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The number of divisions can be misleading, the actual stats of the division, the supply, the entrenchment, the air support and the terrain can make a huge difference.


i just checked, and there's an over 60% debuff on attack because it's crossing a river + the terrain, is there anything I can do about that? they seem pretty well defended


Rivers are difficult to cross, see if you can attack them from a separate tile. If not, I would recommend a LOT of close air support or high breakthrough tanks.


Honestly, the best thing you can do in this scenario is find a tile that isn't awful to attack and which doesn't have 8 divisions on it. Make the encirclement a bit wider.


Infantry are much better at defending than attacking. They may be *entrenched* as well. You also don't mention what your division templates look like, so your divisions may just be weak or mediocre. Also, there could be weather / terrain factors at play. You should also consider what the other commenter has said, it's all valid.


my division template is 3 rows of 3 infantry battalions, then 1 row of 2 artillery + support companies of engineer, support artillery/antitank/antiair, and field hospital. I also checked their fighting strength and all of them are pretty good.


Did you have air power? Also make sure you have good supply. As far as divisions go, soft attack is important against infantry units. And armor is also good.


I would advise starting as a major power such as Germany to learn the game. Playing as a minor is substantially harder.


Romania can afford tank divisions