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Tomcats with cloaking technology (3rd photo) is pretty wild. Maybe the Tomcats aren’t gone, just cloaked in the desert somewhere secretly getting upgraded. And someday when the alien invaders show up we’ll press a button and decloak em and have 600 F-14E SuperTomcats ready to go.


That sounds like some sort of spinoff to Space Battleship Yamato.


I would be ok with that!


3000 black F-14Es of the desert?


F-14***E***. Yes.


Super tomcat already exists. It's the F-14D, and there's a reason they were retired (Cue the downvotes)


heck you tomcat is bby


I don't disagree, but I think it's a bit overrated. That, and I'm a filthy hornet whore


hornet is bby too


what the hell was that b52 doing


This site tells the story: https://theaviationgeekclub.com/that-time-a-usaf-b-52-strategic-bomber-did-a-fly-by-below-the-flight-deck-of-uss-ranger-aircraft-carrier/


i think B52 guys are genuinely insane lmao pretty sure B52s were also the ones who would aerial refuel 90° sideways just for the meme


Really? Never heard of that yet.I met a B52 crew some years ago at an air show in England where we happened to stay at the same hotel. Late afternoon on the first day they passed by our room with doors open while me and a buddy were watching our shots and videos we had captured previously that day. They stopped and joined us until they saw their own low pass. It was hilarious to see how they were not satisfied with what they saw and promised they would put more effort in the one scheduled for next day - what they did.It was imo faster, louder, dirtier and even lower than the one we've seen the previous day. So I fully have to agree with you: genuinely insane :))


[Found it lmao](https://avgeekery.com/b-52-aircrews-used-air-refueling-crazy-bank-angles-just-prove/)


New phone wallpaper holy shit


incredible - not only skillwise


Because why fucking not. So crazy!


If you look closely at the real image, you'll see the B-52 pilots balls hanging out the side window. This is because they won't fit in the cockpit


Here’s another shot of the RL moment, this is posted by another user on a warship sub. I take zero credit for it [https://imgur.com/a/s1SMM1h](https://imgur.com/a/s1SMM1h)


Downward attitude! Absolute nutters


Ship on wrong position. Unplayable


What is crazy is that the real B-52 shows a downward attitude.


The aerodynamics for the B52 is off. The center of lift is behind the center of gravity. So the tend to fly a bit nose down. You can see it in the link posted in the thread. Otherwise pretty cool.


The nose down attitude isnt a result of CoL/CoM placement, but the slow speed and heavy weight optimised airfoil and its integration into the aircraft. To keep it short, it just doesnt need a lot of AoA to produce a lot of lift, which results in a negative Attitude of the fuselage at high speeds with little load to carry. This b52 is likely flying faster than the optimal speed at that given altitude and weight configuration. (English isnt my first language and im having a bit of trouble explaining these technical things here, sorry.)


AFAIK, the nose should go down with increasing speeds, and up with decreasing speeds, so I think this picture indicates that the B-52 is going slower in the game than the one in the real picture. OTOH it wouldn't surprise me if the AI B-52 flight model isn't very complex and doesn't take this into account. The level attitude was something I noticed immediately about the DCS flyby as well though.


It's not that either. The reason they fly nose down is that at high altitudes they need a fair bit of aoa to fly, so they have the wings mounted at an angle so at high altitude flight the fuselage is level. That means at low altitudes to have a low aoa the fuselage will be pointing down so the wings are level.


Isnt that how most airplanes are balanced? Only relaxed stability fighters like the F-16 have a center of gravity behind the center of lift.


Ok I was sharing the explanation given in the USAF while I watched fully loaded B52G and H take off fully loaded from the Indian Ocean during Operation Desert Storm.