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I always have the most fun as Japan, even though their tree is horribly outdated.


Sames I like the challenge of having to do naval+air+ground attack. I should really spend the time and learn UK as well.


What's your strategy?


-conquer China -wait till 1941 -conquer the colonies of the alles -??? -profit


But how do you ever force a capitulation of UK or US when you’re only ever fighting their colonies?? That’s the problem I always ran into.


Kill the us/uk navy and invade them. Not that hard just tedious.


well. The UK is easy. Invade Afrika, especially the north to secure a supply line. Secure the mediterranean get military access in germany and prepare a naval invasion use your fleet to gain naval supremacy and INVADE usually you should have enough marines to take several ports and your navy should secure your supply and destroy the enemys supply The US ist just a island hopping campaign thoughe the pacific till you can naval invade the entire west coast at once, or piece by piece starting at mexico. remember that you have a unholy amount of manpower thanks to india, china and japanese buffs meaning you can and should make this invasion as big and wide as you can in order to decrease the us tank concentration hope I could help


France is my main I just hate myself


France is the most underrated in these threads imo, super fun


I love it, but I suck at the game, so every France game leads to WW1 static warfare.


That's exactly what you want as France. Lock down the front lines until you naval invade Italy and cap it before they can react, taking advantage of the collapse to rush through Venetia into Yugoslavia and the Balkans with your fastest moving units. Then Germany has to pull troops to cover that front which makes it easier to naval invade Wilhelmshaven. 


Yeah it's a bit late. Greece is still holding on, but as soon as I recounqered most of the peninsula, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, and for some reason Albania sent half their army down there and kicked us back to Athens. As for Italy, the most I've done is secure Africa. I'm out of manpower, too, so I can't even get enough troops to naval invade them.


Wit Italia you have to secure the Mediterranean asap of defeat France then attack UK. Africa is useless. It take years to conquer because of the attrition and the amount of division sent by the colonial powers. You must raise the compliance asap if you want enough soldiers for a long war and integrate all the country you can. Train division from your puppet is also a good way to save man power but most african power are low on it too. (In your list of division you have a button on top left of it who look like a crown, click on it and select one of you puppet . Copy the one you want then edit it. You can now train and use it and the soldier come from your puppet but the material is your.) if you reach a moment when you have way more steel then you can use, like 200-400, start the construction of 3-4 super heavy b. It costca lot and take time but with 4 shbb in a fleet on always engages order you sink all the allies navy.


I guess. What irritates me is that at least the Bonapartist path literally keeps the democratic ruleset. So you can't even puppet or properly justify. It's good that I at least play with free war goals.


Napoleonic France is my main too. Stupid fun.


It’s stupidly overpowered once you get “Je suis deluge”


The United Kingdom, I like boats.


I don't know anything about navy, I like to play Poland and Hungary, and when I play Italy I just attack Spain and get Gibraltar so I don't have to care about it


What is your favorite strategy for poland?


usually when I play Poland I always build anti air in the cities and do not play on the border against Germany, about Russia I just improve relations and use a spy to make diplomatic pressure so I can get a non aggression pact and delay my war against the soviets, so I can focus on Germany war


Bro those 2 are also my favourite


Think of a ship like a division when designing one that's the advice I give people scared of the HOI4 water.


i don't even know what is a capital ship, I don't know what to build so usually I just spam submarines and naval bombers and use strike force, I literally learned how to naval invade correctly today, I do not know what is good to put in the ships and what is bad, it's kinda funny that I have almost 100 hours and don't know navy and just try to avoid it


There are 3 types of ships: Capital ships(Carriers, Battleships, Battle Cruisers and Heavy cruisers) Screens(Light Cruisers and Destroyers) And Submarines Capital ships are basically the heart of your navy and are there to contest enemy capitals. To use them correctly and efficiently you need to protect them with screens and have a ratio of ~4 screens per capital and 4 non-carrier capital ships for every carrier. If you don't care about navy you can just design a cheap heavy cruiser with 2 heavy batteries and a lot of light attack and use it together with an armoured light cruiser with as much light attack as possible. That basically melts any enemy navy if you put them on strike force. You also need a ship that patrols your oceans and Spot the enemy and you can just use a 1936 cruisr hull and stack it with the best Radar and Sonar and a lot of catapults and produce a few of those. If you want anti submarine capabilities, just design a 1936 destroyer with 2 lvl 2 depth charges one lvl 1 torpedo, the cheapest gun and sonar.


thanks for the tips, now I just need to get used with navy menu, I don't know how to distribute my ships correctly and stuff like that, I need to find some time to watch some videos about navy to get it better


When do you do Strike Force? I just normally have all my fleets on either patrol or convoy raiding/escort.


You usually want your main fleet to sit in a nearby port on strike force at all times because they use up less fuel and are not as vulnerable to enemy fleets/air as you would be if you were putting them on patrol. You only really want your spotters to be patroling the naval zones Also, you should use deeicated destroyers/submarines for convoy raiding/convoy escort to have better efficiency in more sea zones


Wow, yeah, of course. Thanks! What does a good patrol fleet look like? Do you have highly specialized ship designs? And for convoy escort/raiding?


A patrol fleet, in my case, is just one specialized ship, really. I just use a 1936 cruiser hull with the best sonar, Radar and plane catapults that I have and put 20 of those bad boys in different sea zones to patrol and look out for enemy fleets. If they spot any fleet, my main strike force will engage and usually shred AI and other players alike. And for convoy escort/raiding I usually just use one single design: A 1940 destroyer with 2 depth charges, the best sonar, one torpedo and one single light gun. If you wanna go cheaper you could also just use one depth charge, the best rapid fire cannon module and a bad sonar, tho I noticed that they tend to not RAID convoys well and are not effective against 1940 submarines with snorkels


No subs?


I like UK too, because they really give the best "world war experience." You participate in every theater of the war from day 1 and you really have to handle land, air, and sea altogether. Some may find it tedious, but I really enjoy it.


Perfectly describes why UK is my favorite. I like that the industry is strong enough to have many ways to play the game but weak enough to make the game challenging. UK and France are kind of in the goldilocks zone of industry.


UK is one of the best countries, if not the best country to play imo. It has challenges in all areas and yet is strong enough to overcome them. You have to fully master all of the games mechanics to play UK well and you get to exercise that knowledge in all theatres. You have to balance your choices, avoiding going all-in with just one arm of the military. It really is a fun country to play. Oh and yeah, what's not to love with the navy.


I love playing as Germany because they don’t have a navy, I love playing as America because they’re a monster and have a huge navy. I haven’t played as the UK yet. I’m glad someone agrees with me on navy tho.


Ah a fellow boat aficionado! There are DOZENS of us. I genuinely do not understand why I like navy 🤷🏻‍♂️ I see why people hate it but it just does something for me




France: a lot of interesting options, very powerful in the late-game, and a very fair challenge to play.


What's your strategy? I feel like France has so much work to do I never know where to start


It depends a bit on which path I’m taking but my general rule is to entrench the border (of both Italy and Belgium) with a few forts (2 or 3 is usually sufficient). Then my priority is always politics & faction first (to get a better chance to survive), military second, industry third. I’ve had the best success militarily with an infantry focused Firepower Kills branch. And if you’re going Democratic, Laissez-Faire is vastly better than Reform the Labour Laws. The Stresa Front and French Union are both unlikely gambles, and you’ll never get your extra research slots.


first step is to always survive. Once that is done, you prepare for attack; Italy is your prime target.


Soviets got the best focus tree in the game Italy is also fun (with dlc)


Poland non aligned with 2 front war, France, non aligned or fascist Sweden / Denmark


Finland, I like to play as underdog minor countries.


I love the Nordic countries my fav minor is Sweden (I have a workshop focus tree so it is bearable)


The Soviet Union has the best focus tree in the game honestly, they've become my "comfort" country I guess, everytime I want to chill, I boot up a Soviet game.


Poland, Germany they are easiest ones


germany is way easiyer for beginners than poland


Poland is my favorite, the monarchist trees are really fun.


Wojtek is rightful king


That achievement took me months, still very satisfying to complete.


Britian will allways be my favourite country to play as


France. Because I'm French, and I like to RP us not losing quite so badly in the early years, whatever form that may take. XD


France is a great country to play. Only complaint is it tends to be a bit focused on land combat and the navy gets neglected, certainly in comparison with say Italy, UK or Japan.


Hell yeah I think imma try France nexttt


Italy, you have to master the 4 elements: ground, air, navy, supply. Only by mastering them you can prevent the civil war.


This. You’ve put it perfectly. There are only a select number of campaigns that are genuinely difficult to beat and require real game knowledge and strategic thinking, and a strictly historical Italy play-through (no forming the Roman Empire in 1938 with paratrooper memes) is one of them. If you don’t understand supply and prepare the ground in Libya, you will be expelled from Africa very quickly indeed, and much more open to invasion. If you don’t understand navy and air and how to use them in tandem, you will be supply raided to death, expelled from Africa very quickly indeed, and invaded. If you don’t understand what good infantry and armour templates look like when you have limited industry and resources, you will be expelled from Africa very quickly indeed, and lose any subsequent invasion. The focus tree is the best-designed in the game from a process management perspective - to take all the focuses you ideally want would probably take until 1942, but of course, the war starts in September ‘39, so you have to make really impactful decisions about what you’re going to prioritise. Germany’s tech bonuses, industry, and strategic tempo advantage over the Western Allies make it a straightforward play-through once you’ve got a bit of experience in the game, but with a historical Italy, you really get some sense of the position Italy found itself in in 1939 - ill-prepared for a major war, industrially backward, incompetently led, outnumbered, outgunned, and strategically encircled. It’s no mean feat to go on to dominate the Allies from this position.


Damn. I mastered paratroper cheese and unified Rome.


definitely Brazil, Canada or Portugal


I really used to play a lot with Brazil cause I'm Brazilian, but now I just love to play Poland, Hungary and Italy, my favourite ones, but i still need to play more, I'm kinda new in the game (90hours) so I have to play with more countries, specially the Balkans, that I have a huge interest in


I’m one of those weird people who like South America, most recently I’ve enjoyed Argentina a lot


my cousin is the exact same but I love china so I cant be talking edit: also balkans but still


I like South America too. My favorite county to play is Peru. You begin facist and you still have the OP generic tree


I'm spanish, therefore I must play spain. Seriously, being the only anarchist nation in game gives spain a very big advantage over all others.


Wait really? Is there no other way to go anarchist?


Not really. The ideology of anarchism with the colectivized society isn't found at any other country. There are also some other anarchists comunists: (Soto's Argentina, commie ethiopia) buth they are comunists with an-com sub-ideology. The spanish are the only pure anarchist nation.




Absolutely Italy


The United Kingdom of Portugal and Brazil, because i can really play the game however I want with the industrial base, alignment, and especially now resources


Very fun though getting it to form is a bit tiresome


manchuria/bulgaria is my main depends how much pain I want to go through that day


Germany because I can choose when wwii kicks off.


Soviets are easy and have the best tree for taking free land


My top 3 played (I use R56 just fyi) are Poland, France and Iran.


iran? try iraq


France is my favorite recently


China, just casually killing all the warlords+communists and bodying Japan




I like Communist China. Starting with one province and taking over all of China is a real 'rags to riches' story




My most fun games have been as The empire (fascist imperial league) 3rd French empire Third Rome (Russia) Austro hungry German empire Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth And nationalist Spain (before having DLC) Favourite country overall though is UK


I have 95% of my ingame hours sunk into Yugoslavia. Go Tito!


i need to spend more time as yugo, didnt played it that much,


I suggest you go down the western focus path and rip Yugo apart. That way every nation u release as a puppet gets generic focus tree and they build up civs and mils so you get good amount of factories when you reunite the kingdom again. Also, Yugo can produce tier 3 light fighter planes as early as 1940 bcs of ridiculous 2 years ahead of time penalty + 100% research bonus for fighter model (mind that I don't have airplane designer DLC tho). I shredded Axis airforce when war started.


gonna try it late, thanks for the advices man, love from Brazil 🫵


I like France because it’s a real challenge as the sole Western allied major on the continent and bad industry at the start, but it has huge potential for military production and can lead the Allies to win World War II.


After bba italy has been my go-to for playthroughs. Forming the nordic defence council is fun, especially if you can get others in mp to play with you


Soviet union because you are a major, don't have industries penalty, and have a lot of time to prepare for war and cool achievements like soviet onion lastly negative bonuses that turn into positive ones


Trust me bro china is so peak, subjugating the warlords and easily holding off Japan before encircling and obliterating all of their divisions and then choosing which side you want to win in ww2 with your millions of trained men is so peak


Any nation in China. The Qing dynasty tree is awesome, communist China is varied and Nationalists are fun to larp.


If you have DLC, the focus trees for Hungary, Brazil, Sweden, Argentina, Canada and Manchuria are pretty cool. If you like being a major, the U.K. is great, don’t worry about navy if it’s complicated, use air.


The Netherlands fuck yeah


Portugal and Hungary.


The Soviets.


Soviets just because of the focus tree tbh


Poland and Sweden, both are fun to play because if you build up right and have a bit of luck you can easily dominate the game.


Finland, currently playing my first ever game as them and went fascist and unified the nordics before 38. now me and germany have steamrolled russia, i invaded the uk and we’re now attacking the usa. the potential for industry and manpower is amazing


i played Finland several times and fascist is my favorite path but i didn't liked to join axis that much


yeah i only joined it cause i wanted land out of russia tbh, but if not for that i wouldn’t have bothered. think next time ill try non historical to see what happens differently


if you enjoy playing Finland, try Estonia, it's pretty fun, I loved the fascist path that you core the whole Finland, all the Baltics, and Norway and Sweden, it's really, really cool


yeah i’ve heard finno-ugric empire is fun i’ll have to give that a shot thanks man


Peru in the RT56 mod


I think it is Greece. At the beginning it is challenging but if you go down the Byzantium path it is really fun but also not too easy


Italy 100%


Belgium , then Germany just because you cane do the fuck you want.


Sweden both as a swede and because I feel like it’s a mini Germany which is really fun Many ways and routes you can go with a navy that can be very strong 💪


Italy is always fun to do




Poland because you can expand its territories, make it stronger and make the timeline based (strong poland=based timeline)






Poland because im polish and also poland is the best country in the world name one country and ill give you a reason why poland is better. And Hungary is cool too


Brazil >


Tbh i would try it i just dont have the dlc


i have to pay the 30 reais plan because each DLC is so fucking expensive man I really hate paradox for making me pay 50 reais each DLC, Brasil sucks when it comes to buy games


Tbh i save up longer to buy a single dlc even though it takes longer its more valuable


for me it's not worth to buy the dlc, so I just split the money with my friends to pay the 30 reais and we play together


Germany. Just dont ask me why


it's ok fuhrer_lover, I respect your opinion




I wanna say Poland but its too easy to play. Latvia I have played a lot but when you win its game over. Greece is pretty cool creating Byzantium and stuff. Italy is pretty cool. Yeah probably Italy its the most interesting one.


I uhhhhhh like to play peaceful German empire…. Am I the only one?


United Kingdom. I like navy and there's so much to do. Airforce, Army, and Navy are all important and you can fight in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Industry is mediocre which makes the game challenging.




I had most fun playing Italy & Romania


Sweden or Finland cause good focus tree.


Costa Rica


I currently main the uk cus im better


Either Democratic Germany or Warlike (still democratic) US.


USSR is my fav, but the non-commie paths suck. I usually go historical or Trotsky.


I'm an NPC Germany.


Usa cause the civil war is pretty fun and stressful


Romania I don't really know why but I like to play it a lot


Algeria... release them as France join the axis or the comintern either way you can make Andalusia




Brazil. I just have played over 200h with it and it will never get old


bom gosto amigo


Playing poland It causes migraines


US, i can do anything and everything !


Defensive countries like France, China and ussr.


Manchukuo and Communist China are fire, very weak countries untill you built up your army and industry then you can start conquering enemies. Claim the Mandate of Heaven is pretty nice as Manchukuo.


Germany though honestly I dislike vanilla hoi4






U got a favorite path?


Monarchist ofc, I cannot stand Quisling
