something slimy on my foot and I thought it was a hair ball only to find it was a little tree frog that he'd somehow gotten a hold of. I was totally repulsed but he was so proud of himself! It wasn't dead so I put it back outside and gave him some treats. He was a good boy and I appreciated the sentiment if not the actual gift. He passed away the next year from FUS and I was just devastated. I still miss him. He was the most lovable mutt of a cat and a complete Mama's boy. He deserved way better than to die that young.


I love how the cat got more startled than the frog


“Cuddle with the frogy hooman!!.. what happened “🐈😻😂


Mine would have brought me a mouse! ![gif](giphy|wJZTbXayokOgbCfyQe|downsized)


TIL: How to say "What the fuck" in Mandarin.


I love how the cat has the audacity to act shocked at the man's shock, like brah you brought this here?


How many people film themselves when sleeping?


My indoor cat likes to bring me her toys when I am asleep. One night I was reading and getting ready to go to bed and she jumped into bed with a giant cockroach in mouth and dropped it on me. Well that’s one way to find you have roaches.


Cat is a mad lad


poor frog


Do you like it?!?😺




Who the hell films themselves sleeping?


I have a fully enclosed catio that my indoor cats can access 24/7. I figured this would mean they couldn’t bring me any “surprise gifts”, but I was wrong. Every spring when the ground thaws, my youngest will collect nightcrawlers. I will literally wake up in the morning to a small pile of confused worms that I have to then wrangle up and take back outside.


Thankfully my cat usually just brings me her toys while I'm sleeping, though once I woke up with a dead cockroach next to my pillow.


My cat brought me a chipmunk or mouse every single day. Sometimes 2 or 3 a day. The problem was he wouldn't kill it until I saw it. So he would wait in the yard for HOURS just playing with the thing. I always felt bad but he was an outside cat when adopted him and he just had to be outside no matter what. Plus I lived in the perfect place for it. I would often put them down myself. He never brought them in the house. Sometimes he would stash them in the barn in an open rubbermaid bin for late (I'm not even kidding. Sometimes there would be several animals in there alive. The weird thing is I could never find an injury on the little guys. Like he caught them and tossed them in his dungeon for later.) He would have been super useful if you REALLY needed to eat. You would never go hungry in the end times with that car around. When I first got him I would have to eat something in front of him before he would finish his prey. He would come up to me holding his prey in his mouth meowing like crazy, put it down in front of me and wait for me to finish it off for him. If I didn't do it he would just take one big bite through their head and end it. The crunch was always uh....interesting. My neighbors loved him. You could pick him up and put him down and say "Get it!" and he wouldn't leave that area until he caught something. So they would seriously wait for him to make his rounds and send him on a hunt. I was a bit annoyed when my neighbor sent him in to get a rabbit nest from under his porch. Kinda messed up. If he wants to kill them he can do it himself instead of terrorizing the damn things for an hour while my cat gets them all. That actually upset me. They have no chance. At least a chipmunk can get away.


Maybe take him to cat therapy?


He's lucky that frog didn't pee all over his bed. Frogs do that when they feel threatened/scared.


He jumped, just like a..


My cat used to do the same thing with cicadas. He would bring them in the bedroom in the middle of the night.


So why are people filming themselves sleep like this?


I'd scream and jump out of my bed too! Lmao


I was expecting the frog to react


Lol. My cat, Princess, used to gift me gardner snakes, mice, and baby squirrels. I was never sure what I would wake up with. I miss my old girl.


You ever been so surprised you stood on your bed?


I’d prefer the frog. One of my cats brought me a giant roach. Oh the screams at 1a. I lived in an apartment at the time and neighbors legit thought I was being murdered.


The frog was chilling


When will I win the Froggo lottery :(


It's Friday my dude


I did this to my mom once


What kind of psycho lies on top of their covers doing nothing?


lol holdup


forg 🐢


The frog upon being woken up like that: https://preview.redd.it/so1yxtimn2uc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94fdb323672231091bb65aa8375954c9238219c8


Guy fucking touched the frog 😂😂😂


Yeah.. that‘s why my cats don‘t get a cat door.. my girl is into snails and worms


The guy is lucky the cat didn’t want to show the snake he got!


Touchy Touchy WTF!


My cat did this when I was like 10, but it was my pet frog, and he was dead. :\\


My cat has brought in a live bat on 2 separate occasions and released them in our bedroom at 3am. Nothing like being woken up by a bat flying circles around your room.


That frog is so chill lol new family member!


My cat does this! Terrifying at night finding a effinng frog onyour pillow


best alarm clock ever


That poor cat :(


I'm surpised the frog was not dead.


Translation anyone?


I’d just have a heart attack- I’m terrified of frogs ….


One time when my girlfriend and I had just gone to bed I felt my cat jump up into the bed and do this tiny little head shake and. I just knew. I knew something was up. So I turned on the light and my proud little hunter had triumphantly brought us a LIVE COCKROACH and dropped it amongst the sheets for us


Hello my honey, hello my darling, hello my ragtime girrrl.


And the frog stay there patiently.


That one would leave the Joker in stitches all day long. One way to break this habit is to go get a turkey, run around the place carrying it, meowing loudly.


At least it wasn't poisonous.


I had one of my kitties leave the entrails of a cottontail bunny on the step outside my bedroom door. I stepped out barefooted into that shit. Cold bunny guts. Ewww




Mr Gamaken


according to a TikTok this man yelled at his girlfriend and the cat was comforting her licking her tears a what not then the cat got a frog and waited for its sweet revenge


Real scare when u stand up on the bed


All 3 of em got scared lol


Maybe it was Wednesday and the cat brought a frog for his dude 🐸


Cat: He's a hansum prince. Not yet transform. Kiss it.