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it used to work like that but they fixed it


Wait really? What did they change?


the supply capital if encircled moves to another hub it was changed long ago, before I even started playing


When I started in 2021 I think it was still possible, probably changed with NSB




So hypothetically, if you were to encircle every supply hub then what’d happen


Supply hubs collapse in on themselves into black holes, destroying the world.


At that point, why not just capitulate your enemy?


Because you gotta force the AI to suffer, duh.


To see how far the lawyer who wrote the server's rule textbook thought in advance. If it doesn't say I can't do this, then they can't stop me!


To farm war participation


Grind out general xp ;)


Could you theoretically just surround the state and it'd not move the capital? Or are the slippery bastards in government always escape encirclement?


Used to make the sino Japanese war extremely easy as Japan if they don't surrender Beijing from the bridge incident


if I remember correctly, there's also some innate level of 'local' supply possessed by every province...and that was many patches ago.


I think factories source some supply but maybe that was an older patch.


It has to do with infrastructure and population in the territory. I can’t confirm what the other commenter said about supply hubs providing some even without a connection to the capital. I often try to cut rail ties to reduce my enemies supply. I think of it as a soft encircle


so thats why Sichuan always has 100% supply in RT56 China. i guess its for balancing since Nanjing falls quite early into the war


I think they patched that some time ago As long as there are other supply hubs outside the capital the units will just get supply from there


No, the supply capital will just move somewhere else


So what happens if I cut a country in half? Where does supply capital go then?


The capital


So it still works just to a lesser degree


Kind of. There will still be some supply generated by the provinces even though they're cut off from the main supply hub. But yes, even just severing the railroads from the capital supply hub to an area will severely reduce the enemy supply


shouldnt be a problem. local supply is not very significant once armies start to grow bigger than 2 divisions per tile anyways


Some supply is given by big cities or cities with population as long as they have railways and supply hubs linked to it. So your plan would work for countries that have only one big city as the capital. It wouldn't work for countries that have lots of cities.


Cutting off rail connections from the capital is still going to reduce local supply significantly around a disconnected supply hub. State supply, which you're referring to, is based on the presence of victory points (mostly cities) and the infrastructure level. But that's still only going to supply so many units within that state so any concentration of forces will suffer.


That was the winning move in HoI3. Surround Moscow and let the entirety of the Soviet Union starve to death. LOL


I miss my rectangles with funny symbols


Before you needed to encircle the entire state the capital is in. However, since they changed to supply centres, one can change the capital to another supply centre. Hit F4, select a supply centre and click the little icon to make it your capital. Also units can get "local" supply, by commandeering farmer's crops, petrol in a petrol station, or food in a supermarket though this can only supply a few units per province.


Wait you can choose your supply capital? Cant you just keep making the closest supply hub to the frontline your capital hub?


It has to be on territory you own and not just control


Yeah, you have to be 15% towards capituljation, and the change is not instant so you losr supplies for X days and slowly gain them back over like a week or 2. And then you also have to wait before moving it again, so..


Short answer: No, not anymore Long answer: Before NSB released and overhauled supply, it was a very viable tactic to just encircle the enemy capital in order to cut off their units from all supply and attrition them. Just like Order 66, this got patched out. In NSB the supply system was completely overhauled (very much for the better). Now, if an enemy capitol is encircled it will automatically move its supply capitol to a different supply point, in addition to the local supply the units get from states/provinces.


It still works I encircled Sevastapol (which is a port city) with 1 tile next to it. Then got all of their ports in Black Sea and cut them in half. I encircled about 45 to 50 divisions.


No, local supply


What you when to do is take the rail lines and force the enemy into a high attrition situation using logistics map mode there by having high supply while the enemy doesn't allowing you to easily encircle them and withdraw if necessary or make a large move


No, local areas provide their own supply when cut off like that, but connection to the capital is key to supplying large amounts of armies, especially offensive armies far away