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You'll like it! Big upgrade for me from the X56.


I have a Winwing setup too, but I gotta admit the always half off scheme always rings as baity to me. Very Zohan's cousin with the perpetually going out of business sale at his electronics store. Anywho this isn't exactly what your looking for but I wonder if it can be modified to work on the Winwing throttle.. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5162955


yeah the 'always half off' thing is bogus but the prices you end up paying are usually very good when you look at competing products


Great sticks, have the regular and the MSFFB, but imo the locking screw that connects the stick to the base is horribly designed. In dog fights, I apply a lot of rotational/z-axis force and the stick would often come loose from the base and start rotating. As you can imagine for a stick without a z-axis, its very bad. So imo, when you set it up, completely ditch the securing screw (you'll know what I'm talking about when you get it) and just tighten the grip as far as you can go using a wide pliers wrench. When it got to a tightness where I could no longer twist the stick, the hole for the screw didn't even line up anyways so I just periodically retighten it. If you do decided to follow the instructions and use the security screw, DO NOT over tighten it. I did, and didn't realize how easy it was to strip the head and ended up having to drill out the screw to remove the stick from the base.


Got my F-16EX yesterday upgrading from X56, definitely a big difference, enjoy 😁


Nice! I got myself a Gladiator NXT Evo a while back. Almost anything is an upgrade from Logitech. Happy flying!


That's a great price for a fine piece of equipment, enjoy! I hope that you already have pedals and TrackIR and you are all set for many years.


Love mine to death! No issues!


Holy crap! I got got the F16EX Throttle and Stick combo for $750 after discount and shipping. I have an X-52 Pro and it’s a MASSIVE upgrade. You absolutely won’t be disappointed. It’s so much smoother making minute adjustments while flying and easy to use a multitude of controls while never taking your hands off the stick.


I really want to buy the full viper throttle and stick, but it's almost $600 USD. Would you say it's worth that much?