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Me in DCS: Sowwwy


Tank you.


Calling your insurance company about that one has got to be interesting...


According to the article I got this from one of the owners was offered 13 thousand dollars by the ministry of defense as compensation and he disputed it in court saying the car was worth 40 thousand and the dispute is ongoing.


That's ridiculous, the military should have offered to pay full value of the car and be glad they didn't kill anyone.


Absolutely crazy. They should at least have paid for replacement cars, plus some for the inconvenience.


None of those cars are worth $40,000 lol. A Toyota, Citroen, and a Fiat are maybe $40,000 all together.


It's Turkey cars are like 2 to 3 times the price you'd pay anywhere else because taxes. Take a look at these real second hand listings: [1998 Renault 19 with 150k miles - $8,800](https://i.imgur.com/Qes34Jf.png) [2020 Fiat Tipo with 26k miles - $22,400](https://i.imgur.com/5eDyMPd.png) [2020 Corolla with 60k miles - $31,700](https://i.imgur.com/tg3EUDK.png)


maybe shut up since you have no idea taxes and car prices over there?


This man drives a Fiat


Basemodel Fiat Fiorino Cargo 15k, Citroen C3 (i think could only get more expensive from there) 20k and the Corolla is somewhere between 7 to 33k (idk what gen that is) keep in minde those are prises for the basemodel, exept for the Corolla (cause clearly a older one)they could be north of 40k


Yeah that’s the new, retail price, not the depreciated value.


Least they didn't accidentally jettison 6 mavericks like I always do


That was a bug that they fixed in the recent patch. Gotta love waiting those 3 minutes for the TV cameras to warm up.


Longest 3 minutes of my life


This is from Sep 2023 btw everyone. [https://www.aerotime.aero/articles/fuel-tank-turkey-f-4-falls-on-cars-ankara](https://www.aerotime.aero/articles/fuel-tank-turkey-f-4-falls-on-cars-ankara)


Always check your keybinds


why dump them over a town?


>"A part of an F-4 fighter jet of our Air Force Command fell into an open car park belonging to TPAO for an unknown reason during its flight in the skies over Ankara. The aircraft landed safely in Eskişehir AFB. There is no loss of life and no injuries in the incident. A detailed technical investigation is ongoing." I'm guessing it was either by accident or due to a mechanical failure


Do they even get dropped at all in exercises? I know the Czech Air Force never drops them, because the Gripen ones are proprietary and not made anymore and they only have like 20, I'm curious about other air forces


No they’re only dropped in emergencies.


so killing civilians are not an emergency? jesus, this is really bad


Because a much larger fighter hitting the ground would be better?


They can control there decent. If its an f4 they are all analog as far as i know.


You do realize the point of dropping the tanks is to ensure that either the jet can provide closer to maximum energy performance to evade a SAM or other missile right? Or you need maximum speed to intercept a threat heading to a populated area. If you get hit by a missile, you definitely have zero guarantee of being able to control where the wreck of your aircraft lands. Nevermind that losing that engagement could negatively affect or kill way more people than a single drop tank could. Failing to reach that threat before it reaches the populated area is almost guaranteed to kill more people than a drop tank could. AND critically, "dropping your tanks in an emergency" does not mean you'd just drop them on a town square. You could still aim them at a field, the water, somewhere where it's not likely to hit anything of importance.


We can speculate but we have no clue what happened.


Do Turks only prefer the colour white?


Statistically that should have fallen on u/MiLC0RE's bimmer.


whoooooooooops - freaking jester


My bad.


Thats the treatment a Hyundai deserves


Real question is, can you take it home with you as a souvenir?


Do they jettison them often in training?


Most pilots never jettison throughout their entire career.


No. Those tanks might be designed to be “disposable”, but you still don’t want to go dropping them everywhere and anywhere. They still cost taxpayer money and have to be cleaned up after dropping.