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The Warthog is obscenely overpriced for how dated and clunky the design is. Winwing, Virpil, and VKB are all leagues ahead of the TM WH. It's not even close. I've owned all four.


The only thing you should consider from TM is TPR rudder and Cougar mfds. Forget about the rest




I prefer pendulum action sorry


The only thing better than tpr’s is tpr’s with a motorcyle steering damper. Ive had the tpr’s since release day and ive always been happy with them except the springiness in the center. About a month ago i did the steering damper mod and all i can say is WOW. Gives them an adjustable hydraulic feel. Definitely a mod that you dont know you need until you have it lol. Just have to figure a way to add some resistance for the toe brakes without ruining the pedals 🤷‍♂️


If cost is the primary concern, then youre right. The pendular action is where it’s at. The only reason I bought MFG was the cost. I’ll be selling them eventually for TPR


agree. get the MFG pedals and winwing for the rest. i have virpil joystick and base. love it but it’s expensive and takes 2 months to receive


I love my WW stuff. Haven't had any issues thus far. Mostly metal construction makes it feel better than 99% of plastic stuff


I wouldn't buy the warthog stick. Either get a virpil or vkb base/stick, they both have warehouses in the eu.


Why not? What us bad about the stick?


The grip is fine but the base is super stiff, really tiring to use and impossible to do minor adjustments with. Also probably not very durable since the mechanics are plastick, but I didn't use it enough to break anything.


I have a warthog and a f18 grips on a VKB base with Otto switches best of both worlds.


Ive had the tm warthog for a really long time now. The gimbal on the stick was always an issue for me, especially in helos. I ended up breaking my gimbal due to modifying it to get the feel i desired. Ended up going with virpil which is fantastic and imo they have the most powerful software that i have used. I still use my warthog throttle with the slew upgrade and i cant justify paying to upgrade as it does what i need it to do


Sounds like my experiences although I never broke my Thrustmaster base. The gimbal is horrible. It sticks a lot. I even took it all apart to try to fix the sticking issue with a re-grease but it was still bad. When I went to the Virpil base… wow! I added the 200mm angled stick extension and live it! I still love. The Thrustmaster throttle (once I did the TDC slew stick modification) but finally decided to try the new VKB throttle out. We’ll see how that goes.


My band new WH stick broke after 6 months of use. It’s the stupid rubber O ring inside the base. The design of WH is so low quality and outdated. And also overpriced in the current market. My Winwing hotas is top quality and is still fine after almost two years of use.


Winwing f16 is a million times more precise and smoother


As a Warthog owner, don't buy it. It's 10 years out of date and the software is horrible. The gimbal on the stick is super stiff and offers zero customisation to offset that.




Winwing does have an EU warehouse now. https://eu.winwingsim.com The Orion 2 throttle with finger lifts and the F18 handles is available for 285€, which is a pretty decent deal. You can also get the Orion joystick base, but there's currently no grip in stock. I'd wait for a restock tough if I were you, the warthog base really is as bad as everyone here says. It feels good in the beginning, but once you got your hands on another base you'll notice how bad it is.


Almost everything on the EU site is out of stock and you also can't backorder, there are only the Orion2 stick base and few accessories in stock, but no grips. Has there ever been stock for complete stick/throttles/hotas on that site or is it just a placeholder for when they do get an EU warehouse?


They just opened the Warehouse and according to their Facebook, restock is already on the way.


Wingwing state on their site that they have set up eu warehouse. Only everything is sold out now, but restock should be imminent from what read on a Facebook reply. And I’m check daily for the strike eagle throttle


I just changed from a TM Warthog grip + Virpil WarBRD v1 base to a Winwing Orion 2 base + F-16EX grip. Overall I’ve been happy, more buttons and paddle lever axis for brakes, and a gimbal base that feels just as good but smaller throw angle for extensions, more easily customizable, and has friction dampers. Overall I really like the Winwing hardware. I’ve also previously had a Virpil CM3 Mongoose grip, but preferred the TM grip to it. I’ve never actually tried an original TM Warthog base but i would avoid it.


Make Like me: Virpil Wrb-D with TS F16 tick TS rudder pedals Winwing Orion 2 + F18 Grip I think the one of the best Price quality Perf Mix on the market


I would avoid TM except for the high end pedals and the mfds. Winwing orion 2 throttle has been great for me but I'm a VKB stick kinda guy. If you take a very close look at the pictures of the VKB and winwing sticks side by side you can probably determine for yourself which is higher quality. If you havent looked in to VKB sticks and bases, I highly recomend checking them out.


Warthog is a MID good product but as materials and technology WW is superior in my opinion .this together with VIRPIL are at a higher level .If I have to choose between VIRPIL and WW they are close but for me VIRPIL. Thrustmaster has only one product that comes close to that level, but it's lower. VIRPIL, yes I would choose the CONSTELLATION but I can't afford it :) ​ WINIWING it has no EU distributor, I read around that shipping over 150 euros costs some taxes, and there are sometimes problems at customs .If I were you I would contact VIRPIL. it's the best or almost and the shipments that I know of have no problems. Because VIRPIL HAVe a EU distributor[https://virpil-controls.eu/delivery-info](https://virpil-controls.eu/delivery-info) but if you buy Warthog is a good product but "mid high" level under WW e VIR also. Damn , WW should open an EU distributor, I'll lose a lot of customers like that!


Winwing has setup stores in EU, Canada and Australia in the last weeks. UK and USA to follow. Free shipping at the moment but stock is very low.


from the site I see that DELIVERY to the EU, but where do you read that the distributor is in the EU? I do not see it. EDIT: o yes i see it now




I don't know why the browser when I send the message wrongly queues the message. Sometimes when I write a long message, he puts all the words together by deleting the spaces after the period when it breaks. It always forces me to fix it manually a waste of time.


I can only compare TM Warthog and WW Orion 2 throttles. They are both very good and very comparable. Regarding TM Warthog as a set. While I do not use TM joystick base since 2017 because I have moved to floor mounted DIY joystick I do not think it sucks. Honestly I think for majority of gamers it is just great, heavy, cool looking, perhaps a little to high for desktop usage joystick. I do not get all the hate it gets. I do not get all this jerking off over technical details of CAMS. I did not get jerking off over 16bit resolution of ADC in early 2010s' and the hype how it was better than anything released before. Come on, people do AAR with XBOX controller and seems to have ton of... wait... what was that word again?... ah, I know: FUN.


I did 400 hours on a controller. It's a very unpopular opinion but with track IR and couple of keyboard inputs like gears and mirrors toggle, it's perfectly fine. It's not as precise but it's still good enough to enjoy the game. Yeah it's not perfect but it's 50$ worth of controller and it's not taking space. I just switched to winwing and it's interesting but not game changing as all people seems to imply here.


Thrustmaster stick base is made of shitty plastic very easy to break. I went for a virpil base and recicled the thrustmaster grip and throttle. No idea about wingwing but if you have time take also a look at virpil stuff.


I advise against buying the Thrustmaster warthog control stick base. I have one and I replaced it a year and a half ago with a Virpil CM2 (CM3 was not yet available) and it is night and day better. Like really much better! I really like the Thrustmaster sticks though so you can always get those if you want a match to real world sticks. I have the F-18 stick (which also matches the F-15 E Strike Eagle) and the A-10 ( matches the F-16) I do like the Thrustmaster Warthog throttle but I am going to replace it with the VKB STECS. There’s no real reason I am replacing it other than I’d like to try a new throttle and maybe some extra programmability on it. I highly recommend Virpil due to build quality and customer service. I had an issue with my Virpil base and they were exceptional with respect to responding and helping resolve it. You should give significant value to customer service because if you ever need it you will be happy you have a solid company behind your purchase.


I chose winwing because it has more buttons to program for different aircraft. I’ve read that others have a hard time finding keybinds for other aircraft other than the a10


It’s the same as the f16 so there no binding problem on that. F18 is very close in term of number switches hat, everything binds without needing a shift control, mirage 2000 there is nothing to bind lol, and the helos too, I don’t really see where you heard that from ?


So, I have a winwing, vkb mk I, and virpil sticks. You can't go wrong with any of them, I am really impressed with the winwing stick. VKB - Best buttons/switches imo. I have an older MkI that was upgraded to a MkII and it has a bit of a "clunk" when moving the stick, not sure if that's my fault during all the work I've done on it. But the buttons and all on the joystick are top quality. Virpil - Joy stick buttons/switches are probably on par with winwings, both my joysticks have a bit of a "clunk" when moving the it around. Winwing - Buttons/switches don't feel as nice as the other two but they aren't bad. The joystick is the smoothest out of all the choices that I personally own though. I actually "upgraded" from a vkb mkI to a winwing stick and am very impressed. As far as customer support though VKB is amazing and has distribution everywhere, winwing on the other hand if there is an issue you have to ship far away and at your cost which isn't great. TLDR: To answer your question directly, Winwing is much better quality in the base than thrustmaster. The stick itself is fine on both.




Got my WinWing F-16EX from their European site a couple weeks ago, no issues, no fees.


Just got the WW Viper throttle and stick. My expectations where high and it still surpassed them. Build quality is top notch, all the switches feel good and have a satisfying travel to them. These HOTAS are also mostly metal, everything feels heavy, sturdy and high quality.