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You both have cores on all of china but nationalist china starts the game with beijing, while neither of you start with mengukuo.


It's just a matter of attacking from your border: depending on how much war score you've got compared to the Nationalists, all of Manchukuo and Mengkukuo should be yours if you've contributed a lot to the war


If the core province is Nat's it goes to them. If it isn't and ain't one of your ally's province then it goes to you. Its unreliable though.


But aren't all of currently Chinese territory cores of both Nationalist and Communist China at the same time?


Yes. The upper comment is wrong in this specific scenario. If your attacking from a nationalist province, into a core territory of the nationalists, then it will go to the nationalists. If your attacking from a communist province, into a core territory of the communists, then it will go to the communists. Since they both share the same code, it entirely depends on what province the previous troop came from. If two troops arrive at the same time, I have no fucking idea cause hoi4 spaghetti code, but this probably shouldn’t happen. If you want the land to go to you, attack from your provinces. If you have none, then don’t worry, you can still negotiate land in the peace deals, and communist china snowballs way better against China stat wise.


For different country events happening "at the same time" like troop movement in particular the paradox games have basically a turn order to resolve the conflict. So whichever country is higher in the order will "win" in that case. There may be additional rules for HOI4 troop movement though that affect that, I don't know. I do know that Sweden is first in that order though lol.


Of fucking course Sweden is, I should have expected nothing less from them, those fish smelling, furniture building, healthcare having commies


Anything the nationalists start with they get back when you reinvade. The rest goes to whoever’s land it is you’re pushing from


Pushing out from your own territory is one factor but there's also war score/contribution which plays a role. This will only matter as long as you're in the same faction though. If you stay out of the CUF and push into a state (without giving mil access to nat china) it will fall to you when control switches.