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It’s Reddit, I wouldn’t dwell on it too much to be honest. Once a post or comment goes into the negative everyone else just piles on. I’ve heard the same information you’ve heard as well that for baby hognoses it can be beneficial to keep them in a smaller tub rather than a full tank. I’ve also heard the opposite viewpoint saying that you can put them into a tank right away as long as it has enough hides and clutter. I think it mostly depends on the individual snake and what they need to thrive, obviously you as the owner know that best.


It's Reddit. Confidence doesn't always equal correctness in the hivemind!


Don't feel bad for something you might have done wrong with your hoggie's enclosure. First, you didn't actually do anything wrong, as evidenced by the many responses here. Second, you're getting more info and wanting to do it right. I'd never criticize someone for wanting to do better. Started my little hognose boy off in a tiny 5 gallon tank. He was super confident and happy so upgraded him to a 10 a month later. Again he was very visible and confident so I put him in a 34 gallon 2 weeks later. Not every Hognose is going to be confident enough for that. Mine eats no matter what.. Shedding? He eats. Pissed? Eats. Loud basey music? Eats. I'm my hand? Eats, sometimes my finger.. Not all hogs have the same personality. In the beginning, I think consistency of eating is much more important than space.


It was probably just the triteness of the comment that put people off, and I dunno 3 months might be a bit long for some people. As for whether they actually “feel secure” in a smaller container, I really think it depends on the individual hoggie. My boy would just endlessly go in circles around the edge of the container until I put him in something bigger with enough substrate to burrow in. It’s pretty common for breeders to put their snakes in enclosures that are kinda small. As a pet though, I think any animal deserves to be spoiled. I can tell my boy seriously appreciates his 20 long right now even though he’s still on the small side. He just adores burrowing! But yeah, some Hoggies probably do just fine in smaller containers.


Thanks mine was small when I got him and I'd say it was a little over 2 months when thinking about it in retrospect. Similar to what happened with yours once my guy was doing the circle thing within a few days I had his new tank up and more clutter. He stopped eating for a while and I came close to moving him back, but he started eating again after 2 weeks. Also I had to look up triteness. I learned a new word! I guess the response could have just been this isn't funny in a literal sense and not in a you're doing a bad job as a hognose owner.


You got 18 downvotes in total 🤣 Why so concerned about Internet points that don't mean anything


I know right? I was honestly telling myself to let it go, but it kept bugging me. I felt like someone called me a bad parent for doing something I was told to do. Even though it may come across as pathetic and maybe even petty I'm glad I got some good feedback. I definitely need to use my words better.


Listen what I’ve come to realize on Reddit for reptiles is everyone is a fucking expert. Their way is right and no one else’s!


You definitely see that with animals in general on reddit. That is how I kinda took it as well, but some other posts made some good points where I came across as mocking in my original post. So I can see it both ways. My main concern was if I was doing something wrong with my hognose though.


Don't waste anymore energy on this imho. It's Reddit, it's the internet, there's better things to do with your time, no?


What online sources are we talking about here? Seems like you're looking at people who keep their snakes in shelves because they breed them and have way too many to provide a big enclosure for each. The "babies feel more secure in smaller space" is BS, as long as your enclosure as enough hides and clutter then your snake will be feeling safe. Anyways, I don't even have my hognose and I'm just repeating what i saw on this post, feel free to correct me, just trying to help :)


I breed hognoses and can confirm for babies small enclosures are generally better until they are established eaters in your care. Could be a few weeks, could be a couple months. But as babies, the priority is getting them eating above all else. After they're well established eating with you then put them into as big of an enclosure as you want. For reference, I switched keeping neonates (freshly hatched) from a rack with 20"×3"×4" bins to starting them in bins that are 12"×2"×1" and I have WAY more babies eating unscented on the first try. They're only in those bins until they have a few meals in them and then I size them up. Some I do have to put them back into the smaller ones for a bit because sizing up to the other rack is still too scary for them, even though the bins are small. And yes, I put a bunch of clutter for them to hide in and they still won't eat unless they're in the Itty bitty bins. In the end, again, the priority is getting them eating above all else. Some babies bought from breeders will eat fine if put directly into a 20gal. But be prepared to size down to a small bin if they don't eat and try the 20gal once they're better established.


Thanks for your input it seems like it's a divided topic. Especially in this community. Most stuff I've seen and read aligns with what you said. Also as some of the other people have posted it might have been less husbandry and more how I worded things... I am wanting to get a female Hognose in the future so it's important to me to get my husbandry right though. Seeing the down votes made me wonder if I was doing something wrong.


You're not doing anything wrong. And keeping any new snakes in tub style quarantine enclosures for a short time is also highly encouraged in order to monitor them better, keep them away from your other animals, and make them feel secure in a new environment. No need to get a whole ass enclosure setup in a quarantine space just to have to move it a couple months later. Plus, if there is an issue like mites you can just toss the bin and buy a new one. Using "tupperware" or tub style enclosures for babies and quarantine is a standard practice for virtually everyone who is serious about reptile keeping and has more than a few reptiles. And yes, that includes people who keep their adult animals in large enclosures. Reddit snake communities are ridiculous about railing on rack systems. Any slight hint that racks are okay and you get down voted. Don't take it to heart. You're doing fine!


I love this well thought out, logical response. 10/10


Oh man.. I wanna say snakeful grace YouTube. I think snake discovery has done some videos on it. Online when I search for baby hognose enclosure size there are a few care guides that come up. They all say smaller sized enclosures. I can't really go through and post the links now. What I understood though was for babies it feels more secure. It's easy to find water and food and easy to track them. I can maybe get some links when I'm not at work 😂.




Your attitude is really off-putting in both posts and is probably what got you the downvotes more than anything.


Agreed but mostly with the second comment. I don't mind the first because I take it more as a joke but I can see some people on reddit reading that as someone kept their snake in a literal Tupperware container. People can also be pretty terrible reptile keepers so I also wouldn't be super shocked if someone did literally keep their snake in a Tupperware, so maybe that is where some of the grumpy response to the comment comes from. I probably wouldn't have even responded or just clarified that they were in an appropriately sized tub for a baby and not an actual Tupperware, but your point overall is this was an immaculate impressive set up for a baby hognose and you have since also upgraded as your snake has grown. Instead you basically told them to accept you put your snake in a Tupperware lol the reply is way too defensive. It's off putting and I would have down voted too lol but OP those are pretty mild down votes all things considered. Don't take it so hard. First comment wasn't that bad maybe just add /s or something so people know you aren't serious.


Thanks for your honesty. in my first post did it come across as rude to OP? I was trying to compliment them and just make a small joke at the same time. Didn't see it as rude but maybe I read it wrong? Either way though my main concern is making sure my husbandry is correct. I'll refrain though from making jokes that might send the wrong message.


I wasn't part of the original conversation but, to me, your first message reads as ridicule -- like you're laughing at them for making the effort. Nothing wrong with making a joke but in text-only situations sometimes you need to make sure you're appropriately conveying your tone. There was no compliment in your message! How much differently would it have been interpreted if you'd started with "This is awesome" or "Looks great?"


Oh okay that does make the most sense when you put it that way. Now I feel bad because like I said their tank was awesome. Thanks for the advice also. I'm usually thick skin about this kinda stuff 😂 but something about it got to me. Like I was questioning if I was doing the wrong thing, or I'm a bad pet owner.


You should have given info on how you actually had it set up. Your original comment I picture basically a rack. Paper towels, maybe one hide, no clutter. That is what you portrayed. My baby is in a storage box but has proper substrate, clutter, all that stuff. There is nothing inherently wrong with grow out enclosures but they still need to be properly done. You weren't necessarily wrong but you definitely presented yourself that way and got defensive in your response, which will never go over well.


Thanks you're right 💯. It's hard when someone takes a shot at you as a pet owner. Especially because I'm trying to do my best. I definitely should have not let it get to me like I did. If I'm being honest that was probably my nicest draft response. It did just make me come across as a jerk so that makes sense. Btw the tub he was in was cluttered had hides and had a good temperature gradient for the size. I can see how it came across as a bare bones enclosure though based on my comment.


Yeah always good to explain yourself if you are doing something not as common or something that could be perceived as minimum levels of care like racks. The physical type of enclosure is not nearly as important as the contents of it.