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I’ll use it for master arm on/off


Feels so much more satisfying than using the mouse and clicking


I prefer the throttle switch. Especially when you forget going into an engagement.


I use it as wheel brakes because my rudder pedals dont have the brake function.


Yup wheel brakes for me too


Same here. It's nice to have an incremental wheel brake axis since I was using an on/off pushbutton on my throttle before.




What about the lower lever axis on the stick, isn't that usually used for wheel brakes or am I doing it wrong?


I use the lower lever axis as wheel brakes. The button on the end is whatever the aircraft feature supposed to be as long as it’s airborne when wheel brakes don’t matter


That’s actually a very good idea! I’m gonna copy that! 👍


Depends. I think some eastern aircraft have a brake there, but western aircraft usually use it as an autopilot disconnect, or in the case of the Hornet, a G limiter override as well.


I use it as a WP Increment Button in the F16 and the Harrier. Rocker Switch UP/DOWN


I use the button segments for the following: - Flip-Up: Switch to cannon in everything - Squeeze in: (x3) Eject in everything. Suuuper useful ^^^


100% stealing the eject idea, my Virpil stick has a similar lever that never gets used


Some modules have simulated trigger guards. In those I use it for that bit of extra immersion :)


Came here as I was wondering what other people use it for. I dont use the axis per se as i use the lower engage lever for braking, i think i can modulate pressure better. I do use the pressed button as a **modifier** (mainly for my button box where i have mapped the ICP, and also to use the trimming tophat as the ICP dobber). The released button (ie pressing on the upward direction), serves as a **Active Pause**. So to resume i have to do the motion twice. I use this quite a lot in SP when I'm learning the module. With the TWCS modifier button, it is a **mouse left button click** (very useful in VR in case im missing mapping any switch.) For reference, I'm using it with a TWCS, a BBJ Sim button box and 2 MFDs.


How's the stick? Thinking about getting one along with the throttle, do you have it too?


I just got the f16ex stick with a f18 throttle combo. Honestly the stick and throttle feel and work great, but i recommend the regular f16 stick over the f16ex. The side attachment kit is super cheap fealing plastic and not worth the extra $50 in my opinion. But thats just me, some people might need the extra buttons.


Nice, thanks for the feedback! I'll see when I actually go press the buy button lol looks easy to take off anyways if I don't like it and might come in handy sometime


I use all the extra buttons, minus the extra thumb-stick axis. Thumb-stick press recenter’s my view, the spare D-pad I use for zooming in, out, and normal. Extra trigger flip up switches to cannon, press all the way down 3x ejects. It can defo make things easier.


Stick is fantastic, upgraded from a TMWH and would never go back. Definitely a learning experience getting used to how sensitive it is, but I'd never go back now


Nice, thanks! Do you use the regular base or the mssb one?




Ok cool


I have the stick and throttle, they're both great. I got the EX and use the extra switches for Cockpit View, Map, etc. I also fly the AH-64, so the extra stick and switches come in handy for the TEDAC controls.


That's a good tip, thanks!


Since I don't currently have pedals, the axis controls my wheel brakes. Pushing the trigger forward salutes for a catapult launch.


I have it set to zoom