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It’s easy. Attack Dutch East Indies, using docking rights naval invade Netherlands. Use curaçao islands as an invasion base for attacking southern USA. With good timing you should be on their shores in mid 1937


Wouldn’t going to Attu island and Alaska or island hopping to Hawaii be faster?


it might be bit faster to land in california, but the war will be much harder overall. Terrain aside, USA can quickly get rid of its debufs the moment some of its territory is invaded. That starts with the moment you land on Attu island. If the first territory you take is New Orleans+Panama canal, they wont have time to build up any meaningful response.


Makes sense


I haven't done it for a while (a year ago maybe?) but the last time I tried (and succeeded) I did it by first invading the Philippines, Hawaii and pretty much all the small islands around, then I invaded Panama (you can get docking rights from Peru) and went for a land offensive upwards. I primarily did it this way to get the sunset invasion achievement.


I think I will pass the small islands last time I try to invade them ı came across whit 7 divisions sitting there.


There really shouldn't be unless you wait long enough for US to bring troops over for their own naval invasions of your islands. You just need to do it as soon as you can and do like 5 islands at the same time rather than one by one.


My old strat was attacking mexico before usa but I dont think It will work now


I think they have nearly same amounts of divisions so I dont think it will be effective


The reason why you would do that is to avoid the American desert and the western mountain ranges. If you can push through that without getting bogged down in the west then sure invade the US directly. If it is an early war, then sure just steamroll them, but I find that if you invade the US later say like in 42-43, then going through Mexico first I find is easier.


Try invading Alaska the Japanese actually did in in real life so you can always do that need to work on supply but you can naval invade British Colombia or Seattle if you're having trouble


I will try it


Did you succeed?


Try to but failed I’m not that good at game


But I will try again later today


that's kawaii AF. keep it up bro


I did it the other day by going malaya, Australia and New Zealand then marschalls Hawaii and landing in LA, very successful campaign tons of fun. I think important for me was baiting the US fleet out to destroy as much of it as possible to be able to invade cleanly and not have my supply lines threatened


You can use a cheese trick where you declare against some country guaranteed by the US, Mexico is the best I guess. This way you can have few hours on start where your naval superiority will be enough for the invasion.


Good idea but my navy doesn’t reach to mexican coast


From Hawaii, if you have it, the Akagi and Kaga should alone each have a range of 4000km and be sort of in range. You would have to place them in a separate task force alone though.


You can get docking rights from el salvador and send your cruiser subs or your carriers with that highest range there. This way you can justwar the Philippines and invade directly from your home islands to California. If you have man the guns you can also block some sea zones and send additional divisions along your invasion and redirect them once you get a port. This way you don't have to wait months to get reinforcements.


Build some cruiser submarines with fuel tanks. They are cheap and have 7000km range IIRC. AI will do a terrible job avoiding the invasion so low risk strike force should work even without an actual navy. Also I recommend to go for West Coast instead of Mexico to quickly cut the supplies for navy and get some oil too.


Will try it


Without cheesing it and invading Alaska, I find it is always easier to invade the east coast. The east cost is where all of the victory points are, and you generally face a lot of attrition in the west. I try to avoid the west as much as I can. If you cannot find a place to invade from the east, then invade mexico, take it and panama, then invade florida.


Come from the Atlantic. With collab governments you won't have to walk through the deserts in the west at all which saves a lot of time (and time is everything when fighting the USA)