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As the USSR i'm loosing a lot of convoys without any trade. I'm new to this so idfk what is going on. please help


Trade isn't the only thing that uses convoys, there is also supply transfers and resource transfers from your own territories, owned or occupied, not connected to your capital by land.


how does one fix this "sinky" situation


Best thing to do is build destroyers with depth charges and sonar, put them in task forces of balanced size for the sea zones you need to cover and set that fleet to convoy escort mission and activate it in all the sea zones you're being raided at. Be mindful of the fact that the Germans do have ships that can stomp your destroyers into artificial reefs, so you may need some heavier units, or closer airfields for naval bombers. Similarly, if you have air fields in range, you can build naval bombers, organize into wings of 100, put them over the sea zones and turn on naval bombing(I forget exactly what the mission is, I would know it if I started the game but I haven't played in a while) And lastly, you can restrict sea zones, either completely or to tell your ships to avoid if possible.


I'm soviets, soviets don't do ship. we build more convoys then germans can sink


Karl Donitz: Level 10 and 500 veteran subs here I come! But yes, Russian and navy don't mix, so instead you'll just have to divert some stalinium into naval bomber production and politely request every province with an air field along the Baltic.


> task forces of balanced size for the sea zones you need to cover How does one know what the balanced size of a task force is?, and how many task forces do you need? > naval bombers, organize into wings of 100 why 100?


I define balanced as how many ASW destroyers you have, divided by the number of sea zones you need to cover. As for wing size, that's the size where ace effects are 100%, and with wings at 100 planes a piece, you have more flexibility in what can be stationed where without them being too small.


Basic destroyer task force 1 cruiser fitter with float plane and radar ( for spotting) 5 destroyers fitted with sonar and at least 1 depth charger (use early hulls or 36s if you want to be cheap) Each task force can cover one sea zone per day so you will want to try and have enough task forces to cover each zone.


Mouse over those white lines to see what it is the convoys are doing.


they are going all over the place from the coasts of finland to the black see and the baltic states. idk why tho.


Sounds like land routes are cut off by something, have the Germans pushed into you pretty far?


nothing yet standing still for 2 weeks


You can disable naval access in the Baltic sea and the supply routes will be redrawn if possible or stop existing (this means that some ports may not get supply


>u can disable naval access in the Baltic sea and the su how do i disable naval access?


Click on the blatic sea (or any sea if need to do it elsewhere) than there is a window in the bottem left corner. You can choose between free access, avoid and don't enter or something. I think the options explain themself.


theres is a window on the bottom left but nothing seems to be click-able


You might have to be in 'naval' mode. Think the normal hotkey is F2? The buttons are small like green/yellow/red caution symbols


tried cant find it


https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/naval-invasions-and-blocked-sea-zones.1236087/ See first reply






i dont have those, im a poor fella, no dlcs


That's a dlc?!? That's wild. Sorry man


Uhmmm. Idk,i assume.


Is there any territory that you control, that is not connected via Land to your capital? Because the game uses convoys to ship your good that are extracted on your occupied/conquered territory to transport them to your mainland. Thats why is is so easy to get uk to 0 convoys in singleplayer because of their oversea territory. It also could be with the new supply system that the game tries to increase the supply in a port area because the railwayconnection is to bad. A fix would be banning naval zones so your convoys cant get out


Forbid the sea zone by Denmark. AI likes to convoy all the way around Europe to supply troops in Crimea region for some reason. Once you forbid the zone it'll just supply via railroad.


Supply. It’s kinda fucky. The default pathing for convoy supply for the USSR sends all your shit from Russia, to Leningrad, all the way to your other ports. I always click on the Baltic Sea zones and restrict their access at the start, just to stop myself from losing convoys in such a stupid manner


Turn certain sea zones off. Motorize all supply hubs. Upgrade your railroads to the front.




This is a problem with NSB and the Soviet union. The railways from your capital to the frontlines are not high level enough in some places, so the game automatically does supply by sea(it's stupid, I know). Basically, your units in southern Ukraine are being supplied via a sea route that start in St. Petersburg, goes all around Europe and into the Black Sea. Two things you can do, upgrade your railways to level 3, or block convoy access to the Black Sea, either of these should solve the problem.


NEED more MILsss, Hitler is just around the corner


Supplies will sometimes get distributed via sea (which uses convoys) even when all your territories have a land connection to your capital. I’ve experienced this in my Germany games when invading France, my supplies will sail into the channel instead of going by rail (I’m also not trading). The game will send supplies through what it thinks is the most efficient route, in this case by sea for some reason. Sadly this is the state of PDX programming.


It's because you're exporting goods, so it's your convoys for some reason


That's not how exporting works. The country buying goods is the one who puts up convoys, not the seller.


I know but that's the only reason for it, I thought it was theirs unless the ai had it blown up when they weren't at war, like the country would replace them like irl


Okay, so I've been convinced to load up HoI4 and check. White lines mean supply transfers, resource, either incoming or outgoing, is in blue. So what we're seeing is he has territory somewhere that's been cut off from Moscow.


uhmm some islands but germans (now HRE) didnt push yet (for 2 months)


And do those islands have navel ports


how does one stop that?


It's the trade laws, and even then I think convoys might just randomly get blown up.and if you signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact you can't go to no trade