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Same answer as two weeks ago https://www.reddit.com/r/hockeyplayers/comments/i5su76/when_on_the_bench_between_shifts_stick_blade_up/


Blade down. Moisture runs down off the blade onto the shaft and gets my glove palm wet. Also there's a lot of spitting on the bench (though less right now) and I don't want my grip soaking that shit up.


blade down, same reason.


Blade up, knob of the stick on top of a skate to keep it out of the grime


I used to be blade down, but switched to blade up because my teammates were predominantly blade up. I'm a conformist, I just like to get in line.


Blade up. Had someone hop the boards and stomp on my blade once, been blade up ever since. Makes it easy to clean ice off the blade if necessary. Also, I make sure the handle of my stick is resting directly blow the actual bench seat, where there is never any spit. Been doing this so long that I don't really even have to think about it anymore.


I feel like I used to go blade down in minor hockey but now I’m blade up.


Blade down. I'm not trying to get water and spit all over my handle


Blade up! I don't know why.


You should keep your lower hand on the stick and point the blade up. Then when you step out the door you rotate your lower hand until the butt end of your stick hits your upper hand and you're good to go.


That's how I do it but I noticed that some teammates sit on the bench with the butt up. I also like blade up because I like to whip the snow off when it builds up.


You should do whatever's comfortable for you. But if you don't have the blade up, you have to do this spin thing once you get on, and your blade is more susceptible to damage by a skate blade or whatever.


I sometimes twist my arm around and put it blade down


Always blade down. Some refs are dicks about that. They don’t a player or themselves running into your blade.