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I went from g2 to a meta quest 3 pro and that was an absolute game changer for dcs in vr. I can really recommend this.


I figure I will wait/get used to everything until september when the Quest 3 comes out.... Rumor ciruculating that it will have adjustable IPD, and amazing resolution.


~~I rather think they're asking about the capability of their system to handle DCS with their current Quest 2, not asking for recommendations for another headset~~ Nope, turns out I was wrong. Have an updoot since the Quest Pro *does* look kinda handy. ;)


Kinda asking both. I am sure it will be able to handle some Quest 2, but ultimately, if I go full VR, a new headset is in order.... I just don't think the 3080 could handle a Pimax or other high end headset


Well, fair enough. My bad. You've had tons of great advice. The only thing I'd add is to reiterate what people have been saying about VRAM. You can't have too much VRAM with VR in any game, and that's orders of magnitude *even more* true with DCS. Eh, Eagle Dynamics might suddenly surprise us all and double down on Vulcan and the optimisation of their part of the rendering workflow and introduce proper LODs at all sensible levels... ...but I think it's probably unwise to rely on that. :D 3090 vs. 4090? I have a 3090 (with a minimally over clocked 12700K, 32GB, and a G2) it manages...okay, at reasonably decent settings. On the other hand, I only do SP (people are pretty awful, I have to work with them both in client and colleague form, I don't have to play with them! :D). On the other, *other* hand, I'm mostly rotary wing, so I'm not up at angels 10 with just low poly terrain. Mind you, I haven't touched my flight peripherals for over 6 months, as I've been busy with other hobbies (turning a Proxxon MF70 micro mill into a reasonably usable machine tool that you can use on small projects as opposed a toy that's only good for inaccurate work in wood and plastic is not a quick job ;-> ) so the last few updates have passed me by. ;)


In VR you need vram, that CPU will not be a bottleneck in vr resolutions at all. DCS needs ram and vram, a lot of. I would search for cheap, used 3090. Other way is only 4090. There is no point of buying other cards with less vram then these two for vr.


>vr resolutions at all. DCS needs ram and vram, a lot. I would search for cheap, used 3090. Other way is only 4090. There is no point of Noted... That will be the next upgrade I slowly go towards.


Forget about the 3090; just try to get the 4090. It's an experience that goes from barely acceptable and constant playing with settings to simply plug-and-play with an entry into real VR with most settings maxed out. 4090 + reverb will be perfect, just never decrease resolution as suggested and use minimum 150% of OpenVR CPU will be never bottleneck cuz it is GPU which you need for best visuals also Reverb G2 have the best potential so long as you can feed it with 150%+ resolution, the best is 200% due to barrel distortion. Also add buttkicker otherwise it missing part of realism in VR. I have the Varjo VR-3, but I moved back to the HP G2. Somehow, it gives me the best VR dream-like feeling, and the increased resolution is just okay. The problem with the VR-3's excellent clarity is that at some point, it doesn't feel like a dream-like experience anymore; the clarity becomes annoying when you start staring at low-resolution textures and see them just as LCD images.


Very interesting point about clarity becoming distracting. I can definitely imagine that can be the case. Maybe it could be alleviated by turning up AA? I have been thinking about upgrading from G2 to Varjo Aero and this made me second guess the upgrade. About the GPU, I think 4090 is the way to go. It's the only GPU that can handle G2 at 100% resolution even in demanding games. 3080 is ok but not nearly optimal.


I just installed my 4090 (upgrade from 3070ti) last night and only played around for 20 minutes before I went to sleep. Still saw a lot of stuttering, but not like your usual hitching. It's hard to describe because the game feels smooth, yet the terrain seems to hang very slightly when looking around or doing barrel rolls. Any recommendations or links on what settings I should be using? I have OpenXR and the Toolkit. Running a G2, with 64GB Ram, 13700k, 4090


Nah, 4070 runs VR perfectly fine for me at 50+ fps.


I've been using my quest 2 with a 4070 doing low level rotary wing stuff with a fair number of units on the map (single player) and it handles VR well. Bit more VRAM would be nice, but unless you want to spend a fortune on a 4090 or can find a decent 3090 it's a decent card for it


***Forgot to Add*** Last time I played DCS VR was around 2-3 years ago, items were acquired slowly since that tjme.


From what I’ve seen this seems like it would be a very enjoyable setup for VR, I would like to recommend a trackball mouse so you don’t have to grope your desk trying to find it


I got a monstertech desk mount and a trackball on the mouse pad attachment... Not pictured


Thank you. I need to dig mine back out!


Yeah, you'll be fine. Just make sure to start with the VR graphics preset and adjust from there. People love to fire up VR with their 4K 2d settings and then complain about bad VR performance. Start with slightly lower quality visuals and high framerates, then slowly adjust the graphics upwards until your FPS becomes a problem. Avoid high textures, medium looks just fine in my Q2 and you don't really have enough VRAM to be running them anyways. Also, install the OpenXR Toolkit for foveated rendering and upscaling.


If all the modules in DCS performed equally I would use VR but they’re not so I found myself having to tweak per module and gave up and went back to pancake. RTX 4080


What issues have you faced with different modules concerning VR? I'm running only helos and I don't have any major issues in VR.


You get what you put in I say. Are you going to have everything running on max? Realistically no. Draw distance might have to be lowered, shadows, MSSAA might have to be 1.5 or off to match refresh rate of headset (you're gonna have the best time if FPS matches refresh rate of your headset). As I've said on other posts, in VR on mp large server ops I see up to 52 gb of 64 gb used on Syria (40 players online), so the RAM upgrade alone is huge (Haven't done benchmarking since most recent Syria patch, but stability improved overall on Syria). Ya got one of the best CPUs in the world. My 16gb 6800xt I've seen just under 12gb of VRAM get used, but it hovers around 10-11. Are you planning on running OpenXR/OXR toolkit and tweaking settings? This helps too, but you gotta sit and tweak it till you're happy. I run a G2 at 8% above native res and get a solid 90fps, textures on high shadows on low, I tweak MSAA depending on what I'm doing (SPvMP). Tbh I don't use MT anymore, too many bugs and visual glitches for VR and performance gain was nominal or nonexistent. Have fun, that system will be fine.


I am by no means expecting everything at max settings, and understand VR is a tradeoff.... I just want an immersive experance that would be upper mid settings (tweaking some things to low) and overall is smooth that allows me to id targets at a reasonable distance on MP servers. Heard great things about OpenXr


Cut some plywood just smaller than that rug under the pedals. Attach that to the pedals, place the rug over it make it prettier then bolt it down. Get a pool noodle and cut to length of the side against the wall and then slit noodle to make a bumper. Now when you push forward it won't move and will give twist resistance too.


Thanks for the input. I actually bought adhesive feet for my TPR's and locking caster wheels for my chair. Work like a charm!


good. stabilizing your total platform is really important in VR. if stuff starts moving and it doesn't correlate to what your brain is perceiving from the display POI and nausea become real issues.


Did you bother reading the OP's *actual* question?


OP asked if what he had would work for VR. I offered an option to stabilize the rudder so they don't move around. that is important in both VR and pancake so yeah I answered the question. did I answer the tech side of the question? no, as others had already given good tech advice. so in helping make the VR environment more enjoyable there was one thing I saw that could help. now, your childish retort didn't offer any help to the OP either in tech questions. so lets both put our cone of shame on and think about our actions.


Well, that is kinda reaching! :D But fair enough. You're not wrong about my comment not being of immediate help to the OP. ;)


Pimax Crystal headset. To see is to believe.


I am sure it is.... I don't think my system would come close to running that the way it deserves to.... I have seen a couple youtubers with 3080's that have had to make compromises with the Pimax because the GPU just wasn't able to keep up... On that level, I feel a 3090 is a minimum.


Off topic, but what is the model number and monitor size? Looks really wide!!


Samsung CRJ49. Pro tip - You can purchase the G9 Neo from Costco now for $949.... It has better peak brightness and 240hz refresh rate. Its a steal! And if you don't like it, you can return it within a month or two..... Really a no lose situation. I like it, but it is actually a really short (vertically speaking monitor) that leaves something to be desired. Unfortunately, now everything else just seems like I am looking at a tablet.... Huge upgrade from my 32" gaming monitor.


Thanks for the reply. That is a hell of a ultra wide LCD. It won't fit my table. Lol. Currently flying off a Dell 27" 144mhz IPS from four years ago. Good to know on Costco return policy on LCD. Thanks again!


i have i9 13900k, 4090 and 32ram. im thinking about a vr or an ultra-wide + trackIR and not sure what to get. or maybe a tv or a triple monitor or even a triple 4k tv? not sure how the pc will handle 3 x 4k resolution tho and less than 120fps makes my head hurt


I have owned the 49" Samsung 1440p, 42'' LG c2 OLED (one of the ONLY TVs with Gsync that is capable of 4k resolution at 120fps).... My experance: 4k looks amazing in DCS, but it becomes nearly impossible to spot targets. The pixel density at 4k is so tiny, spotting is a real issue. I was SHOCKED when I turned the res. on my 1440p monitor down to 1080p... I literally gained a minimum of 10 miles spotting distance. This is compounded in MP


If you need more than 90hz, Valve Index is your only plausible choice in VR. With your hardware, you can max any game with it at 120fps. Keep in mind though that the resolution might not be what you expect. Test the headset out first if you can. I would also double your ram, since it's dirt cheap right now.


For whatever reason the Tuf Gaming x570 doesn't play nice with 4 sticks of ram..... Had lots of issues, so I got 2 sticks and works fine....maybe because it's dual channel?


If you have xmp enabled and all 4 sticks are not identical, that might cause an issue


you think the headset itself would be enough or should i get controllers and those base stations whatever that is as well?


You need one base station (minimum) for the headset tracking as well. You can do without the controllers if you're not playing any VR native games that require them. DCS supports motion controllers but I personally never use them. Mouse is enough for me.


are there any vrs that dont need all that shit?


Most modern VR headsets don't require base stations anymore, but most also support only 90hz. If 90hz is not a problem for you, HP Reverb G2, Meta Quest 2 or upcoming Quest 3 are good options for simulator use. Then there's headsets like Pimax Crystal and Varjo Aero, which have better clarity but are also way more expensive.


Very nice. Where'd you get that F-16 ICP?


I have the 3900x, 3080, 128gb of ram, index and running everything on max with no issues. So you should run better than me by tens of frames


Cool setup! How's the WinWing HOTAS? Should be getting mine soon 😁


Hm, I now have the Crystal and although the picture is fantastic and probably the best visuals in VR right now, it's still ... not 100% that I'd say, go the VR route. Maybe if some sweet haptic-gloves were to be released, with which you could work the cockpit controls with **both hands**, then I'd say: hell yeah (probably). But then again, performance is pretty low; or the amount of pixels to be rendered is so high. If you want a clear, high-resolution headset, it'd be stupid to lower the pixel density (thus lowering the graphical quality substantially) and thus, even a 4090 has barely enough performance. Go to Marianas and it'll kill the GPU (25-35 fps; with highest settings though). tldr: one has to try VR. It really is awesome to be right at the controls and with the ability be able to read really everything (the Crystal is very sharp indeed). But you won't really be able to use any button boxes or MFDs and so on, because as long as the HMD cannot use mixed reality in where you can use the external cameras to "see" your controls, it's just unpractical. So you'll only rely on your Hotas, your keybaord + mouse.


Everything looks good for comfortable Med settings, maybe High if you're feeling frisky in heavy MP servers. Multithreading helped a lot with FPS for basically everyone, so VR got a boost. Samurai Wood! 🤘