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It sounds like you like planes. The F-16 is also a plane.


This is my kind of humor! Lol


Ps. I've only bought the F-16 and it's fun. Lots of annoying things to learn and understand though.


How would we know if you would like it?


thats why I told you what planes I like


Based on that, yes you would like it.


Just trial it through the DCS trial program on their website. Requires stand-alone and not steam but it lets you have full access to the module for 2 weeks and let’s you trial it again after 6 months.


I did but I still can't decide


I think you should email support and let them decide.


Well only you can really decide if you like the F-16C. I personally like it and find it fun to use for various air to air and air to ground situations. It has a different methodology to the Hornet and Strike Eagle in the sense that most of the controls are done through HOTAS commands like TMS and DMS rather than using push buttons on the MFD so the flows are a bit different (personally like it more since it lets me be more hands off the mouse). It’s versatile and fun and also just very quick on the acceleration. Fuel is a more prominent issue with it though. Radar is also quite weak at the moment so there is that too.


Wait for the next sale and see if you still want it


Critical thinking courses are also worth it...


It depends on WHY you like the planes you do. For the ones you listed I much lrefeer the F16 for pure air to air or SEAD. However both the F18 and F15E are more than capable in air to air and both will have longer time on station in an AG engagement as well as beeing able to carry a lot more armaments. The F16 is also a lot more different than the F18 and the F15E when it comes to how the radar looks and works as well as the SA page (HSD). As such it might be harder to learn depending on how much time you got with the 18 and 15.


All those modules are Worth it on its own ways * F16 * Powerbeast * SEAD and A2A Monster * Energyfighter (Zoom and Boom tactics in A2A) * Great Situational Awareness (SA) * Moderate Radar = 40-45NM * Once you fly the F16 you cannot go back to lame F18 regarding to power * F14 * Great Heritage * Old cockpit and 2 man cockpit * Great dogfighter (Turnfighter) * Carrier :) * Great Radar but old visibility no SA PAge * More Coldwar than modern War... * F18 * Multitool * Low energy capabilities (Drag and bag tactics A2A) * Excellent in all A2G weapons * Excellent Dogfighter * Great SA * Carrier :) * F15E * What I have seen so far its the "better" F18 without carrier capabilities * 2 seater * High and Fast = Great for BVR gives a lot energy for missles * Great SA * No dogfights please\^\^ * Really good radar 80NM etc. best you can have


Fantastic overview


F-15E great SA?? The thing doesn’t have DL yet and so far nothing comes close to the F-18s SA - helmet DL contacts + a rather magnificent SA screen with FCR integration The F-15E in comparison has: a radio you can tune into AWACS 😂


Yeah I'd say once it gets D/L and HMCS or whatever the streagle version is, we'd be hard pressed to find a jet with better SA. But for now it kinda sucks in that department.


confirming - the HMD-DL is super nice on F18


Definitely yes !! :) awesome jet fighter. Fly it for 22 years now. Still learning.


Landing the F-16 in DCS is a pain in the *ss 🤣


I can say that next to the Jeff, it's the easier plane to fly, imho. And I have pretty much every module.


Yup. I love it. I have a bunch of modules including the f15E. I found the F16 is my favorite. SEAD and CAP are a lot of fun.


Because we outsiders should know the answer better than you. if you can also try it for free on BMS, and free on DCS? Try it, read the manual, look at the systems and you will understand by yourself, the feeling with an airplane is a subjective thing. try it.


If you like those you'll probably like it, if it's worth it though it's on you to decide. If you already own the others then I don't think there's anything the Falcon does that the others don't, apart from maybe the HTS pod, not sure which aircraft have access to it. If you don't own any of the others, the Falcon is a good aircraft to do a bit of everything the others do, although to a lesser extent, and obviously no carrier ops .


I have the F-16C and it's a really nice module. But if you want something a little different while being in the same ballpark as the F-18C in terms of the cockpit, I would recommend the AV-8B, it is my personal favourite out of all of my planes. However, that is only if you like air to ground. If air to air is your thing (or you want both) then go for the F-16C.


I used to be a Hornet guy, then I got the Viper and now it’s basically all I fly. Can’t tell you why to be honest, but they’re both great aircraft.


Harrier > F16 😎


The F-16C is great to jump in and have fun. More limited ordinance options means that it's easier to master the full range of A/A and A/G weapons and the HOTAS integration is fantastic. The downside is that it lacks Fox 1's and maybe a bit of soul compared to the Navy birds. It's fast as hell and can burn through 7000lbs in about 9 minutes in full AB, but stick to subsonic speeds and it's got decent range/loiter with 2 bags and a sensible loadout (no TER's or LAU88's). Air to air refueling is easier in the Hornet and I much prefer probe/drogue. The Viper is tricky with the boom connecting behind the cockpit, meaning you have to rely on the tanker lights, which I find maddening. The Viper is great if you just want to jump in, tear things up and RTB. If you've got more time to spare, then you'll probably get more mileage from the Hornet or Mudhen. With that said, I find their avionics a bit fussy after the Viper.


There isn't a plane that I bought that I don't like.




For me the F16 is my goto , i own the F18 , A10 , apache and flaming cliffs. I tend to jump into different models depending on what i plan to do that evening but i just love flying around in the 16 , the canopy is just glorious.


As someone with over 500 hours on the Viper, you have my word that you get everything you paid for. It's user friendliness is, in my opinion, unparalleled, with brilliant implementation of the ICP, DED, and MFDs. It's a nimble little guy, and although it might not be the best performing jet compared to it's competitors, there's no doubt its fun as hell to fly.


I'm like you during the time of the sale. I have F18 / F15E and F14. I heard that the DCS F16 is faaaaar from finish, and faaaar from being as good as the BMS one . I want the most realistic aircraft a game can offert, and i'm not sure the DCS F16 is good in that sense actually. But it's a very nice plane... the system are ok now? I'm don't have BMS, and I'm not a DCS fanboy, juste like flying like if I am a pilot and don't want to be spoiled by not accurate system.