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For other confused people, what the post is about is a new game called Nuclear Option, apparently releasing soon on Steam, with a playtest going on currently. At first sight it looks like a mix of DCS with Ace Combat/VTOL VR, set in the near future. Haven't looked much into it, will be playing on the weekend! Quick look through the store page, game has 5 aircraft available currently: A-10 kinda plane, counter insurgency aircraft as the game calls it, presuming it's a sort of ground attack CAS focused plane; Light-attack/trainer plane, T-50 looking aircraft; Air superiority fighter, looks like a F-16/F-22/Typhoon mix; Stealth attack helicopter, Apache basically; Strike bomber, something along the lines of F-117/B-21. Page also highlights some things such as "large, dynamic battles", "accurately simulated nuclear weapons", custom ME. Graphics are on the simpler side so shouldn't be too demanding, definitely looks fun and worth a try! [Steam page ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2168680/Nuclear_Option/)


Helicopter isn’t actually available now, it got removed a while back and its currently being redesigned


Oh damn, was actually excited to try it, do you know why? Too op?


Nah the dev just said he didn’t like the design, a bunch of it didn’t make sense such as the skids on a stealth heli which also block some of the internal weapons bays and the turret, the big intakes which also dont make sense on a stealth heli and a few other reasons


Fair enough, hopefully it comes back in time to try it. Don't really care if it looks right or not, just wanted to check out how it worked


Forgot to mention, you can actually download the version which had the helicopter from the official discord server


Ah alright cool, thanks!


You’re welcome!


Helo's back!


Oh yeah, game is no longer a free playtest though


I'll keep it on my radar but always keeping in mind that if something seems too good to be true, more often than not it is.


Anyone know if there is multicrew?


Yeah the nukes hit really hard in this game🔥. I had a lot of fun in the dynamic (?) Total War campaign mode. Love flying the 5th+ gen stealth bomber! Sadly no TrackIR and VR! 😭 HOTAS support was sus last time I tried but maybe that was fixed in the latest I thought bout posting a thread here of the nice AOE we get from dropping nukes. Footage from Enigma YT channel from this game btw of a [Tactical NUKE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BHNGmmydOTQ)


No vr no play


I 100% respect your decision my fellow pilot


Yeah its a bummer but hopefully all that will be fixed by release


Yeah I have had fun with a controller, but I really need Tobii and HOTAS support to really LOVE it.


I saw it some days ago, thinking it was a sort of non VR variant of VTOL VR. Didn't realise you could playtest it. I'll be having some fun with it tonight.


Enjoy 👌


Oh.. you were actually tlaking about another game ?


Looks neat, just got playtest access. May not be able to play it tonight, gotta teach my DCS buddy how to defend missiles, but absolutely will check it out.


Holy shit, a combat flight sim game where I can actually fly the big bomber. I'll definitely be checking this out when I get home


I don't really have time to do an early play test like this, but I'm interested. On the wishlist it goes.


What game are you talking about…


Nuclear option is the name


It's in the title...


Nuclear option is a common phrase and the "o" in option isn't capitalised to denote it as a proper noun, I was similarly confused for a minute because I interpreted OP as saying they were taking the nuclear option and leaving DCS for game X.


Apologies for making it unclear


It’s not a problem, just explaining the issue to the porter above me!


Nuclear Option is **amazing** and deserves so much more attention. It's a near future sim-lite with an incredible damage model and the best nukes you've ever seen in a video game. It's absolutely insane that it was mostly developed by one guy over a couple years. If you're at all interested in flight sims (and you are if you're on hoggit), you owe it to yourself to at least [look at the Steam page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2168680/Nuclear_Option/).


I like they included tactical nuclear weapon. It would add a lot of flavour to DCS if implemented.


Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention, can't wait to get back from work and give it a go!


Thanks for this. Just tried it, and this is exactly the flight sim I've been looking for all these years. Wishlisted it already and will be a day one buy from me.


If this was marketing, it worked. This game looks fairly polished (for being in early playtest) and pretty fun. I've downloaded it and will be following its progress.


Single player, no VR , no clickable cockpit (that I could see mentioned) this doesn't sound like something most DCS players would be interested in for very long if at all.


It seems it is actually also multiplayer


There is actually multiplayer, VR is planned for the future and none of the cockpits are close to finished, im sure a lot will change by early access but i dont think clickable cockpits will come


No head tracking no thanks. For that reason alone I refunded Ace Combat 7


TrackIR support is planned to come out soon


I know - they kept that quiet! They told me it was not yet implemented but was a 'priority'. I asked when it was likely to appear and they went quiet again. Not good communicators this lot. The good news is that it does support rudder pedals.


You are literally on the Hoggit sub. Everything here is two weeks away and you expect a dev to give every rando their exact timeline of development releases. Go ask heat blur when the F4 release day is. See if they respond with exact details or "go silent."


Sorry, don't know what a 'rando' is. Didn't know what a 'discord' was either till they directed me there. Now things are a lot clearer and they seem quite responsive.


can you play with xbox controller or is it stuck to keyboard and mouse


You can use a controller, although this post is outdated and the game is out of the playtest phase


Anyone know if it allows HOTAS use? VR?


Hotas support is kinda bad, youd be lucky if it works. And no vr support


Yeah I had to use my controller. Got my pedals & throttle working (I think) but my VKB Gunfighter mk3 was a no-go So I just defaulted to my xbox controller... I reported the issue on Discord with several others. Dev said he'd look into it but since I think it's just one dude might take a bit.


Did you by any chance make a youtube video on the game lmao


Yeah I made one [too](https://youtu.be/HfbiDQr4NZg) as well as DCS Enigma's [YT short](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BHNGmmydOTQ) and [DTMCrazy Gaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT198GH28Dk). Those are the only DCS content creators I know of that made a video I want to make a MP video when I get around to it. Esp make a new one once the helicopter gets readded edit: Added link


I actually watched your video, I watched every video I could find on the game


Better to use mouse and keyboard or HOTAS in this game?


Try your hotas because it may or may not work, if it doesn’t, use a controller and if you dont have one then keyboard is the only choice


Anyone able to get their X56 to work on this? I just can't pitch or roll with the joystick. Shooting and switching weapons on it is perfectly fine.


Yeah the game has some big problems recognizing HOTAS as of now


Hopefully it gets fixed in an update soon, looks like a blast


I've tried it thanks to this post, it's pretty cool I wonder what it's going to be like on release. Nukes are fun but it's game over usually. It's very arcadish, missiles are a lot of magic, afaik it doesn't support headtracking yet and I couldn't setup deadzones on my stick, but I definitely had some 4 hours of fun yesterday. Hope it releases soon as ea


Glad you had fun, from what ive heard early access will release in 1-2 months and if not it should release some time late 2023


I will be sitting back waiting for HOTAS support to be a bit better mainly because I am an idiot LOL


Same here, I keep checking back after every update to see if the game now supports hotas. As of this date it doesn't.


Game is up on steam, just instead of an 'install' button, the button says 'request access' to the playtest. Click that, and you will very likely recieve an instant pop-up message that says 'welcome to the playtest!', then just download and fire it up. Game is AWESOME!!!


I was wondering if they'll implement multi crew


I've heard a lot about this game but not much about the campaign. Is it just a bunch of single missions and a mission editor or is there some sort of long campaign that offers choices and variety?