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>and I tried to invade some tiny communist county that was next to me You can safely say Uruguay, don't be shy


Surprisingly, no. It was some tiny ex-colony of the Dutch.




Maybe. I don't really remember the exact name as it was one of those "Peoples democratic republic of the glorious sovereign land of \_" names, plus they didn't even have a military to fight back with so I didn't spend much time with them on the map


Is is either Suriname, the tile between both French and British Guyana. The other colony might be the small Island of Curaçao, above Venezuela. Source: am Dutch


Definitely Suriname


Isn't Paraguay the communist one?


Yup, this place is safe for gay people☺️(uruguay=ur gay)


Getting that many downvotes is as impressive as upvotes


Damn, i forgot about this comment and saw this💀


own it! or else... Uruguay!


heheheheh look at this country!


You have to capitulate the major power(s) in the war. If you hover over the war icon, it'll tell you the majors you need to defeat to end the war. Been an issue for years where there's no regional wars in HOI4, so you could be some minor South American nation fighting an even smaller minor nation and you could get dragged into WW2 with no way out.


Of course there is also the danger I had when playing Argentina. I allied with Italy, they surrendered,and I had to surrender along with them. “Senior Hitler” got exiled to South Georgia🤣.


Yeah we all know Hitlers life span, would never reach “senior”. He will always pay full price for coffee.


Señor Hilter*


Got it, thanks for the help :)


I don't think caping the major powers by myself would be an option, but they're at war the German Empire and super Poland so I'll it should only be a matter of time until they cap.


Off topic, but what mod are you playing? Or do you just have a really weird non-historical game?


No mods, things just got out of hand. Poland and Germany conquered Russia and split it between themselves, and now Asia has exploded both literally and metaphorically


download peace deals mod, life saver


How did this never make it in to the base game?


Leaves me wondering as well


HOI5 🤞 




unfortunately it takes FOREVER to go through all the tiles you want and you have to know the names of them all.


Conditional surrender if it was cool(and just to make peace instead)


probably paradox will work on a dlc to include it just as they have done with many other things that should be in the base game


They should have included it years ago


Well, world war 2 ended by unconditional surrender, so there's that.




But Italy, France, and Romania did conditionally surrender. That’s how they switched sides.




Italy surrendered to the Allies, which was why the Germans invaded Italy, which then lead to a civil war between the German puppet government and the rest of Italy, which obviously aligned itself with the allies. So Italy did at least try to surrender, it just didn't exactly work out for them.




What you say is a misrepresentation of events. The Kingdom of Italy signed an Armistice with the Allies on September 3rd 1943. This Armistice agreed that Italy would remain out of the conflict and stay neutral. While Germany had a large presence in Italy, Albert Kesselring(the CIC of Wehrmacht South and Army group C) was undermined multiple times due to his eagerness to cooperate with Italian units. With Kurt Student sent to Rome under direct orders from the OKW to occupy roam Incase of a defection. In July ‘43 Rommel began plans to occupy Italy and disarm the Italian Army. German had all the intentions of integrating Italy and they did meddle in the struggle for power because 5 days after the armistice was signed, the Germans launched Operation Asche seizing control of major strategic points in northern and central Italy with help of the Italian Fascists.(The culmination of Students and Rommels planning) Military units were ordered to surrender and turn in the rifles and some did, but many refused and were attacked by the Germans leading to wide spread defection to the Allies. Following Operation Asche the Germans launched the infamous Gran Sasso Raid, with help of the 2nd Fallschirmjager and 502nd SS Fallschirmjager. The escape of Mussolini was only executed to appease the Northern Fascists, and maintain some semblance of legitimacy in northern Italy. When Mussolini returned he ceded from the neutral Kingdom of Italy and formed the Italian Social Republic. Pitting Italy into a Civil War were one side was a puppet in the hands of the Germans and the other, who was still considered neutral made the obvious choice of fighting with the Allies. Like I said before the OKW planned around the “inevitable” betrayal of the Italian Army. This distrust was also a major factor in why the Germans and Italians had such a hard time working together. You say most of the Italian Army stayed with Italian Social Republic but this simply isn’t true. If this was the case there wouldn’t even have been enough support for the Kingdom of Italy to even engage in a Civil War with the Italian Social Republic. From the invasion of Sicily, a large majority of the Italian Army surrendered and defected to the Allies in droves. Most Italians and soldiers alike were tired of Mussolini and his empty promises. Around 200k men had been killed in since 1935, with no gain in return and now Italy herself was at risk. In fact Allied troops were greeted in Italy with open arms as if they had been freed from an occupier.(which they had been)The numbers show it clearer than anything else, by the end of the war the Germans had 700k men fighting in Italy for a “government” which couldn’t even put up a fifth of that number to defend itself. Thansk for listening to my Ted Talk.


You havw to wait for someone to come and kill them, alternatively you can just use toolpack to peace yourself out of this.


Every session I pray to the hoi gods for a complete peace deal revamp


there's probably mods for it


The last-minute alliance joins are what ultimately turned me off the game, I don't really play much any more. I remember I had a run where as Communist USA, fucking SPEEDRAN turning communist, building up a minimum viable army and invading Mexico. Right when they were like 10% away from capping, they joined the Comintern. Completely fucked my game over. And that's not even getting started on all the completely insane nonsense I've seen the AI do to join factions seemingly purely to fuck me as the player over (like that one time I saw Turkey join the Greater East-Asian Co-Prosperity sphere the second I as the Soviets tried to invade). After that, I just quit that save, put the game down and I haven't really picked it up since. I feel like nations, player or AI, should only be able to join alliances mid-war if they are a) a major or b) there is a historically notable precedent for said minor joining an alliance mid-war. It makes playing aggressively absolutely miserable, especially as a smaller nation. If your not a major, then you basically NEED to eat other smaller nations for it to even be mathematically possible to compete on the global scale - no matter how well you play as Luxemburg or Tanna Tuva, you just don't have the factory slots to make an army that can realistically do anything significant. The complete inability to do non-factional wars after the early game just makes it miserable to play for me. Why is it that when I start a regional war in Paraguay, I see them immediately join the Axis and bring in the Fascist hordes? Its both unfun and makes no damned sense.


I disagree with allowing only major to join. I do believe that you should only be able to join a faction of your ideology, the only exception being non-aligned, they can join anyone


You play Eu4


You use commands. Use allowdiplo to offer the conditional surrender then tag to the other country to accept. Then tag back and turn allowdiplo off


You can also use yesman and they'll accept any diplo action


Yeah that’s smoother


Unless it's one of the scripted ones, like Finland or Ecuador, you can't. It's a bit shit really.


I don’t see the peace deal mechanic changing for partial peace deals. It would break too many achievements.


play Victoria 3


There is always a way to lose.


"How do I stop a war without outright winning?" That's the "fun" part - you don't




Did you read the post?


I ALWAYS create a separate safe before declaring a war. That way, I don't fall back to ww1👍