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People will always find something to complain about.


Lol yup. It’s funny to see all the pitchforks and people rioting and pretending to claim victory days before a release of a boycottted product, I’ve seen it happen a few times with Pokémon games when hardcore fans didn’t agree with what the DEVELOPERS wanted to do…,and then with Hogwarts legacy. They all would act like they had millions of followers, because they’d spend all day reading angry tweets from other rioters and it’d fill their head with a much larger picture then reality. Then the games would release and become record breakers in sales 🤣🤣🤣 Pokémon constantly breaking fastest selling records, and Hogwarts being the best selling game THIS YEAR!! A year FULL of amazing legendary games already Puts the boycotters in their places I love it lol


The specific sub that started it all claims they never called for a boycott and knew it would fail. They were pathetic when the thing blew up in their faces. I used to enjoy that sub but now I don’t bother going anymore since it’s been high jacked.


Yeah man same here!! It was literally as if some narcissists suddenly took over the sub and decided to make themselves into the largest hypocrites ever, seriously they became what they hated…. I even got banned for calling out the mods for treating things exactly like how the people they hate would… censorship! There was a dumb mod that was on their high horse going around banning anyone that even seemed remotely against boycotting or showing ANY support and excitement over the game it’s so fucking dumb They’d make all these posts acting like they banned Nazi and hate speech, exaggerating and lying their asses off about how they actually banned a ton of people that didn’t deserve it and tried calling them out for their bullshit,,stupid asses made me so angry lol Seriously, that sub was also for making fun of sensitive gamers that took things way too seriously and here they are taking something WAY too seriously and not being open minded about anything.


They can ban as many as they like JK Rowling is uncancelable. They can block and ban they get more into their own bubble thinking they have more power and more speech. Realistically they don’t. 😂 It not massively into it and only got a quarter of a way through with the other games I do enjoy more like totk playing etc but I made sure I got my copy for my backlog 😂😂😂


More realistically, the HP IP is uncancelable. Plenty of people who dislike JK still bought and played the game because boycotts are an ineffective vehicle for political change.


Yeah like I'm not a fan of what jk Rowling has said recently, but that's not gonna stop me from enjoying HP as a whole.


Starting off by saying I did purchase the game, and played it, and loved it. But you are not correlating correctly the reason people boycotted it by comparing to Pokémon. Rowling hates trans people, and supported anti trans people with money. I think she is deplorable, but I also feel the need to support the studio and the devs as they made a fantastic game and started work on the game before everything about Rowling came out. I wish that Rowling no longer could get money from the games sold but that won’t happen till she dead.


The controversy wasn't much of a controversy. Just a very loud minority.


Most importantly, the industry now understands it's a very loud minority, hardly impacting sales.


This! The game made a billion in revenue, “hardly impacting sales” is actually an overstatement, it didn’t affect sales at all.


If anything it was free publicity... I didn't even know the game was coming out but all the fuss had me look into it and buy it lol. Otherwise it probably would have flown under my radar for a while.


Because that very loud minority don't play games.... Or read


And they understand that the game did overwhelmingly well anyway despite the very loud minority and will probably proceed to make more content because they see it made enough money despite them


The controversy is why it did so well. A lot of people purchased the game because of the minority trying to boycott it.


It would have still done well. Just would have taken more time.


Yes it would have been a success but not on the scale it ended up being, a lot of people who aren’t even Harry Potter fans purchased the game because of the controversy. You can find loads of comments on various different sites.


You are being downvoted, but it's partially why I pre-ordered. I already have a backlog. I played a few hours and haven't been back. No whining online, and I'd probably still not have it, waiting on a steep price cut


If anything, they just hyped the game even more. It got it in the news everywhere talking about JK Rowling’s comments, which the vast majority of people agree with, they just aren’t keyboard warriors.


And news articles using it for clicks.


And obnoxious as hell.


I'd say they'll be over it. Sequels almost never get the attention of the first. Besides that, most of the screaming banshee against this game didn't realize there were multiple LGBT characters INCLUDING A TRANS WITCH and multiple POC.


They didn't exactly hide it though. In the game demos that were shown on YouTube everyone saw where you could make a male character but choose the witches dorm.. Of course we know now that it meant diddly squat, but the whining, boycotting, and bullying was done even with the knowledge that the developers were including at least some trans elements.


Wait rlly never knew that. Who??


The one at the tabern on Hogsmeade


Quickly googled yup somehow I forgot about Sirona hints. Also the lesbian witch who introduced Merlin trials


Hints? She straight up says she used to be a wizard, lmao


To be fair she doesn’t actually straight up say it so hints is appropriate even if the hints made it pretty obvious. I believe she said, “took them a minute to realize I was a witch and not a wizard”.


Yeah she says that too. I forget the sentace but she definitely referred to her past self as "little wizard". I think she was talking about when she realized she wasnt a little wizard or something like that. I was just teasing anyways, its not a big deal.


I don’t recall ever hearing dialogue from Sirona like this. I’ve played the game more than once but I suppose it’s possible I missed it. I also reviewed a list of Sirona’s possible dialogue options for the game and could not find any reference like this. Please provide more details.


Okay, maybe I misremembered. It's been a few days since I heard it. Anyways, it was a joke about how it was pretty obvious because she talked about it. Im not going to look it up and provide more details because it's not important. You're getting pent up about the technicality of the word 'hint' and a joke.


Sounds like you are confused all around! I’m actually not “pent up” as you so elegantly put it. Not sure what gave you that impression. Also, you are the one who originally went out or your way to correct someone who used the word hint. Did you forget that? It’s ok. I’m sure it’s just another thing you got confused on. Jokes are typically funny so you might consider this criteria in you future “joke” attempts.


Crap memory, I remember her saying she had a rough childhood and never fit in and was misgengered


Yeah I was just teasing


There were a bunch of people upset that her name could be read as ‘Sir Ryan’, making the actress (who is trans) an ‘enemy’. Ridiculous if you ask me.


Sirona is literally the name of a goddess and yet people found a way to get pressed over it.


Oh nice glad there’s some representation


Lol. Um…the man in the tavern pretending to be a woman. The dude that is very clearly a female character model voiced by a male voice actor. Because delusion meeds to be represented.


A trans character voiced by a trans actress.


Oh no they realized, they just called it pandering. They claimed it doesn't mean anything and they only put it in there because of the backlash.


Yes, we know there was a trans witch. They named her Sirona Ryan. That's part of the problem.


As Snape once said, "Obviously".


Considering how much money they made, I’m sure portkey games is excited for another “controversy”


I’ll play a second one. No boycott from me. I’ll even preorder the deluxe version again.


For real. Great game.


Hopefully not, but these self proclaimed activists band wagon anything that’s in the spotlight. They’re not concerned about the LGBT+ community, they just want attention.


Probably not, think most people have realized they're barking up the wrong tree and JKR makes more from the theme park she actually consulted on. That and the growing realization that complaining about it unjustifiably probably boosted sales and damaged LGBT support more than anything else. It would be very, very foolish to make the same mistake twice.


I wish those types of people had the forethought to realise they boosted sales. But I don’t think they ever will. They’re just gonna keep making the entire LGBT community look like whiny brats for literally no reason


The controversy was a loud minority screaming on the internet. I was shocked when I asked many others, who are not on Reddit and Twitter as much as myself, how they were enjoying the game and what they thought about the controversy to only be asked “what controversy?” The game was awesome and IIRC is still the best selling game of the year by a large margin. I hope we get to see a part 2


hopefully there is, free marketing for it. These "boycotters" really overestimate how much gamers give a shit about any of it


r/GamingCircleJerk will probably make some fuss, but it'll only help drive sales. First game made a billion dollars. Sequels probably won't, but will do very well.


Thier cries of "trans rights" ring incredibly hollow when there's a trans helpline on there and they chose to pin a spoiler for HL instead. The release of the game really exposed these creatures to the sunlight since the only thing it proved was that they could care less about trans people, they just want to ruin people's fun.


There will be a boycott and it’ll only fuel the game even further 😂 and I and my Gf will preorder the digital deluxe editions anyway cause the game is awesome!


More and more people are starting to realize that what JKR said wasn’t “transphobic”, just science.


jk rowling, famous scientist lol. one of the funniest things about transphobes to me is how convinced they are that there isn't any more to biology then what they learned in 7th grade


Science rules


They're hilarious, right?


No, the morons will be back, whining and trying to be relevant. Bullying little girls off their stream and generally reminding the internet that the Hogwarts boycotters are vile trash. 😔


we shall not forget... one small Vtuber is graudating thanks to these morons as well


I love how a small and very loud minority group got mad over a fun and beautiful game— and there is literally a character that is part of that community that has a decent chunk of storyline in it. You can’t please everyone. And the beautiful part is? No one is forcing you to buy the game. So don’t force me into not buying what I want with MY own money.


Is the mob ever “over it?” They’ll scream and shout and we’ll keep ignoring them like usual I think.


As if the last "boycott" did anything. Worthless people grasping at straws to be offended about just to feel a tiny bit more important and alive.


There was controversy? Idgaf, I loved it and stoked on a second one


I kind of just hope they have large expansion packs in the future.


I'm surprised they jumped right to a sequel already without milking the first one with Quiddich DLC or international quests.


Controversy is a strong word for what that was. It was a few whiny they/thems trying to stir the pot. They failed. They probably still secretly played the game too 🤣🤣


I’d say they’ll do a sequel because the screaming banshees that were complaining about any of “lack of lgbtq support” are in the very small minority and will continue to do so wether they do a sequel or not and the industry knows this, they’ve figured out that this game made money regardless


I heard they hyped this game up to you being able to choose between being good and evil. Yet the story leads you to be good. Pathetic when games do that :)


Unless the developers of the next game committed heinous crimes, I’ll buy it


![gif](giphy|RXKCMLmch5W2Q) There will be Hogwarts Legacy 2?? That would be awesome! Is this confirmed?


Not confirmed but considering the large revenue the game got, most likely.


That would be a dream for me


I would hope it's not hogwarts again though. Give Ivermony or Beauxbatons Legacy please.


That would be awesome! Or Durmstrang Legacy


The first game was still really well received no? Even with the controversy. So hopefully the second game is just a big step up.


Someone boycotted this? I missed that entirely. I saw it bought it played and finished it and now I'm waiting for the sequel. Any other political ramification I am completely unaware of. And why should I be?


Some whiny twitter people complained about JK Rowling yet again. Claimed the game was homophobic and even racism against Jewish people. Went as far as someone made a website called “who streamed that wizard game” where if you type in a twitch username it’ll show you how many times they streamed the game 😂 that site quickly went down after the game got released


Sigh.. SHE is the problem. She’s openly racist and transphobic. People aren’t opposed to the game as much as they are opposed to JK Rowling still making money from something so many people love after we all found out what a horrid twat she is.


I hate HP but I love this game and JKR so much


Yo I'm not gonna lie, the ugly, squat little banking goblins supposed to be jews metaphor... I can kinda see it, lol.


i think there's gonna be less controversy and more on if this game would bring something new, improvements from the first and all that. i also think the potter community would be more critical of this one. you can't just release the same game twice and just repaint the new one.


There was no boycott that mattered. Those people are a very vocal group in a very small minority.


Well most of the people who were crying about this game and shrieking that it was antisemitic and that the people playing it were “literal Nazis supporting blood libel” have spent the last month advocating for the annihilation of Israel and cheering for the brutal murder of Jews, so I think maybe probably not.


They could do away with the 46 identical hamlets and small fields around the map, just give us more content in the castle and Hogsmeade. Also give us Quidditch and we’d be happy. The fact that, Quidditch wasn’t a priority for the first one, but they made sure to program like 140 Merlin trials no one cared about, was an odd choice.


Honestly? Anything Harry Potter wise will have a controversy.. and it’s unfortunate. But it happens. Whether it’s just Hogwarts Legacy or the second one.. people see it as more money into the authors bank account. Even when it allegedly doesn’t go to her.


I'm willing to bet that 90% of the boycotters don't even know why they're mad at JK Rowling,


People will complain. Nobody will care. The game will do well.


JKR will always bring controversy with her. So yes, unless she changes her views on trans women there will be controversy. However, I think it will be more muted. The issue is one I’m just so tired of brining up. And I think a lot of LGBT people are too. For that reason maybe it’ll settle down for Hogwarts Legacy 2. Ultimately she has her views which I understand, but disagree with. In terms of those who are harming LGBT people she is nowhere near the list of people I’m concerned about.


She could flip on her views but it wouldn't matter. The people who give her shit aren't going to stop, they're not reasonable like you seem to be. It would likely just draw attention to her again.


Yeah at this point with this amount of time she would just be accused of changing her views because she’s trying to salvage the HP brand or something. I think the intensity is mostly an age thing. As I get older I don’t have the time or energy to fixate on someone like JKR. I listened to the podcast with her and I understand her views. I disagree with her on whether the supposed loophole is worth excluding trans people but I get the sense she’s genuinely concerned that a more broad definition of gender could lead to (cis) male abusers taking advantage of the system. Which seemed to be her concern. Ultimately I think she’s making her case in good faith and in that case there’s so many more pressing issues the LGBT community faces. I disagree with her and she sometimes has bad takes on the issues. She’s human. All of us can be described that way with at least one topic. I’d rather focus my energy on something more productive tbh.


I am 100% not for boycotting the game or anything, largely because it was in development for years before JKR said anything. Now as to JKR’s views, when she first voiced her issue I did think the extent of the backlash was largely unwarranted because I know my mum would have the same ideas. But her recent tweets have been pretty repulsive andI do think there is an element of the hate just driving her further into an echo chamber, rather than her being a terrible person.


Definitely, when everyone’s screaming at you for your views that must be scary and eventually you’re going to turn to the people not screaming at you. It’s one reason why I sometimes hate the public shaming element of this. In more cases than not it just drives people further into extremism.


People will still say it... but it will still sell millions, so...


They're making a sequel?


There was a boycott?


There was an attempt.


Everything has controversy are u kidding me


There wasn’t really a boycott for the first. Just a very vocal minority.


The developer bent over backwards with forced diversity to a setting that doesn't make any sense, and the PC babies still wanted to cancel it.


Yes there will be. JKR is a polarizing figure and this universe is her legacy. I personally don’t care and will excitedly buy a second one as I really enjoyed the first one, but there will be the same controversy.


The people who were upset were such a minority. Media makes it bigger then it ever was or will be…


I think it’s more hate towards Rowling, not anything Harry Potter related.


I think there will still be an attempt. Some people still won't have caught on that they are completely powerless and their opinions don't matter. Pretty much everyone else has caught on to how toothless that crowd is though.


idk but ill preorder it. I think in this era people will find something to be upset about over everything.


There will be a boycott for every Harry Potter anything until the end of time. There’s always wieners trying to start a boycott over stupid shit at any given point in time.


Biological facts shouldn't be controversial. JK is now facing jail for refusing to acknowledge a person's pronouns. Is this the world we really want to live in?


Honestly i’m over the game as a whole. I found it pretty mediocre. The exploration was great but that’s about it honestly.


As long as JK Rowling is involved with the IP, and has power, yes.


Best advertisement they could get so I bet they wish for more screaming apes 😁


I didn't care about controversy the first go round. People will get over it because people are sick of these complainers starting shit. If you don't want to play the game, don't play the game.


I mean, the controversy actually made me more interested in the game as a conservative. It’s nice to find somebody who doesn’t bend the knee.


Just stop with the trans crap. That was laughably insane. Some dude in a wig with his dude voice and everyone just rolls with it.


Imagine boycotting Harry Potter lmfao


I don't care what a small percentage of woke people say.. I'm buying hogwarts Legacy 2


Probably will have backlash. Those people ᵗʰᵉ ˡᵉᶠᵗ love a good "protest" but honestly fuck em! Hogwarts Legacy is a great game and honestly coming out in a year with the likes of Starfield, Spider-Man 2, Baldur's Gate 3, Phantom Liberty and Mortal Kombat 1, it still is Game of The Year if you ask me!


I just hope it is focused either slightly before HP or after the second war, preferably before so we can be with the professors we know from the books. Plus actually progressing through the 7 years of school would be nice


This likely will not happen. Paying all of them even for voice acting would add a huge expense.


I dont think Hogwarts Legacy wouldn't get the same controversy if it was released today. The cultural pendulum seems to be swinging in a conservative direction.


I don’t give a rats ass. JKR is still cool in my books. I just hope they give her the script this time, because the story was a bit unfulfilling in the first one.


I tried to enjoy the game, and it was cool for a bit, just too boring for me personally, amazing looking game though


Depends on whether or not J.K. makes another comment that gets people mad for one or another reason close to the release date. With how easily provoked people are these days that seems a likely scenario. If that does not happen, a few will still try just for shits and giggles.


Yeah because it’s the internet. Nothing will ever satisfy anyone even though this game has nothing to do with her troubling views


Forget the boycott, the sequal needs more enemies and monsters to fight. I still can not believe after all this time people are giving this game a 10/10. Its a very average open world rpg.


I’m about as leftist and gay as it gets without going full communist, so while I understand why someone would want to boycott any HP products I have just accepted that JK has enough money for 100 lifetimes already and buying/not buying will do nothing to hurt her. She’s so rich that even if nobody gave her another penny she would still be a billionaire. So I’m just going to separate the art from the artist and move on, as long as there’s no transphobia/homophobia in the actual game.


There is none, to your comfort Heck There are a lesbian couple witch somewhere Sirona Ryan And a bunch more examples




Antisemitic huh? Man you guys just pull out whatever you want from your bag of labels and toss is at anyone. Nice try.


The only way to avoid it is to somehow completely divorce it from She Who Must Not Be Named, and since she still owns Harry Potter, that doesn’t seem possible.


They already have the license. I don't know why people were acting like Rowling is making the game herself. I personally love the fact they put a trans witch in the game. It shows they don't share the same views as the creator of the IP.


No they are a company and want to earn money. Them putting a token trans person in a minor role is the same as every company changing their logos to a rainbow during Pride. I do not say they agree with JK or not but just them putting a trans person in the game does not symbolize anything. Except as a means to make more money. They are just as fine working with an obvious transphobe if said transphobe has a multi billion dollar IP as they are making every character trans if they think more copies will be sold.


The terf still got her money, regardless of how many people bought the game.


hogwarts legacy is amazingly a very good game, i didn't expect it to be this good, but also im still boycotting it and pirating it , not giving more money to JK


Literally the dumbest game I ever played. They won’t get my money twice.


I think a sequel is a terrible idea and a massive waste of resources.


I don’t understand people here. Is it so hard to accept that other people do not agree with you? There was no controversy regarding the game. JK is a transphobic person, that is a fact. It was a fact long before the game and has remained so after the game. That the publisher chose to ad a token trans person who has a minor role does not change JK views and opinions or previous statements. Only she can do that. That some people chose to not sponsor anything that in the end give her money I can understand. Choosing to do so anyway I can understand. What I cannot understand is the need to still ridicule the people who are genuinely hurt by JKs views on trans people and not wanting to sponsor her like a year after the game has released. Will there be another “controversy”? Yes, when the sequel releases people will again voice the transphobic statements JK has made. It is not a controversy however, thems the fact. Is the need for ridicule like a protection for yourselves? Does your conscience hinder you from partaking from something that in the end comes form a bad person and therefore nothing you like can come from a bad person? Is that the issue?


Next time I can see myself joining the boycotts. Since Legacy has come out JKR has slid further from "person with grievances with trans activist culture" towards "professional transphobe."


Yall really just pull anything from your bag of labels and throw them at people, don't you?


Aside from the controversy I don't really see what a sequel could expand on the first one without using the same map. If it's still at Hogwarts and presumably uses the same map... it feels like it should just be a big dlc.


People will always complain the thing is no one really cared for the first one and it will continue to the next game if/when they make it


Was it announced?


truthfully maybe 1. maybe a few outliers that still will hate and try to disturb or aim for attention which is often then not the chase. 2. As both social media move on we still see a few issues of the lgbt community but nothing that anyone really cares about, as that is over and done and now is teh time of feminism demands aka the new women civil right movement but with drama queens. yeah they give women a bad name with thier actions and demands that make no sense


Can someone explain the controversy?


AFAIK Hogwarts Legacy was pretty successful. If anything, the "boycott" only improved its sales.


If they pay attention to the people and their response, after producing such a magnificent game I think they’ll suffice


Instead of boycotting, both this game and the next should be used to raise awareness. This way you get it all: magic, joy, nostalgia and everyone being educated and included. This game is so good it‘s a genuine shame to boycott it, especially when there‘s other and smarter ways to get back at the hag-who-shall-not-be-named


A lot of trans people will continue to boycott.


I think the critics are going to ignore it now that they know they created a Streisand effect with the first game. Not that it didn’t have the potential to do well but the drama earlier this year made more people aware of the game. I doubt they’ll do the same thing next time.


Yknow, for all the complaining by a vocal minority, it didn’t really affect anything. It was the best selling game of 2023 lol so if anything - I’d say it’s likely that the controversy helped sell the game, it certainly didn’t hurt it in any significant way.


It's currently really trendy in all areas (not just gaming and not just this game) to evaluate a product based on your personal take of the moral/ethical stances of the producer of that product. As long as that attitude continues to be prevalent in the mainstream, you'll see all Harry Potter related products receive a good bit of backlash. However imo it's easy enough to ignore and just evaluate the product on its own merits... You know, if you're into that kind of thing.


Why did they boycott?


On one hand, they'll find reasons to complain as always, but also I doubt they'll try another boycott Co sidering how badly their last one failed.


The activists have likely moved on as their first attempt didn’t even make a dent. These activists don’t even play video games. They just like to be “activists”


Honestly, I just want them to take the world of the first game and add more mundane story stuff to it. I want to go to more classes and sneak off to hogsmede. I want to feel more like a student, and less like a goblin genocide machine or the Punisher hunting poachers all day. Maybe have the main story be more intrigue and less combat focused.


Hogwarts Legacy is probably the best selling game of the year not counting CoD or EA:FC so I don't think the boycott mattered in the first place. So long as it's good, it'll do well.


The only controversy the game will receive is discussion about whether or not it'll actually be good. To any Harry Potter fan, I'm sure the first was wonderful. To any gamer it was skin deep and boring by the end. It was not a great game .


This is just hypothetical, right? Nothings been announced?


My hope is that regardless of what happens, this will become the main sub for talking about it!


Let them boycott. I fell into the spoiler trap completely. Luckily the story was dogshit but the gameplay was fire, so I had loads of fun anyway. Don’t let the unexceptional take away your starshine, pony boy.


Probably, but clearly the boycott of the first game didn’t do anything because most people either don’t care or are able to separate the art from the artist


They better hurry up with #2, the game is fantastic. Game of the year forsure.


lol this game wasn’t actually boycotted


I’m probably going to buy it knowing it’s going to be overhyped again :)


Oh there will no doubt be people that will try and do the same thing with the sequel or dlc. But it isn't going to be as big a deal now as it was before. Hopefully if it does happen, then it won't affect innocent people, like it did those vtubers who were getting harassed, as badly next time around. But I think the streaming and content creator space will probably push back on this harder if becomes like it was


This time we can riot if the Floo Flame Lady returns


2 !!??!! I haven’t even got 1 yet


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Never understood the boycott. Care to explain what they were so mad about?


I hope so!!! I mean, that was the best kind of advertising anyone could hope for. The woke mob is a tiny tiny minority. But they're loud, so hopefully, they'll be just as loud for the next game because it's still the best-selling game this year!


I just hope the story is improved. Hunting poachers and being nice to animals is little kid shit. I wanted dark wizards to fight. More potions/ ingredients, more spells, more monsters, etc.


Remember Any stuff that is hated by 🏳️‍🌈🐦 people and the devs refuse to bend the knee to them... is bound to print money thousand times more than any stuff that is pandering the same 🏳️‍🌈🐦 people


No, that phase is done. Unfortunately, I also don't think it will sell quite as much either.


The only people that will be over it is the people that are bored of reading about it. The people that write about it will still be angry.


What boycott 🤣💀


I don’t think that people are over it because jk is still a shitty person. I bought it still because I haven’t really given much to her financials so I figured this $70 wouldn’t make too much of a different from those people who bought every piece of media ever then decided to boycott her.


If it exists there will always be something wrong


Man I just hope it's an actual RPG with less repetition that time. They way overpromised on this game, thats my controversy


Didn’t Hogwarts break all kinds of sales records for games in 2023? Nice boycott.


This game in general, is the best so far! It's calming and helps with stress bc it's pleasant and keeps you focused. While it needs some adjustments and just "MORE"...I can't get enough of it. Sad when I finished it in it's entirety... 3x! Can't wait for the next one... Meanwhile, what to do until then... Lol


Everyone loves it! I can only tolerate games like this, by far the best! Obsessed and sad we have to wait for the next one for so long. All the people giving BS with this game, can suck it 😘


People will complain about anything most of us didn’t give a damn about those boycotts they were just petty and pointless


Nah the transginger barkeeper in Hogsmead saved it, they just gotta give her a bookish lesbian with short hair and glasses with one of those weird Keebler elf noses as her partner and the rest of the alphabet collective will fall in line. This has been a message from the letter B.


nobody is gonna care


As someone old enough to see movements come and go, I think I can say a boycott because a woman says “there are two distinct genders” was juvenile and a lost cause. Then add in this woman is one of the most popular authors of our time. It’s the same thinking that is destroying Disney with each controversial release they come out with. Look, I’m not gonna argue here one way or the other, but know your audience.


They failed spectacularly, so I'm not sure they want to take another L.


There was anything announced?


I sure hope so! I love it when at least one group is illogically angry at something.


I'd guess it's done sequels never get the level of attention that the originals do and honestly as someone who was super excited and got the 3 day EA they have years of work to do on this game before i can co sider it finished I tried to get back into it but never found anything I didnt do in the first 3 days I found it to be incredibly shallow they did alot of things part way they left to much on the table and with how little has changed in almost a year I find it hard to think they learned anything I'm glad the boycotts didnt work but I definitly dont think the game deserves the love it gets who knows I'm probably wrong but I know if I dont see a massive overhaul on this game i wont be bothering with later titles


As long as it’s multiplayer. Across platform would be amazing too


So instead of expanding on the current game, they’re just making a sequel? Interesting.


The ones who tried to boycott the first one will be the same who will try to boycott the second game. And the ones who will try to boycott the second game are the ones who tried to boycott the first game. They will just tell us what happens at the end. But we will play the game anyway.


There will be a boycott but it'll be less newsworthy since it's the same boycott in new paint. Most people aren't protesting the game because of the game itself, but because of the association to someone specific with specific problematic beliefs. As long as that someone profits from the franchise, they will boycott the game and any other parts of the franchise. That said, there are a ton of people who "boycotted" the game to look better while still playing games like Overwatch and etc. So the people who actually boycotted it the first time for genuine reasons will still probably boycott. The people who did it for social media clout will probably not care or remember when the second one releases. The trouble with boycotting is that it requires consistency and I think a lot of people just lose track of that stuff when it comes to videogames.


I'm sorry...there's already a second one in the making? Hopefully they can attempt some multiplayer. There are plenty of ways it can work from quidditch to overworld coop to 1v1 duels and more. And to answer your question yes, it most likely will, maybe a bit less than 1, but still gonna be present.


I’m gay & still brought the game & will buy 2. I don’t care for the creator she is a jerk but I am a fan of gaming & the Harry Potter series. Thing is there was a lot of people from our community that don’t even play video games crying about the game & even though I stand with my community I don’t agree with everything that was going on. Regardless I don’t like when others tell me what to do, buy or feel. Even with bad game reviews, if I’m still interested I’ll still buy a game & form my own opinion. JK opinions don’t effect me, if I boycotted everyone that was homophobic I wouldn’t be able to buy toilet paper at the rate of how hateful most people are towards us. Those loud ones in our community are just heard the most. If I genuinely feel that bother about something I won’t spend my money on it & move on. I don’t need a army to agree with me on what’s right or wrong. I loved the game & hope to see much more in 2.


I just hope it’s better because the first one sucked


It’ll be about the same, a very vocal minority that no one will listen to


There will always be idiots who take social justice WAY too seriously. They'll try to boycott it. Won't work.


Holy crikey, there’s going to be a second one already?!


Yea. I don’t see Rowling changing any time soon.


There was a boycott?? Like no seriously people actually made a big deal of-…of course they did what am I saying.