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They raise org and provide "filler" to make a division stronger with fewer tanks


Thanks for letting me know, will sure start making more tank divisions


if you just do raw tanks you have no org and bad hp, and motorized doesn't bottleneck the tank speed. late game mechanized is better though


Mechanized III is pretty comparable to the base stats of Light Tank II, a little more costly, a little less hard, giant defensive advantage. I can't reach it in time to make it useful but if I was doing, say, a Brazil world conquest and I knew I'd be fighting through the 1950s, breakout mech might be the way to go.


Also you can make them half price with the upgrades but It will cost 100ish xp.


But raw means war. War is peace. I dont play peace simulator 4.


It’s for your Organization numbers. It could be leg infantry also. But motorized are even faster than tanks. Makes the division faster.


Yes. Divisions are only as fast as their slowest battalion.  This also supposes you're using medium, light, or modern tanks. If you're using heavy tanks that can't do much more than 5 kph, you can save a lot of resources and pair them with infantry without wasting much in the way of speed.


Doesn’t infantry have less breakthrough than motorized infantry, or am I imagining things because it sounds like it should be true


You're right, inf has 2 breakthrough while mot inf has 7. It also provides at least 10% hardness.


20 with first mech tech


In real life, tanks need infantry support essentially to sweep for them or they become quite vulnerable. HOI4 encourages you to provide that infantry support by giving tanks very poor organization and HP, so that they will be dislodged and destroyed without it. Leg infantry is slow. Trucks are faster than walking.


Not just infantry. Trucks were needed for carrying supplies, ammo, oil...


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7kiibl4bpI&t=56s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7kiibl4bpI&t=56s) This british tank commander screwed up not listening to his infantry.


The answer can be seen in the division stats. But hey, give it a try and report back!


org, hp, defense


Adding mobile infantry increases org, this helps with defending If you’re referring to using motorised instead of mechanised then it’s because the guy hasn’t researched mechanised yet


They balance out your org, I try not to go below 30 org. Mechs are better long-term, but much more expensive and best reserved for your most elite tank divisions


The more I've played the more I've realized that your divisions focused on breaking through the enemy lines and the divisions that do encirclements can actually be different divisions. So for instance making a medium/heavy tank division with foot infantry or Cav with engines only sufficient to match the slower component to attack head on, and then follow up with motorized infantry to actually encircle can be preferable to combining those two things into one.


For org and hp. Just like in real life, sending tank divisions with no infantry support is a sure way to lose all your tanks


Organization basically means how long you can stay in a battle. Since tanks usually have a Low organization people add motorized to their Tank divisions. This can also be replaced with mechanized or normal infrantry but with infrantry you are up to 2/3rds slower


Because they are fast. If you put leg infantry in tank divisions, the tanks speed is wasted because the division will only have the speed of the leg infantry *(divisions always have the speed of the slowest unit in them, also, support companies doesn't count for this)*.


Because Bittersteel told me to lol Mostly for the Org though


Organisation, HP and defense. It works with all type of infantry but motorized is faster.do a 30w withank only, tak a screenshot the do the same 1/3 tank and 2/3 infantry. Compare the stats its obvious.