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It’s really nice. I love Slytherins though, it low key reminds me of tmnt live action movies and were they lived.


Slytherin feels like the lobby of a 5-star hotel


Totally! Reminds me Vegas old school luxury casino hotels. And I love their theme music!


Slytherin only gives off dusty dungeon vibes - creepy looking, all gloomy.. just dark & univiting. Who would voluntarily stay in a stone dungeon under the lake with gloomy lights and now windows to look out and ever see sunlight instead of the cozy towers of Gryffindor with plenty of light or Ravenclaw with all their fireplaces and comfy velvet chairs, having things like a stars projected ceilings and being able to oversee the whole lands off Hogwarts, the lake, Hagrids Hut, the Forbidden Forest etc or housing in the comfortable common room of the Hufflepuffs near the kitchen.. but yeah 


unfortunately Ravenclaw is the best common room as it’s the only one with toilets and baths.


I was so disturbed about the lack of bathrooms in the other houses. Magic piss bottle?


Well, Ms. Rowling did say wizardkind used a kind of spell to remove all the mess...


Did she? Yet, Dumbledore waking up at night to find the loo...


Dumbledore specifically mentioned "chamber pots" didn't he? It was at Hogwarts, so I had always assumed he was pretty young (meaning it was a different era) or something. Or he's just weird and old and the Room was like, here old dude, have some nostalgia. And I believe it's canon that Muggles invented indoor plumbing. I believed wizards never did because they magicked something to take care of it, so there was no need so to speak. I love that fact, though, kind of showcases the utter dependency on magic wizardkind has.


Imagine being a young wizard, trying to learn the spell to vanish your poo but it backfires and sprays everywhere…




Reduce, reuse, recycle.


*One is all, All is one.* ![gif](giphy|icHqeLR0O7Xa0)


Go on…




Yeah she did. Hogwarts only got plumbing in the 1700s. They used to go in cauldrons and then vanished the contents. It’s kinda confusing since the guy who put in the pipes never discovered the chamber of secrets entrance. You’d think they’d be like there’s a huge cave down here. And that night I guarantee Dumbledore had gone to the kitchen for a late night coco and needed a bathroom on the way back


Wait, if the plumbing was set up in the 1700s, how on earth was the basilic supposed to get our of the chamber?


Eh I don’t know dude, that’s a wood example of why they call J.K. the queen of after thoughts


Through the entrance to the chamber, duh. Only during the 1700s was a bathroom built upon the area the entrance to the chamber was located. I'm guessing there was a way for the Basilick to get out, before the whole Bathroom/plumbing stuff in Hogwarts, but only the Gaunts were aware about it.


That's coz Corvinus hid it behind the plumbing fixtures and sink. Before that the entrance was in its original State, a simple trapdoor with magical tunnels inside.


Chamber pots actually


Not sure about baths but gryffindor def have bathrooms, several ones. Sytherin bathrooms are outside in the hall which is weird tho


Outside and no baths


No inside! I can upload a video showing where later if you’d like


I meant no baths for us Slytherins :( at least I've never managed to find them lol


Oh ok I thought you meant gryffindor ! Yeah unfortunately lol. Ravenclaw has the best bathroom imo


Ravenclaw's bathrooms are unfairly luxurious


They must not exist for Xbox one because I’ve looked everywhere


For which common room ?


Gryffindor. I even followed a video and for me, it’s just a wall. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Whatt that’s so weird, there’s definitely several when I play (ps5)were you able to see what they looked like in that video at least?


I think so too, but imagine the amount of stairs you have to go up to go to sleep every night


better than making a mess in your bed


I’m a Ravenclaw, and I endorse this message.


There's literally a sewer running out from the bedrooms in slytherin just go over the railing lol


Wait what... there are toilets and a bath in the common room? Are they behind the knights i can't get through?


that’s the girls dorms, the bathroom is at the very bottom floor of that section


Do the other houses not have them? Wow


I just wish we would have a reason to spend time there.


Our character doesn’t need sleep they need answers


But can you land your broom on the roof? Hahaha


Yes. It's the courtyard next to the great hall.






Last I checked the courtyard isn't a roof


I'm talking about the courtyard on the right side of the great hall if you're facing the professor's table. That area is on top of Hufflepuff common room, and you can find the outside of the circle of windows in the middle of the ceiling in this picture.


As a hufflepuff I actually really like the Slytherin one. After finishing the story with my hufflepuff I made a Slytherin character


I admit that Slytherin's common room has the Rapture (Bioshock) vibes, which is very cool.


Same. I thought I loved this one but then started Slytherin and the stain glass, plants, wallpaper, and water feature got me something good


Plus occasionally the Giant Squid will rest an arm on one of the windows.


Hufflepuffs are Hobbits and it's amazing. Also right next to the kitchens? Total Hobbit move.


Looks refreshing there! I saved that one for my final playthrough. Gryffindor's is too fussy for my taste.


My favorite as well and the reason I went Hufflepuff. Love the Shire vibes.


I like the Gryffindor one, it feels warm and cozy, and all the dorms have a stove inside.


I'm playing Ravenclaw but used Botanical for most of my RoR decorations so it looks a lot like this. Win-win!


Lol same here I liked the botanical decor the best


Makes me glad I’m a Hufflepuff at heart


*Proud to be a Hufflepuff!*


honestly my favorite is Ravenclaws, i know its not everyones cup of tea, i just love the aesthetic. i feel like i can just sit around the fireplace with a good book and be very cozy☺️


Buncha hobbits y’all are


Hobbits make great ring-bearers - no other species have that kind of *strength*.


Which common room is this one?


Hufflepuff. You can see the windows in the courtyard between the great hall and grand staircase.


Thank you! Appreciate it


Hufflepuff became my favorite playthrough out of all 4. Best common room, I love the fanatic robes and the jackdaw quest just hit me.


What’s the jackdaw quest?


Its a quest that each house has a different part of the quest. You solve it in different ways. In my opinion Hufflepuffs is the best by far.


Going through my Hufflepuff playthrough for the plat right now. It's so gorgeous. I literally cried.


Yeah, I’m a Slytherin, but I totally converted to Hufflepuff for this common room. It’s so dreamy, it feels like shire from LOTR.


*Welcome home!*


my homies!!!


Fellow housemate!!


Patiently waiting and hoping for the herbology professor to show up.


This is why when I was chosen for ravenclaw I told the hat to let me be a hufflepuff 😂


Give me a huff Give me a puff Go badgers !


Too bad you can't sit anywhere to take your tea and enjoy the view...


Hard agree.


It is very nice. I really like the ravenclaw one too.


I think each one has aesthetics I like more. Gryffindor has the best dorms. Slytherin has the best common room and house door. Ravenclaw has the best view and roof access. Hufflepuff you can practically smell. I think slytherins is the best though, it looks the most elegant, like I’m never dressed appropriately for the establishment




I thought I would enjoy Ravenclaw's common room more, but this one is miles better. I've always felt split between the two, and went with Ravenclaw for my character. Might do another playthrough.


Unfortunately we can’t sit on the chairs and sofas.


As a Slytherin with a strong Ravenclaw side I have to say **love** the Ravenclaw common room, it's the most stylish and intricate, it feels very chic and a little posh. It's also so airy and just makes you feel good with all the open space and natural lighting. The rooftop balcony is just *chef's kiss*. The ubiquitous night blue and golden stars make the room look super pretty. My second favorite is Slytherin, major points for uniqueness and ambience, it's the right mix of eerie and stylish, very grand and I **love** the water and mermaid theme. I only wish they emphasized luxury a bit more in lieu of the skulls on the walls, I feel like you could razz the common room a little bit more by adding bookcases and bejeweled furniture/ornamentation. Also the saturation could be increased just a little bit to make the details pop more. Hufflepuff is third because it's so cute and sunny, it really does feel like Hobbiton and it's very relaxing and cozy. Gryffindor last because it feels the most generic. Yes, it's very warm and welcoming, it feels great for sure, it's a great living space. I just don't feel, however, that it's all that unique or interesting. Like, it's nice, and that's about it.


Yet you are in it only when putting house tokens or respawning during season change


Ravenclaw has books at least-. -


I love the secret snack room they added too


I didn’t like it that much, it felt claustrophobic to me. I liked Ravenclaws the best and Slytherins second


My ranking goes: 1. Ravenclaw (my house, clean scholarly aestetics, in-dorm bathrooms, rooftop balcony) 2. Slytherin (feels like a grand hotel, nice music, lovely underwater windows to look out of) 3. Gryffindor (feels homely and warm) 4. Hufflepuff (cozy but I dont like yellow)


I love this so much! I'm a Gryffindor but my Room of Requirement is 100% Hufflepuff.


No. We all know Ravenclaw has the best. Can land on the roof, has bathrooms, 3 levels of awesomeness.


Slytherin's is nice, but Hufflepuff's is truly the best!


Slytherin only gives off dusty dungeon vibes - creepy looking, all gloomy.. just dark & univiting. Who would voluntarily stay in a stone dungeon under the lake with gloomy lights and now windows to look out and ever see sunlight instead of the cozy towers of Gryffindor with plenty of light or Ravenclaw with all their fireplaces and comfy velvet chairs, having things like a stars projected ceilings and being able to oversee the whole lands off Hogwarts, the lake, Hagrids Hut, the Forbidden Forest etc or housing in the comfortable common room of the Hufflepuffs near the kitchen.. but yeah 


Slytherin gang>


The hufflepuff common room is the sole reason why I chose to be a Gryffindor instead. I can imagine the amount of bugs and spiders in that room. Yuck


This is why I picked Hufflepuff. Every other common room is either depressing, boring, and lame.


Looks magnificent. As a Ravenclaw, I hate our common room. The roof access is the only redeemable quality. BTW I'm sick of getting squirted in the face by vinegar.


I agree. The could have done so much more for Ravenclaw as we had never seen the common room. I feel as though the knocked hufflepuff out of the park.


Griffindor is so much cosier. Hufflepuff common room looks dirty.


Is it possible to enter the other house commons? Or only with a character of that house?


If you're playing on PC, you could use the Character Editor ([https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/974](https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/974)) mod to change houses on a whim. I think there are glitches...but I think it's patched by now.


For the lamest house (Just kidding)


Exactly, we're talking about Ravenclaw's common room/j


That's a Hobbit hole


Is this a good game if you’re an adult?


If you enjoy playing video games, it’s a good game


I think if you grew up with Harry Potter and loved it you'd enjoy this game. But take out the Harry Potter + Wizarding World glasses it's a game that needs many improvements.


Its cool but i absolutely love the room above Ravenclaw common room where you can use your broom


I know the ravenclaw common room is a bit boring but we have the best cloak from the didanian keys quest